This part is mainly the use of the top navigation bar. It’s also called breadcrumb navigation and this is an important part to learn
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WebStorm shortcuts Mac Version (a)- Editing
WebStorm Shortcut Keys for Mac (2)- Multiple Carets and Selections
WebStorm shortcuts for Mac (3)- Runing, Debugging
⌘B/⌘click Recommended index 
contribution ️
Fast track to the statement, which means dad
⌘O Recommendation index 
Search for -class files
Contributesto O Recommendation index 
Search – file
⌥⌘O Recommendation index 
Search – symbol
⇧⌘[/⇧⌘] Recommendation index
Option bar toggle. The premise is to open multiple pages to switch
F12 Recommended index 
The log files; That’s the Event Log at the bottom right
⎋ Recommended Index 

Use this button only if the mouse is focused on the current dialog box. Here is log/ terminal switch to code edit area. I said this is the ESC button. Close current page, equal to ⌘W, if ESC cannot use suggestion Shift + ESC.
⌘L Recommended index 
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To as many lines and columns of code as possible. Eliminating mouse scrolling
⌘E Recommended index 
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Open recent files
⌥⌘←/⌥⌘→ recommended index 
⌥ ️ ⌥ ️
Switch the label bar left and right
⇧⌘⌫ Recommendation index 
That’s not going to help, okay
⌥F1 Recommended index 
⌥ ⌥
This is the shortcut for viewing a view, which was introduced earlier. But it is also recommended to remember the shortcut keys for each form
⌥⌘B Recommended index 
To the declaration. What’s the point
⌘Y Recommended index 

Is it convenient to just see what the value is, but the disadvantage is that you can’t edit it
Contributesto B Recommendation index 
Quickly go to definitions, there are many similar shortcuts, and see which one you’re used to
⌘U, ⌘↑/⌘↓ Recommended index 
⌘U is not responding, estimate shortcut conflict; ⌘↑/⌘↓ conflicts with the Mac, need not worry about this, just use the Mac
⌃M Recommended index 
It’s no good series
⌘F12 Recommended index 
contribution ️
The view mode is fairly common
⌃H/⇧⌃H recommended index 
But it is of no damn use
F2/⇧F2 Recommended index 

Find the code prompt warning section
F4/⌘↓ Recommended index 

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Jump to source code. ⌘ down, which is mostly used to automatically open the file when checking Git
⌘↑ Recommended index 
Open breadcrumb navigation. ⌘↓ is open file, so it is not comfortable to use
⌥F3 With ⌃0-⌃9 recommended index 
disk ⌥ ⌥ ⌥
F3 is useless, ⌥F3 bookmark, marks the number before 0-9, with ⌃0-⌃9 to jump to the relevant tag. It is recommended to use numbers, but not letters. How to jump to letters is not found.
⌘F3 Recommended index 
No dice