
Common OA or BBS or websites often have menus on the left side, through which users can enter responsive function modules or sections or zones, as shown below: PKU BBS obviously uses ExtJS Neptune theme, and uses the menu implemented by ordinary tabPanel components.

In common OA, BBS or websites, there is usually a menu on the left side, through which users can enter the responsive function module, plate or special area, as shown below:

The PKU BBS clearly uses the Neptune theme of ExtJS and uses the menu implemented by a normal tabPanel component. The following figure

The following is an example provided by Ext. The address is:


God knows how much official ExtJS code they use.

But what if we wanted to copy the extJS sample code ourselves? Haha, official channels of course. I’m sorry that the download process of Ext official website is actually very complicated, and I did not download it successfully. But I downloaded version 6.2 on a web disk. The latest version is 6.5.3.

The directory structure is as follows:

Kitchensink is one of the best examples available from Ext, as shown below:

But you obviously find that the kitchensink and executive Dashboard have quite a big gap, copycat extJS of course is to copycat dashboard, good not to learn, don’t go to learn those rotten? Internet so much open source code, not to learn not to use, really sorry the people sorry the Party.

Find the template folder in the ext SDK directory you just downloaded:

Ext’s Dashboard code is worth a closer look.

Again, the topic of this blog post is how to generate a left tree menu. After a successful login, enter the main interface and create a tree menu on the left.

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