
To design a microservices cloud architecture that can support companies around the world, you need to understand microservices architecture.

Microservices have become increasingly popular since Dubbo was replaced by Spring Cloud. Spring Cloud Alibaba is the second-generation implementation of Spring Cloud produced by Alibaba, which is the solution and essence of Ali micro-service. It is widely used in the industry, and the use of micro-service is the general trend.

In recent years micro service is the interview of the high frequency ask point, almost as long as you go to an Internet company is the question will be asked!

Recently, a friend of mine went to byteDance for an interview and experienced the feeling of being completely abused!

The specific situation

The friend was slightly ashamed: The interviewer had given him some hints, but he was not well prepared and his answer was not ideal. Seata, Nacos, Sentinel, Eureka, etc., all of which he had worked on in his job, he didn’t expect the interviewer to ask him so much. 1. How can the registry of microservices better prevent concurrent read/write conflicts?

2. Have you learned about Eureka registry multi-level cache architecture?

3. How does Nacos support access to millions of service instances within Alibaba?

4. Do you know how to design Nacos high concurrency asynchronous registration architecture?

5. How is the Sentinel underlying sliding time window current limiting algorithm implemented?

6. How to calculate real-time QPS of Sentinel system?

7. How is Seata Distributed Transaction Coordination Manager implemented?

8. How is Seata distributed transaction consistency lock designed?

How is the Seata distributed transaction rollback mechanism implemented?

10. How to implement Raft protocol, the underlying class of Nacos cluster CP architecture?

11. Do nacos, Eureka and Zookeeper cluster architectures all have brain-splitting problems?

12. How to design a microservices cloud architecture that can support the use of companies around the world?

It is called 12 soul torture, there is no doubt that friends were abused!

The content about

After reading this, you may think that Internet companies are now so strict interview? What I want to tell you is, there is no mistake! And even more! As far as I know, if you can answer half of them, you’re barely passing. If you can answer all 12 of these questions, you should be a technical bull! Can rest assured to cast big factory resume!

But if you can’t answer all of these questions, I suggest you check out this list of key Java interview tips for top Internet companies!

This core knowledge of Java interview for a first-line Internet company covers a wide range of content, especially for micro services, which includes many first-line Internet interview questions and practical tutorials, the specific content is as follows:


Detailed explanation of the micro service architecture of 100 million traffic e-commerce website

2, Nacos registry to achieve e-commerce micro service separation practice

3. Ribbon Multi-instance service Load Balancing

4, Sentinel service high availability current limiting fuse downgrade actual combat

5. Distributed transaction Seata practice under microservices architecture

6. Routing & Traffic limiting & Security authentication Gateway

7, Nacos distributed configuration center details

Pinpoint service call link tracking details

9, microservices automation monitoring Prometheus&Grafana details

Ali jingdong back-end micro services in Taiwan architecture practice


1. In-depth analysis of Nacos service registration and discovery source code

Nacos heartbeat mechanism and service health check source code analysis

3. How does the Nacos registry prevent concurrent read/write collisions

4. Nacos high concurrency supports the analysis of asynchronous tasks and memory queues

5. Source code analysis of Raft protocol implementation of Nacos cluster CP architecture

6. Analyze the similarities and differences of Nacos&Eureka&Zookeeper architectures from the perspective of split brain

7, Ali Cloud super scale registry SaaS architecture analysis

8. In-depth analysis of Sentinel underlying sliding time window current limiting algorithm

9. Use Metric mechanism of Sentinel to calculate real-time QPS of online system

Seata distributed transaction rollback mechanism analysis


1. Detailed explanation of distributed transactions in microservices architecture

2, ten minutes of fast combat Ali distributed transaction framework Seata

3. Design AT model architecture and data model in Seata

4, Seata transaction manager implementation principle detailed explanation

5, Seata global transaction and branch transaction source code analysis

6, Seata data source agent extension source code analysis

7, Seata transaction isolation level underlying source code analysis

8, Seata transaction timeout, two phase failure solution source analysis

9. Analysis of performance difference between AT mode and TCC mode in production environment

Microservices covers that much in a single chapter, as well as other interview questions, which are detailed below


If you are not too confident about your micro service this piece, feel that their grasp of the content is not enough to let you face the Internet company, then the core knowledge of the Internet company Java interview you must get, whether it is micro service this piece, or other knowledge points. Summary is very detailed, get whether they are used to check gaps, or interview surprise, are very effective, the key is this core knowledge point is now free to get! As long as you pay attention to my public number, you can get free access to the core knowledge of the first-line Internet company Java interview!