Made a small bookkeeping program, need to use the chart, the micro channel small program on some chart library. Let me give you a personal feeling.
The official description is pretty comprehensive
But this ECharts thing has always been a big thing, untried
Ali out of things, experience the Demo effect is quite good, the Demo is as follows
Seems like it’s been a long time since anyone maintained it
Experience small program open is advertising, a little annoying
Access to the
Install dependencies
Go to the project root directory and run the following command
Echo {"dependencies": {}} > package.json NPM install @antv/wx-f2 --save {"@antv/wx-f2": "^2.1.1"}}Copy the code
Build the NPM
As shown below: Choose details > Local Settings > Use NPM module > Debug Base 2.9.2+
Finally, click on the menu bar of developer Tools: Tools –> “Build NPM”
Use custom components
1. Import components in the JSON file of Page
"usingComponents": {
"f2": "@antv/wx-f2"
Copy the code
2. WXML uses components
<view class="container">
<f2 class="f2-chart" onInit="{{onInitChart}}" />
Copy the code
3. Set WXSS width and height
.f2-chart {
width: 100%;
height: 500rpx;
Copy the code
4. Instantiate the chart
Page({ data: { onInitChart(F2, config) { const chart = new F2.Chart(config); Const data = [{value: 63.4, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-01'}, {value: 62.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-01'}, {value: 72.2, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-01'}, {value: 58, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-02'}, {value: 59.9, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-02'}, {value: 67.7, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-02'}, {value: 53.3, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-03'}, {value: 59.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-03'}, {value: 69.4, city: 'Austin, date:' 2011-10-03 '},]; chart.source(data, { date: { range: [0, 1], type: 'timeCat', mask: 'MM-DD' }, value: { max: 300, tickCount: 4 } }); chart.area().position('date*value').color('city').adjust('stack'); chart.line().position('date*value').color('city').adjust('stack'); chart.render(); // note: we need to display chart return; }}});Copy the code
5. Preview the effect
1, Cannot create property ‘dependencies’ on string ‘{}
D:\workspace\xxxx>npm install @antv/wx-f2 --save
npm ERR! Cannot create property 'dependencies' on string '{}'
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\xxxx\_logs\2021-01-27T07_33_54_115Z-debug.log
Copy the code
Solution: Create package.json using the following command
echo {"dependencies": {} } > package.json
Copy the code
2, Cannot read property ‘getContext’ of undefined
Solution: The project base debug library is set to 2.9.2+
Use documentation: here