1, the preface
Recently in writing a small program, using the wx. UploadFile method, found that this method does not support the simultaneous upload of multiple files, so I wrote a upload multiple methods.
2, the demand for
Bloggers do user complaints page; The requirement is that the user uploads a maximum of three pictures, and finally submits the pictures and text together with user information to the server;
3. Solutions
The blogger’s solution is to define a recursive function that recursively calls wx.uploadFile to upload, and ends recursion when all is done.
4. Code presentation
The data in this.data
/** * initial data for the page */
data: {
imgs: [].// Upload a list of images
imgPath: [].// Successfully uploaded image path
Copy the code
Upload image code
// Upload a photo
chooseImg (e) {
const _this = this;
let imgs = this.data.imgs;
let imgNumber = this.data.imgs.length;// The number of images uploaded
if(imgNumber >= 3){
FN.Toast("Exceeded number of uploads");
return false;
imgNumber = 3 - imgNumber;
wx.chooseImage({// Open the local album and select the image
count: imgNumber,
sizeType: ['original'.'compressed'].sourceType: ['album'.'camera'],
success (res) {
const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths;
for(let i = 0; i < tempFilePaths.length; i++){ imgs.push(tempFilePaths[i]); } _this.setData({// Assign a value to echo the photo
imgs: imgs
let successUp = 0; / / success
let failUp = 0; / / fail
let count = 0; / / how many copies
let length = tempFilePaths.length; / / the total number of
_this.recursionUploading(tempFilePaths, successUp, failUp, count, length);// Call the upload method}})},Copy the code
Recursive upload method
// Upload images recursively
recursionUploading(imgPaths, successUp, failUp, count, length){
var _this = this;
title: 'Uploading the first' + count + '张'}); wx.uploadFile({url: `${app.globalData.baseURL}/ API interface address '.filePath: imgPaths[count],
formData: {userId:app.globalData.userMsg.userId
name: "uploadImage".header: {
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
success (e) {
let path = _this.data.imgPath;
let obj = e.data;
if(obj.status === "y"){
successUp++;/ / success + 1
fail (e) {
failUp++;/ / + 1 failure
complete (e) {
count++;/ / the next
if(count == length){
FN.Toast('Upload successful${successUp}`)}else{
// Recursive call, upload the next one_this.recursionUploading(imgPaths, successUp, failUp, count, length); }}})},Copy the code
A larger preview
// Preview the larger image
lookBigImg (e) {
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;/ / index
let big = this.data.imgs[index];
current: big, // HTTP link for the current display image
urls: this.data.imgs // List of HTTP links for images to preview})},Copy the code
If you think it is helpful, I am @pengduo, welcome to like and follow the comments; END
The articles
- Simple JS+CSS web page custom skin
- DataUrl is converted to File and URL to base64
- Wechat apPLETS API interaction custom encapsulation
Personal home page
- GitHub
- Jane’s book
- Blog garden
- The Denver nuggets