Webpack source code analysis
// Use the Webpack version
"html-webpack-plugin": "^ 4.5.0." "."webpack": "^ 4.44.2"."webpack-cli": "^" 3.3.12
Copy the code
File analysis after packaging
Webpack p-code ├ ─ dist │ ├ ─ bundle. Js │ └ ─ index. The HTML ├ ─ SRC │ ├ ─ index. The HTML │ └ ─ index. The js ├ ─ package. The json ├ ─ ├─ readme.md ├─ map.lockCopy the code
// index.js
console.log('index. The content of js');
module.exports = "Import file export content";
Copy the code
// webpack.config.js
const path = require("path");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index.js".output: {
filename: "bundle.js".path: path.join(__dirname, "dist")},mode: "development".devtool: "none".plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: "./src/index.html"}})]Copy the code
// dist/bundle.js deletes comments
(function (modules) {
ModuleId: moduleFunc(Module, exports) {}}
// The module loads the cache
var installedModules = {};
// Webpack's custom require function is used to load modules and finally export the loaded module contents
function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
// Check whether there are modules in the cache that need to be loaded
Exports is the content of the module
if (installedModules[moduleId]) {
return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
// Create a new module and store it in the cache
var module = (installedModules[moduleId] = {
i: moduleId, / / module ID
l: false.// Whether it has been loaded
exports: {}, // exports object, initialized as an empty object
ModuleFunc (Module, exports) {}
module.exports, // Initialize this as an empty object, which is the implementation of the module having its own scope
module.// The module to load
module.exports, // Module exports
__webpack_require__ // webpack's require method replaces CommonJS's require
// Indicate that the module is loaded
module.l = true;
// Returns the export of the module
return module.exports;
// Expose the module object (__webpack_modules__)
__webpack_require__.m = modules;
// Expose the load cache
__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
// Define the getter function for exports and add a property
// When exporting a member using ESModule in a module, you can use this method to bind the member to exports
// Getter is the method that returns this member () => name
__webpack_require__.d = function (exports, name, getter) {
if(! __webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true.get: getter }); }};// Exports defines an __exModule that identifies an ESModule
// ESModule and CommonJS are used together
__webpack_require__.r = function (exports) {
if (typeof Symbol! = ="undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) {
// Symbol Indicates ESModule if present, add Module Symbol
Object.defineProperty(exports.Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" });
// Add an __esModule identifier
// Verify that this is a standard ESModule
Object.defineProperty(exports."__esModule", { value: true });
// Create a dummy namespace object
// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
// mode & 4: return value when already ns object
// mode & 8|1: behave like require
__webpack_require__.t = function (value, mode) {
if (mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
if (mode & 8) return value;
if (mode & 4 && typeof value === "object" && value && value.__esModule)
return value;
var ns = Object.create(null);
Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: true.value: value });
if (mode & 2 && typeofvalue ! ="string")
for (var key in value)
function (key) {
return value[key];
}.bind(null, key)
return ns;
// getDefaultExport for compatibility with incompatible modules CommonJS/AMD/CMD etc
__webpack_require__.n = function (module) {
var getter =
module && module.__esModule
? function getDefault() {
// Return the default export if it is ESModule
return module["default"];
// If not, return this module directly
: function getModuleExports() {
return module;
__webpack_require__.d(getter, "a", getter);
return getter;
// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
__webpack_require__.o = function (object, property) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);
// __webpack_public_path__ Public path for webpack
__webpack_require__.p = "";
// Load the module and return the module contents
return __webpack_require__((__webpack_require__.s = "./src/index.js")); ({})"./src/index.js": function (module.exports) {
console.log("The index. Js content");
module.exports = "Import file export content"; }});Copy the code
The input parameter is a key-value pair object, which can be considered as a module definition, the key is the relative path of the module, the value is a function, which will be used to load the module content in the future, and the function body is the code content in the module.
