Don’t want to listen to my bullshit, directly look at the official: wechat official documents:…

Note before development: we need to use StreamReader


If we find that our users send link information to the public account. We’re dealing with the link information.

First let’s take a look at the official documentation.

<xml><ToUserName>< ![CDATA[toUser] ]></ToUserName><FromUserName>< ![CDATA[fromUser] ]></FromUserName><CreateTime>1351776360</CreateTime><MsgType>< ![CDATA[link] ]></MsgType><Title><! [CDATA[link to official website of public platform]]></Title><Description><! [CDATA[link to official website of public platform]]></Description><Url>< ![CDATA[url] ]></Url><MsgId>1234567890123456</MsgId></xml>
Copy the code
parameter describe
ToUserName Receiver’s wechat signal
FromUserName If the sender is an ordinary user, it is an OpenID
CreateTime Message creation time
MsgType Message type, link
Title News headlines
Description Message description
Url News link
MsgId The message ID is a 64-bit integer

Now let’s talk about development

Here are some of the rules wechat gave us

We are now going to use these rules to get what we want.

Step 1: Get that string of XML. This is the most important, because without this XML, we have nothing. (Our source of information is this XML.)

Here I use StreamReader to get Request.Body

Because XML is mostly in Request.Body

// Declare an XML convenience call
string xml="";
// Get our stream
var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body);
// Read the XML from the stream.
var contentFromBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
// Save it into our string for later use
xml = contentFromBody;
Copy the code

We read the information in the XML and turn it into our wechat message object.

Here? I borrowed the code from a big guy:

Several classes that specialize in handling wechat messages

The first class: MessageFromWeiXin:

The second class:


I’m not going to show these two classes. You can go to a few articles to see, if you don’t want to turn over the article, please leave your email, or directly contact me

With these two classes, we have a lot of work to do. If you find any errors, it’s because of the string extension class. Leave the mailbox if you need it. This thing is too long. It is not good to send, but we should all understand, their own write a set.

Use the method in the second class above to convert: XmlToMessageFromWeiXin

We get our MSG object

We have msgType in this object, and the type enumeration is for each event.

We’ll write a switch to separate them. Different events are processed in different branches.

/// <summary>
///Receive messages from wechat
/// </summary>
public string Post(string xml)
    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter message processing");
    var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body);
    var contentFromBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
    xml = contentFromBody;

        var msg = ResponseClient.XmlToMessageFromWeiXin(xml);
        var Response = "";
        switch (msg.MsgType)
                var link = (LinkMessageFromWeiXin)msg;
                // Our link is mainly the message Title; Message Description; Message link Url
                System.Console.WriteLine($" Message title:{link.Title}\n Message description:{link.Description}\n Message link:{link.Url}\n");
                Response = "
       + link.FromUserName +
       + link.ToUserName +
                               "]]></FromUserName> <CreateTime>" +
                               ResponseClient.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now) +
      , address:"+link.Url+"[]></Content> </ XML >"; break; } return Response; // return "success"; } catch (Exception ex) { return "error"; }}Copy the code


If you don’t understand or need code, please leave your email address

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