
Recently in the study of Webpack source code, the output of 6 principle analysis, tool sharing type of article back and forth, in the process of finding some high quality, worth a look at the learning materials, so stay up to sort out a wave, I hope to help you.

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The rules are simple:

  • Content for Webpack 4 and above
  • Regardless of the number of likes and views, the length can also be very short, but the content must be detailed, without obvious bias
  • It does not seek perfection, but covers application, principle, tools and other dimensions, which can bring new knowledge to students at all levels

I will continue to maintain this list in the future, and you are welcome to comment or contribute to my personal account Tecvan.

Pay attention to the public number [Tecvan], reply [2], the blogger hand in hand to take you into bytes

Webpack basis

Develop Web applications using Webpack

Write NPM packages using Webpack

  • Let’s Write a JavaScript Library in ES6 using Webpack and Babel
  • Modern Front-end Library Development Guide Series ii: Build a library with WebPack
  • Build JavaScript libraries based on Webpack and ES6

Use scaffolding

  • Facebook /create-react-app: Quickly create the React application scaffolding tool
  • Vuejs/VUE-CLI: Quickly create vUE application scaffolding tool
  • Tjx666 /awesome-chrome-extension-boilerplate: a chrome extension development template based on React & TypeScript & Webpack

Hello World

  • Webpack Examples: Official Webpack Examples that cover the use of most features
  • Ruanyf/Webpack-Demos: Teacher Ruan Yifeng’s introduction to Webpack example

Webpack advanced

Advanced features

How to write a Loader

  • ✏️ Loader knowledge sharing: Introduces loader applications, types, working principles, and execution modes
  • 【Webpack advanced 】Loader in-depth analysis: although the reading and praise are not much, but the content is detailed, worth a look
  • Hand by hand teach you a Webpack Loader
  • How to develop a Webpack Loader

How to write a Plugin

  • Webpack case – Vue-Loader principle analysis: combined with vue-Loader, the example analysis how to write Webpack plug-in, especially the analysis of vue-Loader how to parse a SFC three kinds of content; How do I reuse other Loaders in a Webpack configuration
  • How to Write a WebPack plugin

Realize the principle of

  • [10,000 words summary] One article thoroughly understand the core principle of Webpack
  • Understand webpack principles and write a 100-line Webpack by hand
  • Webpack HMR principle analysis: Hot Module Replace principle analysis document in detail
  • AST and front-end engineering practice

The interview

  • A dozen more Webpack interview questions: Dig gold high praise, from the perspective of interview questions to explain the various points of knowledge in Webpack
  • Webpack interview questions
  • The five most confusing points in WebPack: Explain some common but often overlooked configuration items of WebPack, which is very enlightening for interview and everyday application

A series of serial

  • Wen-jie fan- Source code parsing Webpack(private)
    • [10,000 words summary] One article thoroughly understand the core principle of Webpack
    • Webpack plug-in architecture in-depth explanation
    • 10 minutes introduction to Webpack: module.issuer properties
    • Dependency Graph: Dependency Graph (Dependency Graph
    • The Webpack Chunk subcontracting rules
    • Share several Webpack utility analysis tools
  • Simple Webpack: should be the most detailed domestic Webpack books, from the introduction to the application, and then to the principle, tools have been introduced, is very worth starting
  • Webpack 5 Knowledge Body: an online knowledge map that disassembs the core principles, architecture, compilation process, loader, and plug-ins of Webpack
  • A series of Webpack source analysis articles, each article is aimed at a particular small point of the source expansion
  • Webpack Book from SurviveJS: an in-depth online Book on Webpack applications, principles, tools, and more
  • Webpack4.0 intermediate tutorial — what you should know beyond configuration
  • Liu Xiaoxi- Take you deep unlock Webpack series
    • Deep Unlock Webpack series (Basics)
    • Deep Unlock Webpack series (Advanced)
    • Unlock the Webpack series in depth
  • Didi front-end technology team- more hardcore Webpack principle analysis series of articles, have to calm down to slowly look
    • You don’t know webpack static file generation process
    • Webpack series 7 – File generation
    • Webpack series 7 – With dependencyTemplates
    • Webpack series of six chunk map generation
    • The five modules in the Webpack series generate 1
    • Webpack series four loader details 1
    • Resolve, the third in the Webpack series
    • The second Tapable in the Webpack series
    • An overview of the Webpack series

Performance optimization

  • Web Performance Optimization with Webpack
  • Webpack 4: mode and optimization
  • The 100% correct way to split your chunks with Webpack
  • iamakulov/awesome-webpack-perf
  • Webpack build performance optimization exploration
  • Development tool tips: How to increase your Webpack build efficiency by 10 times
  • webpack Performance: The Comprehensive Guide
  • Solve Webpack slow packaging problem completely
  • Webpack builds a summary of performance optimization strategies
  • Complete solution to webpack file size: this article introduces 5 common package size optimization methods, especially clear
  • Play with Webpack and increase your packing speed by 90%
  • ESM vs Webpack exploration for high performance builds