CommonJS module package
This is single-file packaging, and the attribute method mounted on __webpack_require__ does not show up. Now we introduce a module in index:
// log.js
module.exports = (log) = > console.log(log)
Copy the code
// index.js
let log = require('./log');
console.log('index. The content of js');
module.exports = "Import file export content";
log('This is the log module referenced by index. ')
Copy the code
A dependency module exports a method in CommonJS mode, and look at the package result:
// dist/bundle.js
// There is no change in the function body above.// CommonJS module import uses __webpack_require__
"./src/index.js": function (module.exports, __webpack_require__) {
let log = __webpack_require__(/ *! ./log */ "./src/log.js");
console.log("The index. Js content");
module.exports = "Import file export content";
log("This is the log module referenced by index.");
"./src/log.js": function (module.exports) {
// Exports were also changed to Module's own exports
module.exports = (log) = > console.log(log); }})Copy the code
Webpack uses CommonJS to build code. The CommonJS reference code does not change much.
// log.js
export const name = 'jack'
const age = 14
export default {
say: () = > {
console.log(`${name} is ${age} years old.`)}}Copy the code
// index.js
const log = require('./log')
Copy the code
// dist/bundle.js
// There is no change in the function body above. ({"./src/index.js": function (module.exports, __webpack_require__) {
// The require reference to CommonJS is still simply replaced with __webpack_require__
const log = __webpack_require__(/ *! ./log */ "./src/log.js");
/ *! exports provided: name, default */
function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
// This is an ESModule, tagged with an __esModule attribute to the Module exports object
// The r method is used to bind ESModule exports to Module exports
// This member will be returned as the getter method for the property
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(
"name".function () {
returnname; });const name = "jack";
const age = 14;
// Add the default attribute to Module exports
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = {
say: () = > {
console.log(`${name} is ${age} years old.`); }}; }});Copy the code
As you can see, if all our reference modules are esModules, the r and D methods mounted on __webpacl_require__ come in handy.
ESModule module package
Here we import other modules in the main entry file using ESModule. The imported modules export members using CommonJS and ESModule respectively.
1. Dependent modules are exported using CommonJS
// index.js
import log from './log'
Copy the code
// log.js
const name = 'jack'
const age = 15
module.exports = {
say() {
console.log(`${name} is ${age} years old.`)}}Copy the code
Log. js uses CommonJS to export name and say, index uses ESModule to import index.
// dist/bundle.js
// The function body above has no change. ({"./src/index.js":
/ *! no exports provided */
function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
// This module is a standard ESModule
// Module {__esModule: true, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): 'Module'}
// Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag):'Module'
// __esModule:true
// >__proto__:Object
// import is changed to __webpack_require__
// Declare a variable to continue the contents of the loaded log, prefixed with the module name, and numbered with the number of loaded modules
// {name: 'jack', say: ƒ}
// name:'jack'
/ / > say: ƒ say () {\ n the console. The log (` ${name} is ${age} years old. `); \n }
// > __proto__:Object
/* harmony import */ var _log__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ =
__webpack_require__(/ *! ./log */ "./src/log.js");
// Call the mounted n method to determine if it is an ESModule. If yes, load the default export; if not, load the entire module
// The loaded content is mounted to an A property via the o function
ƒ getModuleExports() {\n return module; \n }
ƒ getModuleExports() {\n return module; // > a (get):ƒ getModuleExports() {\n return module; \n }
// > :Object
// name:'jack'
/ / say: ƒ say () {\ n the console. The log (` ${name} is ${age} years old. `); \n }
// __proto__:Object
// arguments:null
// caller:null
// length:0
// name:'getModuleExports'
/ / > prototype: {constructor: ƒ}
// [[FunctionLocation]]:@ /Users/xueyong/lagou-edu/webpack-code/dist/bundle.js:87
// > [[Scopes]]:Scopes[3]
// > __proto__:function () { [native code] }
/* harmony import */ var _log__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default =
/*#__PURE__*/ __webpack_require__.n(_log__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
// Calling A calls its get method, which is the getter returned by n and has a getModuleExports function
// Calling this function returns the contents of the module
/ *! no static exports found */
function (module.exports) {
const name = "jack";
const age = 15;
module.exports = {
say() {
console.log(`${name} is ${age} years old.`); }}; }});Copy the code
As can be seen from the above, webpack does not change the CommonJS export. For the ESModule import, it will use the r function to indicate that the module is ESModule, and then change the import to __webpack_require__. When importing other modules, use the n function to mark the default export and add the A attribute to bind the export content.
