React (setState({})); react ({});

The answer is yes, webStorm’s Live Tempalte solves this problem perfectly,

Enter SST and press Tab or Enter. The system automatically generates the following code

Copy the code

Similarly, react-req is generated automatically by pressing Tab

this.props.().then(res => { if (res.error) { notification.error({ message: '', }); return; }});Copy the code

The system automatically generated a large section of code, is not very convenient.

If you want to see more abbreviations, check them outsetting -> Editor -> Live TemplateView, as shown in figure:

React – related abbreviation

Secondary development

The system-preset SST generates this.setsate (); Actually, it’s not what you want most, it’s better to generate the sum like this, just write the variable


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So how do you set it up? Webstorm uses the $variable_name$syntax, we can reserve some edit points $NAME$for variables and function names (we can have multiple edit points in the same template), and then set the last position of the cursor with $END$.

So let’s modify the SST generated content of the system

SetState ({$END$}); // Select SST from Live Template and change Template text to this.setState({$END$});Copy the code

Enter SST and Tab or Enter again to generate the following content, and point the mouse cursor to the second line. Set variables directly


Copy the code

If you also want to call the first line: and, you can change the SST tempalte text to

    $KEY$: $VALUE$,$END$
Copy the code

Automatic completion, generate the following code

    : ,
Copy the code

The configuration is as follows: