First of all, we need to understand what webworker is, which is generally understood as multi-threading on the Web side. Do anything inside without blocking the thread, but you can’t perform DOM operations inside.

This is premise, had very early, detail can see this ruan yifeng this this article…

Application in Webpack


self.onmessage = ({ data: { question } }) => {
      answer: 42,
Copy the code


const worker = new Worker(new URL('./deep-thought.js', import.meta.url));
    'The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.',
worker.onmessage = ({ data: { answer } }) => {
Copy the code

So these two become answer is equal to 42

Webworkers cannot be debugged locally, so just run a service to debug them

2 parameters

Generally, we use Webworker in the following way

new Worker("http....." )Copy the code

There is a direct address, you can also write it in webpack, but that’s not convenient

If you refer directly to the address in /dist, you need to change it every time, and you need to configure the prefix.

I thought it was the URL that concatenated the address

new Worker(new URL('./deep-thought.js', import.meta.url));
Copy the code

Adding import.meta.url to automatically draw conclusions based on browser information, I realized I was overthinking it

const o = new Worker(new URL(r.p + r.u(415), r.b))

r.b = document.baseURI || self.location.href

r.p = e

e = r.g.location + ""

r.g = function () { 
    if ("object" == typeof globalThis) 
        return globalThis; 
    try { 
        return this || new Function("return this")() 
    } catch (e) { 
        if ("object" == typeof window) return window 
Copy the code

You can see it here.

In fact, it is mainly webpack parsing, whether the USE of URL is not too important.

2.1 the URL

new URL("") URL {origin: "", protocol: "https:", username: "", password: "Host:", "",... } hash: "" host: "" hostname: "" href: "" origin: "" password: "" pathname: "/" port: "" protocol: "https:" search: "" searchParams: URLSearchParams {} username: ""Copy the code

The return parameter is similar to window.location, but it can return information from other web pages

See the API here……

2.2 the import. Meta

Although this code is referenced here, it is only for webPack generation

For practical purposes, see here……