2. Export dependent modules using ESModule
// log.js
export const name = 'jack'
const age = 14
export default {
say: () = > {
console.log(`${name} is ${age} years old.`)}}Copy the code
// index.js
import log, { name } from './log'
Copy the code
// dist/bundle
// The function body above has no change. ({"./src/index.js":
/ *! no exports provided */
function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var _log__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ =
__webpack_require__(/ *! ./log */ "./src/log.js");
/ *! exports provided: name, default */
function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(
"name".function () {
returnname; });const name = "jack";
const age = 14;
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = {
say: () = > {
console.log(`${name} is ${age} years old.`); }}; }});Copy the code
When the reference module is ESModule, the import is a bit easier because the export of the reference module is modified by Webpack and all properties are bound to exports.
Handwriting function
We can implement the function in the function body ourselves, which is almost constant every time we package:
// myBubdle.js
/** * webpack functions *@param {module definition} modules* * installedModules -> Module load cache * __webpack_require__ -> Webpack load module method * M -> expose modules * c -> Expose installedModules * O -> Determine whether the object has its own attribute * D -> Add an attribute to the object * R -> Annotate ESModule module * n -> Get Module export * P -> Public path */
function (modules) {
// 01 Defines a cache object to store loaded modules
var installedModules = {};
// 02 Webpack's own method for loading modules
function __webpack_require__ (moduleId) {
// Determine if the module exists in the cache and return its export if so
if (installedModules[moduleId]) {
return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
// Declare a module
var module = {
i: moduleId,
l: false.exports: {}}// Call the function to load the module contents
modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module.module.exports, __webpack_require__);
// The annotation is loaded
module.l = true;
// Return the module contents
return module.exports;
// 03 Expose modules
__webpack_require__.m = modules;
// 04 Exposes the load cache
__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
// 05 provides functions to determine whether an attribute exists on an object
__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);
// 06 Adds a property to the object that binds member properties to exports when resolving ESModule
// Add a get method to this property to get the exported object exports
__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
if(! __webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true.get: getter }); }}// 07 marks a module as ESModule to convert it to CommonJS at load time
// Determine if the current Module is ESModule. If so, use Symbol to bind a unique attribute, labeled Module
{__esModule: true}}
__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
if (typeof Symbol! = ="undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) {
Object.defineProperty(exports.Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" });
Object.defineProperty(exports."__esModule", { value: true });
// 08 Obtain the module export
// Determine the exported object based on whether the module is marked with an __esModule
__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
function getDefault() {
return module["default"];
function getModuleExports() {
return module;
// Add an A attribute to exports to bind returned module contents. The A attribute provides a get method to access member properties in the module
__webpack_require__.d(getter, "a", getter);
return getter;
// 09 Public path
__webpack_require__.p = "";
// 10 Returns the contents of the loaded module
return __webpack_require__((__webpack_require__.s = "./src/index.js"));
Copy the code
Lazy loading of the implementation process
1. Lazy loading of package file analysis
I’m loading the referenced module via a button on the page:
// index.html
<button id="btn">Click on the load</button>
Copy the code
// index.js
const btn = document.getElementById('btn')
btn.addEventListener('click'.() = > {
import(/* webpackChunkName: "log" */'./log').then(function(module) {
module.default('Log is loaded. ')})})Copy the code
// log.js
module.exports = (log) = > console.log(log)
Copy the code
Click the button to see the content of the loaded module:
▼ Module {__esModule: true, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Module"ƒ} ▼ default: (log) => console.log(log)
arguments: (...)
