WebAssembly briefly

I was reading a book on front-end technology recently, and IT was interesting to see WebAssembly. So make a simple record, for the future may encounter technical bottlenecks, lay a knowledge reserve

The line is as follows: 5W2H


What is it?

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Why was WebAssembly born?

Simply put, performance bottlenecks are caused by the limitations of the javascript language itself. If other languages such as C/C ++ code can be used on the Web, it can shorten the development time of some mature software, and the performance of some modules can be greatly improved

What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is the next generation of Web virtual machine standards that allow code written in a variety of languages to run on the Web at near-native speeds.

  • For example, C/C++ code can be compiled into wASM binaries via the Emscripten tool chain and imported into web pages for JavaScript invocation. This means that programs written in C/C++ can run directly on web pages, and the Rust language has built-in support for WebAssembly.

In what scenarios should WebAssembly be used?

Excellent software or functional modules that you want to implement in programming languages including C and C++

  • Such as game engine Unity, Unreal, design software AutoCAD and so on
    • It would take years to develop a functional equivalent using JavaScript. But if you compile them into WebAssembly, these native applications can run directly on the Web platform. As a result, the Web is comparable to native platforms.

WebAssembly enables Web applications to compete with native applications.

Who is suitable for WebAssembly?

Developers who use C/C++/Rust as their primary development language and want to get into the front end

JavaScript developers looking to solve front-end performance problems with high-performance C/C++/Rust libraries

How do I use WebAssembly?

To be added haha…

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