Note: This code is based on WebRTC 4472 (corresponding to Chromium 91) and is not guaranteed to be applicable to all WebRTC versions.
You can see a number of metrics for media streaming in Chrome’s WebrTC-Internals. Currently Chrome (I use version 94) retains metrics from both Legacy and WebRTC standards. The legacy data is no longer updated and will probably disappear from Chrome at some point in the future. Both Legacy and Standard are critical to our daily analysis of client-side audio and video quality data.
There are many measurement data, this paper only introduces one of the measurement indicators: video decoding frame interval. In Legacy’s WebrtC-Internals, there is a maximum frame interval, which is displayed as googInterframeDelayMax. This metric in the standard should be no longer exists at present, instead of the other two indicators: totalInterFrameDelay and totalSquaredInterFrameDelay.
Let’s take a look at where these three metrics come from.Using the upper-level getStats call, we can easily find that the metrics are all fromReceiveStatisticsProxy
This class (video\
). Where, the maximum frame interval comes from a member variable of the classinterframe_delay_max_moving_
Max method of.
Interframe_delay_max_moving_ :
mutable rtc::MovingMaxCounter<int> interframe_delay_max_moving_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
Copy the code
Its type is RTC ::MovingMaxCounter, implementation file: rtc_base numerics moving_max_counter. H, its implementation is relatively simple, there are four public methods: constructor, Add, Max, Reset. The two methods that are ultimately needed are Add and Max.
RTC ::MovingMaxCounter maintains a bidirectional queue STD :: DEque. Looking at its implementation, Add pop_back the last element that is less than the element to be added, removing all of it. For example, if there are 199, 64, and 55 in the queue, Add 124 because 55 and 64 at the end of the queue are less than 124. After executing Add, the queue will become 199,124, and 55 and 64 will be deleted.
RTC ::MovingMaxCounter’s Max method removes elements that are not in the range passed in by the constructor (or sliding window), and returns the header directly (because Add ensures that the header is the maximum value). The window default is defined as kMovingMaxWindowMs (1000) in ms. That is, only the values within 1000ms are reserved.
Below isRollWindow
A sketch of the method, rather poorly drawn.When a new element (⑥) is added, all queue elements older than 1000ms will be deleted according to the window length (default: 1000ms).
OK, go back to ReceiveStatisticsProxy. We see in ReceiveStatisticsProxy: : OnDecodedFrame, for each video frame decoding, will use the current time minus the last decoding time, get the time interval between the two frames:
void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnDecodedFrame(const VideoFrame& frame, absl::optional<uint8_t> qp, int32_t decode_time_ms, VideoContentType content_type) { MutexLock lock(&mutex_); uint64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds(); . If (last_decoded_frame_TIME_MS_) {int64_t interframe_delay_ms = now_ms - * last_decoded_frame_TIME_MS_; RTC_DCHECK_GE(interframe_delay_ms, 0); Double interframe_delay = interframe_delay_ms / 1000.0; stats_.total_inter_frame_delay += interframe_delay; stats_.total_squared_inter_frame_delay += interframe_delay * interframe_delay; interframe_delay_max_moving_.Add(interframe_delay_ms, now_ms); content_specific_stats->interframe_delay_counter.Add(interframe_delay_ms); content_specific_stats->interframe_delay_percentiles.Add( interframe_delay_ms); content_specific_stats->flow_duration_ms += interframe_delay_ms; } if (stats_.frames_decoded == 1) { first_decoded_frame_time_ms_.emplace(now_ms); } last_decoded_frame_time_ms_.emplace(now_ms); }Copy the code
Interframe_delay_ms is added to interframe_delay_MAX_moving_, and ÷1000.0 is converted into seconds (interframe_delay). Add to total_inter_frame_delay, and the square of interframe_delay, add to total_squared_inter_frame_delay.
Finally see ReceiveStatisticsProxy: : the GetStats (), this is for outside returns measure method, among them, the biggest frame interval from:
stats_.interframe_delay_max_ms =
Copy the code
From our description of RTC ::MovingMaxCounter, we can see that the maximum frame interval is the maximum decoding frame interval in the past 1000ms.
OK, to conclude:
GoogInterframeDelayMax: within 1000 ms in the past, a maximum of decoding frame interval, milliseconds totalInterFrameDelay: decoding frame interval accumulative value of units for the second totalSquaredInterFrameDelay: The sum of the square of each decoding frame interval, in seconds