Time dimension

July 5th – July 11th

Task Completion Progress

Self – technical progress summary

50% (expected to share 2 iOS underlying technical articles, 1 has been completed)

Morning reading schedule

100% currently reading the Beauty of Programming, skimming 10 pages a day (130-200 pages this week)

Progress of physical strength improvement

66% (Expected Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2-3 road run in the morning, after running on Wednesday, my knee hurt again, I feel I can’t run after living so many years)

Technical learning Outcomes

Output 1 article of iOS underlying technology:

  1. 012- Application loading (Part 1)

Sports results

Schedule of the week


  1. Get up at 6:30
  2. 6:50 ~ 7:30 in the morning run
  3. 7:40 ~ 8:00 morning reading
  4. 8:10 ~ 8:20 take a bath
  5. 9:00 ~ 21:00 working hours
  6. 22:00 ~ 3:00 technical collation, output article time


  1. Get up at 7:00 a.m.
  2. 7:10 ~ 7:40 morning reading
  3. Take a shower from 7:40 to 8:00
  4. 9:00 ~ 19:00 working hours
  5. 20:00 ~ 21:30 test
  6. 21:30 ~ 23:00 Review of exam mistakes


  1. Get up at 6:30
  2. 6:50 ~ 7:30 in the morning run
  3. (Because Shanghai morning is really too hot, heatstroke, ask for a day off)
  4. 20:00 ~ 23:00 Technical learning


  1. “Get out of bed
  2. 7:30 ~ 8:00 morning reading
  3. Take a shower from 8:00 to 8:30
  4. 9:30 ~ 19:00 working hours
  5. 20:00 ~ 23:30 Technical review


  1. 7:30 ~ 8:00 morning reading
  2. 9:00 ~ 19:00 working hours
  3. 20:00 ~ 23:00 Technical learning


  1. Get up from the
  2. 8:10 ~ 8:30 morning reading
  3. 10:00 ~ 13:00 looking for a house, to move again
  4. From 13:00 to 13:45, I had a pleasant lunch with my daughter-in-law in KFC
  5. 14:00 ~ 18:30 attended WWDC



  1. Get up at 9
  2. I have to say, byte’s air conditioning is great. I got a cold when I got home
  3. All day fishing, eating, sleeping, playing beans, not doing anything serious
  4. 21:00 ~ 22:10 went to jing ‘an apartment to see the house, was fooled, did not see

Self summary

This week is extremely bad, the exercise index is not completed, the technical finishing index is not completed, Monday and Tuesday normal completion of the task. Wednesday was ended, the beginning of this week end, knee injury on Monday when running is reflected, but took no notice, grind up, on Wednesday morning is washed-up, adhere to the 2 km, knee pain, and on Wednesday morning the temperature is really high, dry heat for me directly, this day directly scrap, didn’t go to work, rest at home for a day, sleep a whole day, I ordered a takeout lunch and ate it with a pillow, just like brother Two. Or maybe it’s just that you’ve been too tired recently, and your body has sent a signal to rest. This time for me is a bit of a struggle, but, quite a stand, the past is a hero.


salon on Saturday, the feeling is really quite deep, first of all, Alibaba’s technical expert Peng Yutang, analysis of WWDC Async/Await, focusing on the analysis of application scenarios, comparison with the past, actor keywords, pay attention to the case explanation, This will give you a more complete understanding of WWDC’s session. Of course, iOS15 only supports this, which is a bad meme. Roc Zhang, currently working at Paypel, talked about how to be a good individual developer and what to do. He explained in 6 aspects what an individual developer needs to do to develop an app. Which six (I forgot) gave me a lot of inspiration. Set a flag here (secretly) and spend the next six months developing an App and releasing it to the AppStore. The third student is Huang Zhijie from Trump Technology. He is a very slow and hot student. I feel that his speech can calm you down and slow down the pace.

Finally make me this field the most shocking share or B station big guy guy guy guy guy guy guy guy guy guy zhang Xinzheng, must open a paragraph to introduce. First of all do not talk about the content, feel his speech voice is very B station, a bit like cartoon characters. In fact, the content is really hardcore, how to solve all kinds of weird and strange problems that make you both love and hate Xcode, I have to say, B station technology stack is really strong, using the way of another, using Bazel, bypass Xcode guy, through the tool directly package IPA, there is another point I have to admire, Station B uses cache to publish release packages. I dare say very few companies would dare to do that. That’s amazing. I’m on my knees.

Another problem we face this month is finding a house. It is really difficult to find a desirable house in Shanghai now. It is graduation season and the rent is still rising, which makes it harder for poor families. In addition, the weather was extremely hot, with an average of 35 degrees Celsius. In another dimension, intermediary students are really hard, they do so every day, although it is their job, but I have to say, with these lovely servers, life should be better.

Reverence every post, respect every worker.

Give yourself a 30 this week

  • The overall situation this week has been terrible, and it’s possible that you really need a little break, of course, that’s the excuse
  • It is really good to attend the technology salon. I recommend all students to attend it if they have the chance. It may change your values