caller: (...). length: 1 name:""
[[FunctionLocation]]: log.bundle.js:10
[[Prototype]]: ƒ ()
[[Scopes]]: Scopes[1] Symbol(Symbol. ToStringTag):"Module"
__esModule: true
Copy the code
Let’s take a look at the packed file:
// dist/bundle.js
// The same function code has been removed and only the newly generated function remains
(function (modules) {
// webpackBootstrap
// Block loaded JSONP callback function
function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
var chunkIds = data[0];
var moreModules = data[1];
// add "moreModules" to the modules object,
// then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
var moduleId,
i = 0,
resolves = [];
for (; i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
chunkId = chunkIds[i];
if (
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(installedChunks, chunkId) &&
) {
installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
for (moduleId in moreModules) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(moreModules, moduleId)) { modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId]; }}if (parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
while(resolves.length) { resolves.shift()(); }}// An object used to store loaded or loading blocks
// undefined = block not loaded, null = block preloaded or prerequested
// Promise = block loading, 0 = block loading complete
var installedChunks = {
main: 0};// splice script SRC
function jsonpScriptSrc(chunkId) {
return __webpack_require__.p + "" + chunkId + ".bundle.js";
// bundle.js contains only the loading entry file module
// Here are the loading functions for additional dependent modules
// Create script tags asynchronously in the form of Promises to embed asynchronously loaded modules in the application
// Load the module contents through JSONP
__webpack_require__.e = function requireEnsure(chunkId) {
var promises = [];
// Javascript JSONP block loading
var installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
if(installedChunkData ! = =0) {
// 0 indicates that the load is complete.
// If it is a Promise, promises are in the process of loading.
if (installedChunkData) {
} else {
// Set the Promise in the block cache
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];
promises.push((installedChunkData[2] = promise));
// Start loading blocks
var script = document.createElement("script");
var onScriptComplete;
script.charset = "utf-8";
script.timeout = 120;
if (__webpack_require__.nc) {
script.setAttribute("nonce", __webpack_require__.nc);
script.src = jsonpScriptSrc(chunkId);
// Create an error before the stack is unwound to get a useful stack trace later
// Error callback while reading loading block
var error = new Error(a); onScriptComplete =function (event) {
// avoid mem leaks in IE.
script.onerror = script.onload = null;
var chunk = installedChunks[chunkId];
if(chunk ! = =0) {
if (chunk) {
var errorType =
event && (event.type === "load" ? "missing" : event.type);
var realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;
error.message =
"Loading chunk " +
chunkId +
" failed.\n(" +
errorType +
":" +
realSrc +
error.name = "ChunkLoadError";
error.type = errorType;
error.request = realSrc;
installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined; }};var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
onScriptComplete({ type: "timeout".target: script });
}, 120000);
script.onerror = script.onload = onScriptComplete;
document.head.appendChild(script); }}return Promise.all(promises);
// create a fake namespace object
// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
// mode & 4: return value when already ns object
// mode & 8|1: behave like require
__webpack_require__.t = function (value, mode) {
if (mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
if (mode & 8) return value;
if (mode & 4 && typeof value === "object" && value && value.__esModule)
return value;
var ns = Object.create(null);
Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: true.value: value });
if (mode & 2 && typeofvalue ! ="string")
for (var key in value)
function (key) {
return value[key];
}.bind(null, key)
return ns;
// Async loading error callback
__webpack_require__.oe = function (err) {
throw err;
var jsonpArray = (window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] | | []);var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++)
var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
// Load entry module and return exports
return __webpack_require__((__webpack_require__.s = "./src/index.js")); ({})"./src/index.js": function (module.exports, __webpack_require__) {
const btn = document.getElementById("btn");
btn.addEventListener("click".() = > {
.e(/ *! import() | log */ "log")
.then(__webpack_require__.t.bind(null./ *! ./log */ "./src/log.js".7))
.then(function (module) {
module.default("Log is loaded.");
Copy the code
// dist/log.bundle.js
/** * window mounts a global object webpackJsonp * pushes the module name and module loading function into this global object * the push method has been overridden when loading bundle.js, i.e. the JSONP callback */
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([
["log"] and {"./src/log.js": function (module.exports) {
module.exports = (log) = > console.log(log); }},]);Copy the code
The dynamic loading of the module is realized by JSONP and Promise.
