Welcome to the latest weBRTC-related information from webrtcweekly.com, translated by Tawan Technology.
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Dialpad’s acquisition of video conferencing service Highfive (TechCrunch) is unclear.
“It’s really been a fantastic journey” : Jitsi author Emil Ivov during The high growth of The video conferencing platform during The pandemic (The Daily Swig) an interesting point for me to “publish Jitsi and run it on an embedded platform”.
Technical information
WebRTC Insights – Beyond THE API (discussion-WebrTC) a new online book about WebRTC. There’s another book in progress behind it.
Cross-platform point-to-point file sharing on the Web using WebRTC and React JS (Dev2919) There are not many examples of Data Channel file sharing.
Users practice
Facebook’s New Messenger feature enhances the room experience (Messenger News) and finally changes the background.
Ontario Courts continue on-site surveys and virtual on-site remote litigation (The Lawyer’s Daily) through Zoom and JVN’s Remote Court practice (based on WebRTC)
Enablex.io enables Preksh technology to effectively solve complex customer queries through its advanced video API (Press Release). Online retail stores are also beginning to use WebRTC.
Case Study: Verbling uses CallStats to drill down into every video call (callStats.io) CallStats assists Verbling in understanding network problems for users.
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Machine Learning in WebRTC: Noise Suppression (blogGeek.me)