Introduction of the useExtendedLib extension library

1. Add weUI plug-in in wechat public platform Settings

Settings -> Third-party Settings -> Plug-in Management -> Add plug-ins

2. Add the following content to the global app.json file

"useExtendedLib": {
    "weui": true
Copy the code

3. Add the component name to the PAGE JSON file you want to reference (no need to import in WXSS)

  "usingComponents": {
    "mp-uploader": "weui-miniprogram/uploader/uploader"
Copy the code

4. Use it as a base component in WXML

  <mp-uploader max-count="5"></mp-uploader>
Copy the code

Second, NPM construction

1, NPM init, the default press enter, will get package.json file

npm init
Copy the code

2. Install weUI dependencies

npm i weui-miniprogram -S --production
Copy the code

3. In developer Tools, go to Tools -> Build NPM and get a new folder miniProjram_npm

4. In developer Tools, choose Details > Local Settings > Select Use NPM module

5. Introduce the WeUI component library style in global app.wXSS

@import './miniprogram_npm/weui-miniprogram/weui-wxss/dist/style/weui.wxss';
Copy the code

6. Add the component name to the PAGE JSON file that you want to reference

  "usingComponents": {
    "mp-uploader": "weui-miniprogram/uploader/uploader"
Copy the code

7. Use it as a base component in WXML

  <mp-uploader max-count="5"></mp-uploader>
Copy the code