Every field has its own jargon, and game development is no exception. These “buzzwords” are common to those who know about game development, but can be completely unintelligible to those outside the game industry. So, here’s what you need to know about “jargon” so that you know what I’m talking about in the rest of the article. Don’t worry, we just know a few essential concepts, and they’re easy to understand.

  • The elves

A picture in a game is a Sprite, and often a game contains many sprites (that is, many pictures).

In the picture above, all the red boxes are elves, planes are elves, bullets are elves, enemies are elves, and even the entire background can be elves. So when you see the word “Sprite” in game development, you should know that it means a picture.

  • scenario

If you think of a game as a house, then a scene is like a room in a house, where you can go from room to room, and from scene to scene in a game. Each room in the house usually has its own layout and furniture, as do the scenes in the game, each containing its own resources and content. A game has at least one scene, just as even the simplest house has at least one room.

  • clone

Do you have a red ball for 1 kg, the weight of the ability to imagine a copy if you have, you can copy out another red ball for 1 kg, the weight of the copy of the same ball is called a clone, you can clone a myriad of the ball, the ball is with the first goal has the same characteristics: red weight 1 kg. When you hear “a clone of XXX,” you know that this thing is based on something that has the same characteristics as that thing.

  • The script

Logic, also known as logic, is used to control the behavior of objects in the game, such as moving this enemy from point A to point B. The action of moving an enemy from point A to point B requires scripting. When you see “add a script to something to make it do something,” it means you need to add a behavior or ability to something.

  • The camera

When you take a picture with your phone, the image displayed on the screen is what you see through the camera. Imagine that you are taking a picture of the world in your game. As a game developer, what views of your game world would you like to see displayed in the image? Yes, as a game developer, you have the ability to show players only the world you want them to see.

  • variable

When you need to record the score of a match, you can tell it to record two numbers for me. For each goal scored by team A, this number will be added by one. For each goal scored by team B, the other number will be added by one. Or, if you need to record a message temporarily and come back for it later, you can also tell it. Variables are things that help us record information, for example: “player has 100 health”, we can set a variable “player health” and have it record a value of 100.

  • The event

Also known as notification, it needs to be done by two parties, one called “sender” and one called “receiver”. There are usually “one to one” and “one to many”, like the difference between “@someone” and “@everyone” in your wechat group. The “sender” is only responsible for broadcasting the notification; the “receiver” decides how to do so. For example, a fire alarm only broadcasts information about a fire to us. It is up to us to decide what to do when we hear the alarm.

  • function

Pack complex or reusable functions into a “black box”. For example, when you want to turn on the TV, you don’t need to understand how electricity works or how TV imaging works. The only thing you need to do is press the power button on the remote control. Functions pack some relatively complex functions into a black box. Functions usually have input and output. If the TV is a function, pressing the power button on the remote control is equivalent to the input, and turning on the TV is equivalent to the output.

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