2. T method analysis and implementation
// Create a namespace object, mainly to return module contents
// mode & 1: value is a module id to load
// mode & 2: value is an object that merges all attributes of the object into ns
// mode & 4: ns has been tagged with __esModule, and attributes have been merged to return
/ / mode & 8 | 1: standard CommonJS module, re-entry module content directly
__webpack_require__.t = function (value, mode) {
if (mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
if (mode & 8) return value;
if (mode & 4 && typeof value === "object" && value && value.__esModule)
return value;
// Declare an object to merge member attributes when it does not satisfy CommonJS and ESModule
var ns = Object.create(null);
// label it ESModule
// Bind a default export containing value
Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: true.value: value });
// Merge attributes to ns when value is an object and not a string
if (mode & 2 && typeofvalue ! ="string")
for (var key in value)
function (key) {
return value[key];
}.bind(null, key)
// Return this ns object
return ns;
Copy the code
Bitwise and operation description:
Operands are converted to 32-bit integers and are represented by a series of bits (0 and 1). Numbers that exceed 32 bits are discarded with their most significant bits. For example, the following integers greater than 32 bits are converted to 32 bits:
Before: 11100110111110100000000000000110000000000001
After: 10100000000000000110000000000001
Copy the code
Each bit in the first operand is paired with the corresponding bit in the second operand: first to first, second to second, and so on.
The operator is applied to each pair of bits and the result is constructed bitwise.
And the truth table of the operation:
a | b | a AND b |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Only true if both of them are true, and all the rest are false.
Code disassembly to implementation:
// myBundle.js
// 09 Creates an object to merge module member attributes and returns
__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
if (mode & 1) {
// When mode & 1 is true and value is the moduleId, the module content is loaded
value = __webpack_require__(value);
if (mode & 8) {
/ / when the mode & 8 | 1 is true, that is expressed as the require, is CommonJS, returns the value of load directly
return value;
if (mode & 4 && typeof value === "object" && value && value.__esModule) {
// When mode & 4 is true and value is an object, value exists and __esModule is true
// Indicates that ns has been marked as ESModule and value is returned after the member attributes are merged
return value;
// If none of the above is met, it is not standard CommonJS, is not marked as ESModule, and has not completed object merge
// Declare an empty object to merge module members
const ns = Object.create(null);
// label it ESModule
// Set the default export to value
Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: true.value: value });
// If mode & 2 is true, value is an object, and object merge is performed
if (mode & 2 && typeofvalue ! = ="string") {
for (var key in value) {
// Provide a get method to get the property value and reset this to NULL
function(key) {
return value[key];
}.bind(null, key)
/ / returns the ns
return ns
Copy the code
3. Single file lazy load source code analysis
Install http-server globally, start a local server:
/ /
Index of /
(drwxr-xr-x) .vscode/
(drwxr-xr-x) dist/
(drwxr-xr-x) node_modules/
(drwxr-xr-x) src/
(-rw-r--r--) 213B package.json
(-rw-r--r--) 229B README.md
(-rw-r--r--) 350B webpack.config.js
(-rw-r--r--) 129.6k yarn.lock
Node.js v153.. 0/ http-server server running @ 127.0. 01.:8080
Copy the code
Add debug configuration:
// launch.json
// Use IntelliSense to learn about related attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing properties.
/ / for more information, please visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0"."configurations": [{"type": "chrome"."request": "launch"."name": "Launch Chrome"."url": "http://localhost:8080"."webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"}}]Copy the code
To debug the bundle.js file, click the dist directory in your browser to see the results of the code execution step by step.
