For the record the subject

The information of the registrar or domain name owner filled in when filing or registering a domain nameCopy the code

Website manager

When the domain name is changed or violated, the domain name service will first contact the responsible person of the website, which can also be understood as the responsible person of the domainCopy the code

Record service number Ali record authorization code Tencent call different

If the server and domain name are on the same platform (for example, they can be under different accounts in Aliyun) : PS: 1 will be generated by the server when the account of the domain name party is put on record. 2. The domain name can only be used by the domain name (you do not need to perform this operation if the domain name and the server share the same account).Copy the code


Change subject information

The address of the company has changed or other filing information has changedCopy the code

Change website information

You can modify the mobile phone number of the person in charge of the website or the business nature of the domain name record informationCopy the code

Cancellation of the subject

Deregister current subject record information all domain name record under the invalidCopy the code

Cancellation of the website

The operation process of canceling the record of a website under the current subject is as follows:. The person in charge of the website receives the verification code and goes to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for verificationCopy the code

Special case: the mobile phone number of the person in charge of the website cannot be used

1. Contact the customer service of the platform to cancel the cancellation application and call the customer service number. 2

Website transfer situation 1: the website has been put on record

Procedure: 1. Log out of the current website for record. 2Copy the code

Case 2: The website is not recorded

Direct transferCopy the code

Web site for the record

Case 1: The server and domain name are on the same account

Apply directly and no other operations are requiredCopy the code

Case 2: The server and domain name are on different platforms, such as Alibaba’s domain name and Tencent’s server

Need to put on record in the server side operation is Tencent's server account to put on recordCopy the code

Case 3: The server and domain name are on the same platform, on different accounts

In the domain name or the server to apply for record can be in the domain name to record the server to generate a record service numberCopy the code

Special case servers and domain names are on different platforms such as Alibaba’s domain name and Woyun A’s server

Ps: Woyun is divided into A,T,F and other packages, among which A and T are subsystems of Ali and regarded as the same platform, so they can use the record service numberCopy the code

For the record transfer

Put on record cross-platform transfer, in the domain name for the record, transfer to the external platform server, such as Ali for the record transfer to Tencent need to put on record transfer, but the operation and re-put on record, do not recommend operationCopy the code