• Wechat mini program mpvue+vantUI+ Flyio +vuex into the pit (1)
  • Wechat mini program mpvue+vantUI+ Flyio +vuex into the pit (2)

After a long time to update, one is quite busy, and is not know what to introduce, recently a small partner asked me, how to authentication and so on, I will share my authentication.

The project structure

First look at the project structure

├ ─ ─ the build# webpack file, configuration parameters, packaged code stored here.├ ─ ─ the configThe basic configuration file for the vue project├ ─ ─ node_modulesDependencies installed in the project├ ─ ─ the SRC# source code folder└ ─ ─ APIRequest interface file└ ─ ─ the components# Place individual VUE component files└ ─ ─ pages# Each page file└ ─ ─ storeProject status management file, including login, user information and token, etc└ ─ ─ style# Project public style└ ─ ─ utils# project public js file└ ─ ─ app. Json# Applet app.json└ ─ ─ App. Vue# app.vue component, project entry file└ ─ ─ the main jsThe core entry file for the project├ ─ ─ the staticStatic resource directory, such as images, fonts, etc└ ─ ─ images# Login encryption profile├ ─ ─ babelrcVue development requires Babel compilation├ ─ ─ editorconfigEdit the environment configuration file├ ─ ─ eslintignore# eslint checks ignored files├ ─ ─. Eslintrc. Js# eslint checks configuration files├ ─ ─ gitignoreGit ignores files├ ─ ─. Postcssrc. Js# CSS configuration file, automatically complete the browser CSS prefix├ ─ ─ index. HTML# Home page, project entry file├ ─ ─ package. JsonProject profile, which describes project information and dependencies├ ─ ─ the README, mdProject description document, Markdown format
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The use of Vuex

First, install vuex

npm install vuex -S
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Create the store

Once the Store directory is created, use Vuex just like a normal VUE project

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import user from './modules/user'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {
  state: {
    count: 0
  mutations: {
    increment: (state) => {
      const obj = state
      obj.count += 1
    decrement: (state) => {
      const obj = state
      obj.count -= 1

export default store
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Mount store to Vue

Configure what to do for state management

My token information is stored in the user, the use of small program storage to do persistent

const user = {
  state: {
    token: mpvue.getStorageSync('token'),
    userinfo: mpvue.getStorageSync('user')
  mutations: {
    SET_TOKEN: (state, token) => {
      state.token = token
    SET_USER: (state, user) => {
      state.userinfo = user
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$store.state.user.token = $store.state.user.token = $store.state.user.token = $store.state.token = $store.state.user.token = $store.state.token = $store.state.token = $store.state.token This.$store.state.user.token is also available in js. MapState is also available

import { mapState } from 'vuex'

exportdefault { computed: { ... mapState({ userinfo: state => state.user.userinfo }) } }Copy the code

Configure apiconfig to request data authentication

Let’s first introduce store

import store from '@/store'
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Request to intercept

Intercepting requests, as we talked about earlier in flyio

/ / add request interceptor fly. Interceptors. Request. Use (config = > {const token = store. State. The user. The token. / / the console log (token) / / Add custom header config.headers[to all requests'token'] = token
  if (config.headers['Content-Type']! = ='application/json') {config.body = qs.stringify(config.body)} // The interceptor returns Request by default if there is no return valuereturn config
}, error => {
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Authentication interception of the response

If the token is invalid at this time, you should not let the user know and log in secretly

letReqCount = 0 / / response blocker fly. The interceptors. Response. Use (async response = > {/ / / / agree with some response code statedoSthing // only returns the data field of the request result to console.log(response, response.request) // To check whether there is a response. If the token is invalid or has expired, enter the following methodif (response.data && response.data.code === '00000'ReqCount += 1 reqCount += 1 reqCount += 1 reqCount += 1if (reqCount < 3) {
        let data = await store.dispatch('wxLogin').then(async () => {// After successful login, reinitiate the previous request to get data, returnlet res = await fly.request(response.request).then(res => res)
            reqCount = 0
            return res
    } else {
          url: '/pages/login'})}return data
  } else {
    returnResponse.data}}, (err) => {wx.getNetworkType({success: res => {console.log(res))if (res.networkType === 'none') {
          title: 'Current network is not available, please check your network Settings',
          icon: 'none',
          duration: 2000
      } else {
          title: 'Server busy, please try again later',
          icon: 'none', duration: 2000})}}}) console.log(err)}),Copy the code

Applets authorization judgment

Since mpvue is accessed from app. vue, I write authorization in app. vue

mountedGetSetting ({success: (res) => {// If there is no authorization, go to the login authorization page and ask him to authorizeif (res.authSetting['scope.userInfo'] === undefined) {
          if (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.path ! = ='/pages/login') {
              url: '/pages/login'
            return false}}else if (res.authSetting['scope.userInfo'] !== undefined && res.authSetting['scope.userInfo']! = =true) {
          console.log('Denial of Authorization')}else {
          // console.log('Authorized') // If the user is authorized to log in to this interface, the user can log in to this interface.$store.dispatch('wxLogin').then(() => {// Determine the page on which the current login action takes place. If it is the login authorization page, go to the home page; otherwise, stay on the current pageif (this.$router.currentRoute && this.$router.currentRoute.path === '/pages/login') {
                url: '/pages/index'
      fail: res => {
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