Comments and suggestions are welcome in the following!

The method name parameter introduce
judgeNull value Check for null values, including {} and [], null true, otherwise false
judgeString value Checks whether it is a string, true if, false otherwise
judgeNumber value Checks whether it is a numeric type, true if, false otherwise
judgeBoolean value Checks whether it is a Boolean type, true if, false otherwise
judgeArray value Checks whether it is an array type, true if, false otherwise
judgeObject value Checks whether it is an object type, true if it is, and false otherwise
judgeFunction value Checks whether it is a method type, true if, and false otherwise
mergeObject ob1,ob2… Merge object, deep clone
getApp Same as wechat official getApp
getCurrentPages Same as wechat official getCurrentPages
getCurrentPage Get current page
getCurrentPath Gets the current page path
getPath targetPath A simple encapsulation of getRelativePath that doesn’t require the current path, just the destination path
getRelativePath currentPath,targetPath Gets the relative path between two paths
getTimestamp Get timestamp
getClassName The object key corresponds to class, and the value corresponds to true or false The method of obtaining class, using the same method as ng, more convenient generation of class


import utils from './utils/index';
  onLaunch() {
    this.utils = new utils()
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Const colors = [' 1 ', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '1, 2, 1, 4, '1,5,6,7'] let app = getApp() let utils = app.utils Page({data: {string: ", number: 0, Boolean: true, object: {}, array: [] }, onLoad() { console.log( console.log(' is string : ' + utils.judgeString( console.log(' is null : ' + utils.judgeNull( console.log( console.log(' is number : ' + utils.judgeNumber( console.log( console.log(' is boolean : ' + utils.judgeBoolean( console.log( console.log(' is object : ' + utils.judgeObject( console.log(' is null : ' + utils.judgeNull( console.log( console.log(' is array : ' + utils.judgeArray( console.log(' is null : ' + utils.judgeNull( let aObject = { aa: { a: 1 } } let bObject = { bb: { b: 2 } } let cObject = utils.mergeObject(aObject, bObject) console.log(aObject) console.log(bObject) console.log(cObject) aObject.aa.a = 2 console.log(cObject) let currentPath = utils.getCurrentPath() let targetPath = 'pages/list/list' let relativePath = utils.getPath(targetPath) console.log(currentPath) console.log(targetPath) console.log(relativePath) console.log(this.getColors(colors)) }, getColors(colors) { let returnColors = [] for (var a = 0; a < colors.length; a++) { let color = ',' + colors[a] + ',' let className = utils.getClassName({ 'block': true, 'red': color.indexOf(',1,') > -1, 'orange': color.indexOf(',2,') > -1, 'yellow': color.indexOf(',3,') > -1, 'green': color.indexOf(',4,') > -1, 'lightblue': color.indexOf(',5,') > -1, 'blue': color.indexOf(',6,') > -1, 'purple': color.indexOf(',7,') > -1 }) returnColors.push(className) } return returnColors } })Copy the code

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