Taking UNI-App as an example, this paper introduces wechat applets login, payment (applets, wechat H5, non-wechat H5) instant request encryption method
WeChat login
Wechat has adjusted the API for obtaining user information, so it is not recommended to use the @getUserInfo method of Button and call getUserProfile API of DOM click to obtain user information.
tips: Call getUserProfile to decrypt userInfo information may refresh session_key, so the new code will fail to decrypt, so you need to use the previous code, here we use a simple way, wx.login in the show hook, each authorization is called again. Ensure that the decryption code used to decrypt the message is the same as that used to encrypt it.
<button @tap="getWxUserinfo">WeChat login</button>
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export default {
data() {
return {
wxCode: null}},onShow() {
methods: {
/ / get wxCode
getCode(callback) {
success: res= > {
this.wxCode = res.code
callback && callback(res.code)
// Get user information
getWxUserinfo() {
desc: 'To improve user profile'.success: res= > {
title: 'Logging in'.mask: true
this.getCode(code= > {
const data = {
code: this.wxCode,
iv: res.iv,
encryptedData: res.encryptedData
// Initiate a login request
url: '/api/login'.method: 'POST'.success: res= > {
// Login succeeded
fail: err= > {
// Failed to obtain information
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Wechat mini program payment
Uni.requestpayment () = uni.requestPayment(); uni.requestPayment() = uni.requestPayment(); uni.requestPayment() = uni.requestPayment()
success: res= > {
url: '/api/wxpay'.method: 'POST'.data: {
code: res.code,
order_id: 'order id'.// Example of background interface parameters
pay_type: 'wxpay'.// Example of background interface parameters
success: res= > {
// The returned data is a JSON string, which is converted into an object
const result = JSON.parse(res.data.pay_data)
provider: 'wxpay'.timeStamp: result.timeStamp,
nonceStr: result.nonceStr,
package: result.package,
signType: result.signType,
paySign: result.paySign,
success: res= > {
// The payment was successful
console.log('success:' + JSON.stringify(res))
fail: err= > {
// Payment failed
console.log('fail:' + JSON.stringify(err))
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H5 Payment (wechat browser /JSPAI)
Access code
Get the code when you log in, the background gets the openId and stores it, and then the background doesn’t need to get it where it’s used (it doesn’t expire)
let appid = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
let url = 'https://xxx.xxxx.xxx'
let redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(url)// Call back the page address
window.location.href = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=" + appid + "&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri + "&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=STATE#wechat_redirect"
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Encapsulate the H5 payment code
** * Pay * URL background order interface address * data order parameter * callback callback function */const payH5 = {
onBridgeReady: function(url, data, callback) {
method: 'POST',
success(res) {
// The data returned by the background is a string
const result_H5 = JSON.parse(res.data.pay_data)
'getBrandWCPayRequest', {
"appId": result_H5.appId, // The public id is passed in by the merchant
"timeStamp": result_H5.timeStamp, // Timestamp, the number of seconds since 1970
"nonceStr": result_H5.nonceStr, / / random string
"package": result_H5.package,
"signType": result_H5.signType, // wechat signature:
"paySign": result_H5.paySign // Wechat signature
function(res) {
if (res.err_msg == "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok") {
callback && callback('Payment successful')}else {
callback && callback('Payment failure')}}); },fail(err) {
console.log('Network error:', err)
doPay(url, $params, callback) {
if (typeof WeixinJSBridge == "undefined") {
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady'.this.onBridgeReady, false);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent('onWeixinJSBridgeReady'.this.onBridgeReady); }}else {
this.onBridgeReady(url, $params, callback)
export default payH5
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Pay for calls
Import this file to the desired page or mount it to the Vue prototype (described here in uni-app)
/ / introduction:
import H5Pay from './api/h5Pay.js' // H5Pay.doPay(url,params,callback)
export default {
methods: {
order_id: order_id,/ / order number
pay_type: ' '.// Payment method
function(msg) {
// Payment results
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H5 Payment (non-wechat built-in browser)
Window.location. href = mwev_URL + redirect_URI (” redirect_URI “=” redirect_URI “) The URL requires encodeURIComponent encoding
dopayWeb() { // Non-wechat browser payment
url: '/api/h5pay'.method: 'POST'.data: {
order_id: 'order id'.// Example of background interface parameters
pay_type: 'wxpay'.// Example of background interface parameters
success(res) {
const url = res.pay_url
const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(url)
window.location.href = url + "&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri
fail(err) {
console.log('Network error')}})},Copy the code
Distinguish whether it is wechat built-in browser
function isMicroMessenger() {
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if(userAgent.indexOf('MicroMessenger') > -1) result = true;
return false;
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Js generates interface request parameter signature encryption
Define rules:
All request parameters (including public parameters) are sorted by key in ascending order, and then combined into the form key1=value1&key2=value2
Parames = {b:value-b, c:value-c,a:value-a} string = “a=value-a&b= value-B&c =value-c” Md5: sign = MD5 (string + secret) md5: sign = MD5 (string + secret) sceret = md5(string + secret) sceret = md5(string + secret
/** * defines the object sorting method */
var newkeys = Object.keys(parames).sort();
var newObj = {};
for(var i = 0; i < newkeys.length; i++)
newObj[newkeys[i]] = parames[newkeys[i]];
return newObj;
/** * Calculate signature method */
var sign = ' ';
var parm = ' ';
params = objectSort(params);
for (let i in params)
var j = params[i];
parm += i + '=' + j + '&';
parm = parm.slice(0, -1);
sign = Md5.md5(Md5.md5(parm)+$secret);//$secret is the key allocated by the back end
return sign;
/** * Filter null characters */ in the data argument
var result = {};
for (let i in data)
var value = data[i];
if (typeof (value) == 'undefined') {
value = ' ';
if(typeof(value) == 'string'){
value = value.trim();
if(value) { result[i] = value; }}return result;
/** * Build the data argument */
bulidData(data) {
if(typeof(data) ! ='object'){
data = {};
// Build parameters
data.timestamp = (new Date()).valueOf();
data.app_id = Config.app_info.app_id;
/ / filter
data = this.filterData(data);
// Check whether the user is logged in
var token = Helper.user.getToken();
data.token = token;
data.sign = this.makeSign(data);
return data;
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