
At the age of 28, someone has just graduated with a PhD and is applying for a job. Some people have not found a career path, muddled do not know what to do; Some people in first-tier cities work from nine to sixty-four thousand yuan a month and are busy watching TV dramas and brushing Douyin after work. Some people have been delayed by the epidemic without business, everywhere worried about children’s milk powder money…..

But there was a 28-year-old who said he was going to retire. Who is he? He’s Guo Yu, a former byteDance senior technologist.

At first glance, this title feels not what awesome character, incidentally searched the resume:

2008: Graduated from High school in Shenzhen, and began to teach myself to write code;

2008-2012: Major in Politics and Administration of Jinan University, skipped classes to write codes;

2011: In my junior year, I was hired by Alipay as an intern

His first job after graduation, qiushibaike, a start-up company, was acquired by ByteDance, which gave him 500,000 options. The rest is history. Bytedance has since grown in value by about 1,000 times and is now valued at $100 billion. You can imagine how much Guo Yu is worth.


This life seems to step on every step on the point, really like the story of the novel, there is the protagonist halo is cow force, open life does not need to explain! It’s not just a sigh, a sigh of fate. I believe that not only bytedance company, looking at the whole Internet than Guo Yu’s high value of people must have a lot, but such as Guo Yu so natural and unashamedness, torrent yong retreat may really few. Life is not only a mere existance, but also poetry and the distant fields, people realize.

Guo Yu was so hot on the search, the first time because of his retirement statement, eye-catching is the wealth of 28 years old free retirement these keywords, this wave of traffic is no problem.

There are a lot of people in the analysis of why Guo Yu will succeed, guo Yu what quality? What did you do right? Some people say that Guo Yu is eager enough, has a strong sense of purpose and knows what he wants. Some people say that he is practical and willing to develop with the company. Others say that he has vision and foresight, and bets on the right treasure. When a person appears at an incredible price, the public will automatically match the tag, which is the cult of success for a wider audience: a person succeeds for a reason and can be replicated. He seems to have found the reason, and if he works hard in that direction, he will succeed sooner or later. It seems that this is the only analysis that makes everyone less ordinary.


Thought of a fable: there lived a group of chickens on the mountain, they feed freely every day, life is very comfortable: one day a chicken found a flag on the cliff, which reads: if you don’t try to fly, you never know whether you are an eagle! Some of the chickens began to worry, thinking: what if it is really an eagle? So I started practicing flying, and then I fell off a cliff and died. At the bottom of the cliff there was a fox who had been waiting for the chicken. Blind faith in success can sometimes lead to self-destruction. Everyone has a different path to take,

Success is defined differently for everyone. In addition to those prominent influencers and lucky winners under the Internet tide, how many ordinary people failed to start their own business and lost their families are unknown. They may think that being an honest laborer, once they are old and enjoy their children and grandchildren, will be better than just one useless trip after another. But who’s to say failure is not an experience? If we take life’s mission as an experience, this is success in a different sense.

Guo Yu is only an example, li Jiaqi and others are also lucky to catch up with the Internet tide. Luck does not mean to deny others’ efforts, but success must be a comprehensive product of the right time, right place and people.

This kind of lucky not everyone has, hard work is just to have this kind of lucky stepping-stone, the world fell pie also can’t hit the lazy people in the house. So there is no need to envy, envy who, do what you want to do, like to do, walk may be the world becomes the color we want, heart as long as there is a place to stay, where there is no world?


Success is never deliberately, no one can be strong to understand the nature, survey trends, predict the future, when Yu Minhong rode a bicycle, everywhere in the campus telegraph post training ads, you will not know new Oriental is now famous nationwide; When Robin Li came back to China to rent a hotel and start his business, he was also advertising jobs. You didn’t know his Baidu would go public in the United States. Many people choose to join new Oriental when they see that Baidu is very profitable. They do not bear the risk that the company may go bankrupt when it starts up. Who can blame the last bus for earning a white-collar gold collar? And the original batch of senior staff, presumably not holding the original intention of big money later to join it! It is said that When Goole was only a dozen at the beginning, a chef joined and cooked for them. Ten years later, Goole was listed by tens of thousands of people. He was still a chef who could not do anything else, but his share of the stock was 20 million dollars. All is in the hands of fate. If you’re not the chosen one, be an ordinary person. The rich depend on fate, and the small rich depend on struggle. What I fear most is that I always think I am very good, and do something that seems to be good, but in fact, it is messed up without the support of facts. He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is wise.

Does the story end there? No, this is just the beginning for him, a whole new life ahead of him, so what do we do now? They say we suffer at this age, and we shouldn’t suffer. The post-90s basically have assets and liabilities, spend and borrow, and have a lot of credit cards. They feel they can’t go on even before their life begins. Of course you don’t deserve it, but do you have any idea how much your family does for you when you go shopping in college, when you go shopping for dinner, when you leave behind. Do not choose the ease at the age of the struggle, do not miss the opportunity, do not regret when it is too late. How many people in the world are defeated by three words: could have!

Since I’ve been a programmer all my life, I’d like to give you some advice:

20-27 years old: skill accumulation stage

Assuming you graduated from college at the age of 22, your first five years on the job are the groundwork. During these 5 years, you need to accumulate enough code to hone your technical strength and become an expert in a specific technical niche.

28-35 years: the formation of thinking methodology and knowledge system stage

When you accumulate enough code, for example, more than 100,000 lines of code, you should form your own thinking methodology and independent learning skills. Any new technology in your eyes can quickly see the essence of the technology and quickly absorb it into your knowledge system.

At this stage, you will find that you do not understand the new technology and new knowledge is very little, new technology is just a few days for you to play with a good toy, learning more and more relaxed, master more and more knowledge reserve.

You start thinking more and more about how to transform technology into productivity. What technology can be most valuable in what context; How the technical team should be structured; How can I get the most out of my technical skills in a company?

At this stage, accumulating skills is a piece of cake for you, but you need to hone your thinking skills and develop your own thinking methods and knowledge system, which will help you throughout your life.

After 35 years old: the stage of understanding oneself and realizing oneself

Needless to say, your first-line coding skills will definitely decline after the age of 35. You can’t write code as fast and efficiently as a 25-year-old programmer. But it doesn’t matter, because programming is the least important part of your Arsenal. Your experience, your vision, your architectural skills, your management skills, and your analytical and problem-solving skills extend far beyond the technical realm.

When you are confused, do not know what to do, just study, study is the proof that you keep running, is you are dissatisfied with the present life, but also willing to fight against the traces of struggle. These are my direction of struggle, will never lose direction!

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Finally: need these two Android senior engineer system study notes can click [study] group folder for yourself!

You know, there are people in the world who are living the life you want. Come on!