Wisdom digital site supervision platform construction, and solve the construction site accident, dust noise pollution is big, the production operation process is not standard parts and failed to timely eliminate the hidden trouble, personnel, energy is limited, not comprehensive inspection, supervision, construction progress, and to guarantee the construction quality can not get, improve the quality of construction site safety production supervision and construction supervision level.

The model is loaded

Engine scene, camera, earth light, ambient light, sun light loading

container = document.createElement( 'div' ); document.body.appendChild( container ); camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 3000 ); camera.position.z = 350; scene = new THREE.Scene(); scene.background = new THREE.Color( colors[ selectModel ] ); scene.fog = new THREE.Fog( colors[ selectModel ], 100, 1000 ); LIGHTS const hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight(colors[selectModel], 0xFFFFFF, 1.5); HemiLight. Color. SetHSL (0.6, 1, 0.6); HemiLight. GroundColor. SetHSL (0.095, 1, 0.75); hemiLight.position.set( 0, 50, 0 ); scene.add( hemiLight ); Const dirLight = new three. DirectionalLight(0x00CED1, 0.6); Dirlight.color.sethsl (0.1, 1, 0.95); Dirlight.position. set(-1, 1.75, 1); dirLight.position.multiplyScalar( 30 ); scene.add( dirLight ); renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } ); renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio ); renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );Copy the code

Digital site can help the government supervision departments to improve the efficiency of supervision, help construction enterprises to improve the level of enterprise management. Digital site is “smart hardware” and “Internet data” concept embodies in the field of construction industry, it is a new engineering field integration management mode, the depth of the construction industry is a traditional Internet + integrated “digital site” make full use of the mobile Internet, Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, such as a new generation of information technology, It completely changes the interaction mode, working mode and management mode of the site management of all parties participating in the traditional construction site, and provides a whole set of site management information solutions for the construction group and construction enterprises. The intelligent digital site system platform should realize real-time video monitoring of the site, real-time monitoring of special equipment, real-time monitoring of dust and noise, key personnel management, construction schedule management, construction personnel management, quality and safety management and other functions.

3d visualization of site real scene

System through the combination of iot + 5 g technology, the construction of all kinds of security equipment digital information transmission to the system platform, through the platform of real-time supervision detection and AI big data analysis forecasting warning, notice distributed to each mobile terminal on the site management personnel and enterprise management personnel, so that enterprises will eliminate accident and hidden trouble. Site safety equipment mainly includes (intelligent safety helmet, vehicle entrance and exit monitoring, tower crane monitoring, lift monitoring, high-support mold monitoring, deep foundation pit monitoring, intelligent safety patrol, video monitoring, etc.).

Model shader

<script id="fragmentShaderPosition" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> uniform float time; uniform float delta; void main() { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy; vec4 tmpPos = texture2D( texturePosition, uv ); vec3 position = tmpPos.xyz; vec3 velocity = texture2D( textureVelocity, uv ).xyz; float phase = tmpPos.w; Phase = mod((phase + delta + length(velocity.xz) * delta * 3. + Max (velocity. Y, 0.0) * delta * 6.), 62.83); gl_FragColor = vec4( position + velocity * delta * 15. , phase ); } </script>Copy the code

shader.vertexShader = shader.vertexShader.replace( token, token + insert ); token = '#include <begin_vertex>'; insert = /* glsl */` vec4 tmpPos = texture2D( texturePosition, reference.xy ); vec3 pos = tmpPos.xyz; vec3 velocity = normalize(texture2D( textureVelocity, reference.xy ).xyz); vec3 aniPos = texture2D( textureAnimation, vec2( reference.z, Mod (time + (seeds.x) * (((0.0004 + seeds.y / 10000.0) + normalize(Velocity) / 20000.0), reference.w))).xyz; vec3 newPosition = position; newPosition = mat3( modelMatrix ) * ( newPosition + aniPos ); NewPosition *= size + seeds. Y * size * 0.2; velocity.z *= -1.; float xz = length( velocity.xz ); float xyz = 1.; float x = sqrt( 1. - velocity.y * velocity.y ); float cosry = velocity.x / xz; float sinry = velocity.z / xz; float cosrz = x / xyz; float sinrz = velocity.y / xyz; mat3 maty = mat3( cosry, 0, -sinry, 0 , 1, 0 , sinry, 0, cosry ); mat3 matz = mat3( cosrz , sinrz, 0, -sinrz, cosrz, 0, 0 , 0 , 1 ); newPosition = maty * matz * newPosition; newPosition += pos; vec3 transformed = vec3( newPosition ); `; shader.vertexShader = shader.vertexShader.replace( token, insert );Copy the code

