Summary: On May 14, 2021, an important announcement was made in the App Developer world: In order to improve user experience, the WeChat open platform will no longer provide “small program open App technical service” from May 20, 2021 (later extended to May 27, 2021). Now the only way to open an App from WeChat is to invoke an App from the H5 page.

On May 14, 2021, an important announcement was made in the App developer world: In order to improve the user experience, the WeChat Open Platform will no longer provide the “Mini Program Open App Technical Service” from May 20, 2021 (later extended to May 27, 2021). This means that in the future, the Mini Program opened through the scene value 1036 (sharing card from the App) will not be able to open the App. This is a bad news for the majority of APP developers, in the past can be shared from the APP small program, small program to arouse APP drainage way has been banned.

Is there any new drainage method in APP? Sharing fission is the lowest cost and the best effective way for the existing APPs. The huge user traffic of WeChat has always been a resource that App operators want to take advantage of, and operators need to find other ways to bring new apps to life. Now the only way to open the App from WeChat is to invoke the App on the H5 page. This is also the reason why a lot of APP shares to WeChat have been changed to H5 recently, such as Weibo, B station, etc.

Based on the changes made by Weibo in response to the new policy of WeChat, this article introduces how to combine small programs, H5 and APP in the future to achieve the maximum effect of attracting new and promoting vitality.

First, the new changes of H5 sharing terminal are adopted on Weibo

Previously: app-> applet ->App

Previously, sharing micro-blog content with WeChat friends from micro-blog APP was in the form of small programs. When you open the micro-blog mini-program page and click the “Open App” button, you can choose to evoke the specified page of micro-blog APP and direct the flow of APP through the mini-program:

Now: app-> H5-> APP and app-> H5-> applets

Since the new policy can no longer evoke apps, Weibo has changed its strategy, from App sharing to WeChat friends to H5 pages. When you open the H5 page, you can see that there are two obvious buttons at the bottom. One is “Open in Weibo” and the other is “Open in Mini Programs”.

Click the “Open in Weibo” button. If you have installed Weibo, you can directly evoke the specified page of Weibo APP:

Click the “Open in the applet” button to directly evoke the specified page of the microblogging applet:

Therefore, we can conclude that Weibo's latest WeChat policy, from the previous app-> applet ->App, is now split into app-> H5->App form and app-> H5-> applet form. The two paths lead users to APP and mini-program, respectively, and guide the flow of Weibo APP and mini-program, depending on which button the user chooses to click. Let's go into detail about the techniques used and the characteristics behind these two approaches.

Second, with the help of Deeplink, it can quickly jump from H5 to APP

The technology used for evoking APP by H5 page is Deeplink technology. On the mobile end, Deeplink can directly jump from H5 page to the function of APP specified page. For example, you can share an H5 page in the App with your WeChat friends. If your friends click this link, they can directly open the corresponding details page of the App instead of the homepage of the App. If your friend has not downloaded the APP, it will be redirected to the APP download page. After installation and startup, it can still be redirected to the specified APP page. This can greatly shorten the user path, reduce the user churn rate. Therefore, Deeplink function is widely used in many industry APP new promotion and other scenarios,

Since Deeplink technology has evolved over the years, there are different versions of Deeplink technology for different operating systems. The two most common Deeplink technologies are described below

1. The URL Scheme method

Prior to iOS 9 and Android 10 (M), the way to implement Deeplink on mobile was through the URL Scheme. Scheme://host:port/path? Query = XXXXXXX.

Scheme: represents the initial position in a URL, that is, the character before ://. We can use Scheme to locate the corresponding App. For example, Taobao’s Scheme is Taobao, Alipay’s Scheme is Alipay, and sinaweibo’s Scheme is SinaWeibo.

Path: Represents the specified page to which you want to jump

Query: Represents the parameter that you want to pass.

The advantage of URL Scheme is that it is simple to implement, but it also has the following two disadvantages:

Disadvantage 1: WeChat, Weibo, hand 100 banned most of the APP Scheme.

If your domain name is not in WeChat whitelist (whitelist function is not open to the public, generally only Tencent APP can be in the whitelist). Since there is only URL Scheme in Android terminal, most of the Android terminal of APP cannot directly evoke APP through H5 page in WeChat at present. At present, there are two solutions:

Guide the user to open the H5 page in the browser through the browser opening form in the upper right corner, which can directly evoke the App. The advantage of this approach is that the browser has no restriction on the URL Scheme, while the disadvantage is that it increases the step of opening the browser in the upper right corner of the user

Another solution is to connect to Tencent’s App Store and invoke the App through the App store or jump to the App download page. The advantage of this approach is that the user does not need to open the App from the browser, even if it is not in the WeChat whitelist.

The disadvantage is that this method must rely on Tencent App Bao, if the user has not installed the app Bao, then the evocation method will be invalid, and WeChat will guide the user to install the app Bao first

Disadvantage 2: When trying to open the App on the H5 page, the browser will pop up a prompt box: “Open X App”.