// log.bundle.js
// The push method has been overwritten and is the JSONP load callback
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([
["log"] and {"./src/log.js": function (module.exports) {
module.exports = (log) = > console.log(log); }},]);Copy the code
// bundle.js
// The rest of the code is omitted, leaving only the lazy core code
(function (modules) {
// webpackBootstrap
// Load the module's JSONP callback, which calls the window["webpackJsonp"] push method when dynamically loading dependent modules
// This method has been rewritten as the webpackJsonpCallback method during the loading of the main file
function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
// The first item is the combination of the dependent module ID
var chunkIds = data[0];
// The second item is an object, the key is the module ID, the value is the module load function
var moreModules = data[1];
// The convergency promise resolve function used to hold dependent modules is called the __webapck_require__e function
var moduleId,
i = 0,
resolves = [];
// Iterate over the module IDS
for (; i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
chunkId = chunkIds[i];
// Determine that the module is loading and is a Promise object
if (
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(installedChunks, chunkId) &&
) {
// Cache its resolve method
// Change its loading state to 0, that is, complete loading
installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
// Iterate through all the module-loading functions, merging them with the module-defining modules of the current main entry
for (moduleId in moreModules) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(moreModules, moduleId)) { modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId]; }}// parentJsonpFunction Functions to synchronize asynchronously loaded modules within different bundles
if (parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
while(resolves.length) { resolves.shift()(); }}// object to store loaded and loading chunks
// undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
// Promise = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
var installedChunks = {
main: 0};// script path function
function jsonpScriptSrc(chunkId) {
return __webpack_require__.p + "" + chunkId + ".bundle.js";
// The bundle.js file loads only the main entry file
// Other dynamically loaded modules are loaded through this method
__webpack_require__.e = function requireEnsure(chunkId) {
// Load the module's promise collection
var promises = [];
// Retrieve the module from the load cache
var installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
// 0 indicates that the load is complete
if(installedChunkData ! = =0) {
// If it is a promise that is being loaded, push the promise of this loading module into promises collection
if (installedChunkData) {
} else {
// Declare a promise cache for resolve and reject
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
// Bind resolve to installedChunkData
installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];
// Press this promise into promises collection and bind the promise to installedChunkData
promises.push((installedChunkData[2] = promise));
// Complete module loading with JSONP
var script = document.createElement("script");
var onScriptComplete;
script.charset = "utf-8";
script.timeout = 120;
// Determine whether the security policy for the inline script is enabled, and if so, set nonce to the set value
if (__webpack_require__.nc) {
script.setAttribute("nonce", __webpack_require__.nc);
// Set the script SRC
script.src = jsonpScriptSrc(chunkId);
// Load failed error message
var error = new Error(a);// a function that has been loaded will be called on success or failure
onScriptComplete = function (event) {
// Clear data to avoid memory leaks in IE
script.onerror = script.onload = null;
var chunk = installedChunks[chunkId];
if(chunk ! = =0) {
if (chunk) {
var errorType =
event && (event.type === "load" ? "missing" : event.type);
var realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;
error.message =
"Loading chunk " +
chunkId +
" failed.\n(" +
errorType +
":" +
realSrc +
error.name = "ChunkLoadError";
error.type = errorType;
error.request = realSrc;
installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined; }};// The binding completes the loading callback
var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
onScriptComplete({ type: "timeout".target: script });
}, 120000);
script.onerror = script.onload = onScriptComplete;
document.head.appendChild(script); }}return Promise.all(promises);
// create a fake namespace object
// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
// mode & 4: return value when already ns object
// mode & 8|1: behave like require
__webpack_require__.t = function (value, mode) {
if (mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
if (mode & 8) return value;
if (mode & 4 && typeof value === "object" && value && value.__esModule)
return value;
var ns = Object.create(null);
Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: true.value: value });
if (mode & 2 && typeofvalue ! ="string")
for (var key in value)
function (key) {
return value[key];
}.bind(null, key)
return ns;
// on error function for async loading
__webpack_require__.oe = function (err) {
throw err;
// Define a jsonp load array, the initial load window["webpackJsonp"] is empty, default is set to []
var jsonpArray = (window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] | | []);// Cache jsonpArray's native push method
var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
// Override the jsonpArray method as a jSONp callback
jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
// Shallow copy jsonArray
jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
// Load modules in jsonpArray when jsonpArray is not empty
for (var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++)
// Assign jsonpArray's native push method to parentJsonpFunction
var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
// Load entry module and return exports
return __webpack_require__((__webpack_require__.s = "./src/index.js")); ({})"./src/index.js": function (module.exports, __webpack_require__) {
const btn = document.getElementById("btn");
btn.addEventListener("click".() = > {
.e(/ *! import() | log */ "log")
.then(__webpack_require__.t.bind(null./ *! ./log */ "./src/log.js".7))
.then(function (module) {
module.default("Log is loaded."); }); }); }});Copy the code