Project schedule management

Project progress visual monitoring, you can view the building is functional progress, floor display completed, construction status.

Equipment Labeling Management

The system marks safety equipment and construction personnel (construction personnel, vehicle entrance and exit monitoring, tower crane monitoring, lift monitoring, high-support mold monitoring, roller type washing turbine, foam machine enclosure spray, loadometer, AI camera, steel material label, etc.), and carries out real-time monitoring and positioning of vehicles and personnel.

 Face recognition access control management

Construction personnel of the system management, using the information technology means such as face recognition, Internet of things, the construction personnel related information to register into the system, and ensure the witness, copies, contract, certificate is consistent, unified, and combines the technique of face recognition, positioning personnel management, through the project site service management process, around the real-name system and authenticity of check on work attendance management the main line, Improve the labor management level of the project site, improve the safety level of the site, and protect the wages and interests of labor personnel.

Personnel location monitoring

By wearing a tag card, the construction personnel can obtain the precise position of the personnel in real time. Through the static and dynamic electronic fence function, the personnel can immediately alarm when entering the dangerous area or getting too close to the vehicle, which can monitor various personnel behaviors and effectively prevent the occurrence of safety accidents.

Environmental management

Dust monitoring and automatic dust removal When the environmental monitoring equipment detects that the environmental related data exceeds the safety value set by the system, the system will start the corresponding equipment linkage processing, such as starting the fog gun dust removal, enclosure spray, tower crane spray and other series of equipment, and at the same time notify the relevant personnel at the site through the mobile phone terminal for processing.

Tower crane safety monitoring management

Tower crane safety monitoring management system through the sensor to achieve data acquisition, data processing, wireless sensor network with edge, through the front-end monitoring devices and platforms seamless docking, the tower crane operation data and alarm information is sent to the remote real-time GIS visual monitoring platform, data analysis and feedback, assist the driver safety specification operation, effectively avoid tower crane safety hidden trouble, Achieve visual safety operations.

Working radius of tower crane

Lift safety monitoring and management system

Construction elevator safety monitoring management system, focusing on construction lifter “illegal personnel handling construction lifter” and “maintenance is not timely, safety device failure” safe hidden trouble, such as high-end biological recognition technology, on the one hand, by using the uniqueness of human face and convenience, realization of elevator operator related certificates, effectively control the unsafe behavior of people; On the one hand, the source management is strengthened, and the maintenance cycle intelligent reminder module is adopted to realize the normal maintenance supervision and effectively prevent the “unsafe state of things”. At the same time, combined with the wireless communication module, the whole process of the construction lift operation data can be transmitted in real time and stored on the safety monitoring cloud platform and the black box of the lift, so that the traces of the data can be traced back and checked, and the safety can be seen and prevented in advance.

High support mode monitoring and early warning

Through the sensor installed on the top of the formwork support, the system monitors the pressure borne by the steel pipe of the formwork support, the vertical displacement and inclination of the frame body and other parameters in real time, and sends the sensor data of each supporting steel pipe column to the signal receiving and analysis terminal of the equipment through 5G communication template, and calculates the safety of the data. In addition, the danger state of the formwork is linked by sound and light alarm, short message sending and platform system in time, which provides the prerequisite for emergency warning and disposal.

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