When the URL Scheme opens the APP, it needs to let the user click to confirm once, which increases the user’s use process

2. The Universal link method

Universal Link is a new Deeplink method introduced by Apple in 2015. Users with iOS9 and above can click an HTTPS link to seamlessly redirect to a specific page within an App. If the user does not have the App installed, it will be redirected to the download page of the App. The Universal Link approach is better than the URL Scheme approach, because there is no need for the user to click OK to open the App in the middle, and there is no need for the user to jump in the upper right corner to open the jump through Safari. At present, domestic WeChat has already supported the jump in the form of Universal Link, so it is more direct and convenient to invoke APP in the form of Universal Link on the iOS end.

Third, arouse small program through H5

Microblog currently also supports through the H5 page to arouse the small program, H5 page to arouse the principle of small program is very simple: WeChat official provided H5 page to jump WeChat small program ability. Developers need to determine the environment in which to use a specific way to jump applet:

If in the WeChat webpage environment, then use the open label to jump to the applet, through the open label to open the applet scene value is 1167

For example, in the environment outside WeChat, the URL Scheme is used to jump to the applet. In the upper right corner of WeChat management background, “Tools” – “Generate URL Scheme”, fill in the page path of applet and start the Query parameter, then the URL Scheme of applet can be generated. The scenario value for opening the applet through the URL Scheme is 1065.

Specific implementation can refer to WeChat open platform [H5 jump small program] document

Fourth, clever use of tools, easy to achieve a key to arouse

In front of us, we have introduced how to realize the H5 page to evoke the APP specified page and realize the H5 page to evoke the small program specified page method, although developers can configure their own implementation of Deeplink technology, but in reality, there will be many problems. For example, resources allocation, compatibility and adaptation, new fuzzy matching, index statistics and other things will cost a lot of manpower and maintenance costs, and it is quite complicated to achieve. Therefore, many developers will take the use of third-party Link tools to quickly realize the H5 page evocative APP function, greatly reducing the development time and ensuring service stability.

For example, Umong + U-Link, a leading third-party comprehensive data service provider in China, not only provides a new function of one-button evocation/one-button pull of the APP, but also can transfer the parameters of the user to install/open the APP, which can be applied to the subsequent installation of the invitation code without filling in, automatic identification of social relations and other business scenarios. In addition, through the split change activity/sub-channel statistics and the combination of Youmeng + mobile statistics U-APP, the follow-up registration, payment, retention and other data of APP users can be counted, and the data of each activity can be used for secondary processing and analysis. Follow-up will support the H5 page to evoke small program specified page function, reduce the human cost of the developer’s own configuration.

U-Link is suitable for social fission sharing, advertising, short message marketing and other scenarios. For example, combining U-Link with U-Share products of Friends + social sharing can quickly realize the function of APP sharing to WeChat and then back to APP from WeChat, and can also count the social sharing relationship chain within APP/WeChat. For example, User A shares the H5 page from the App to User B in WeChat, User B shares it to User C, User C shares it to User D, and finally User D instributes the App and jumps to the specified page. We can calculate that user D is A->, B-> and C, three people fissenting and pulling newcomers. This function is applicable to scenarios such as APP pulling new invitations, rewards and key sharing KOL user statistics.

An information APP uses U-Link to realize the functions of one-button evocation and one-button pull of the APP, which are used for sharing fission, advertising and short message marketing. At present, 49% of all new users of APP every day are brought by sharing on WeChat, QQ and other platforms, 26% are recalled by sending short messages to lost users, and 6% are installed by clicking on advertising cards. Thus it can be seen that sharing fission is the lowest cost, the best effect of new pull a way.

A reading App using U – App is a key to achieve the Link arousal and a key new features, and is used to share the fission scenario, the App now every day all the new users, 67% of the new user comes from the share to WeChat fission, and also one of the most important purpose is statistics user specific sources, avoid users blocked by application market. This is because the developers have uploaded different channel packs on different H5 pages to distinguish which page the user is coming from. However, because the app market often blocks the installation of APK packages, which leads users to the app market to install them, the source of channel packages is not accurate. After using U-Link, each page has its own channel to release links, and U-Link can be attributed to the specific source through fuzzy matching and other methods, which has nothing to do with the channel package installed by users. According to the statistics, only 50% of users on a certain page in WeChat directly downloaded the APK package, and 50% of customers were blocked by the application market and installed in different application markets. In this way, U-Link can break through the blockage of the traditional application market.

WeChat policy change to operating personnel should use other ways to pull new App promote function, in order to make full use of WeChat huge user traffic, we believe the future will have more and more, like weibo App, share the style of the WeChat into H5, through the guidance of H5 page arouse the App/download App, reduce user path, improve the user experience. Of course, there is also the way that the H5 page evokes small programs to guide the flow of small programs. Different industries and different scenarios should adopt different specific practices, so as to maximize the effect of operation activities such as pull new and promote life.

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