Welcome to the latest weBRTC-related information from webrtcweekly.com, translated by Tawan Technology.

Read the news

RIPE 81 New meeting platform: Meetecho (RIPE NNC) Moved from Zoom to Meetecho.

WhatsApp will soon let you make calls from its desktop app client (TheNextWeb) I was wondering if WhatsApp was moving to Messenger’s WebRTC infrastructure and if this enabled this new feature.

Chromium-based Edge is everywhere.

Technical information

Multi-device call with ICE Forking Signal adds ICE Forking to WebRTC.

Users practice

Engageli stands out with $14.5 million in funding and a new kind of distance video education (TechCrunch) Education is a field that seems boring, but is actually full of opportunity and change.

EVisit completes $14 million Series A round (eVisit) led by TVC Capital Telemedicine is another booming market. It took eVisit a long time to earn this honor.

Published reports

Agora Inc. Soundnet introduces new developer tools and resources, efficient integration of real-time interaction capabilities (Agora), Agora live Application marketplace, application builders, and new changes to SLAs.