This is the 18th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021″

Near the end of the semester, are you still writing an HTML web design class assignment and the teacher’s homework requirements are overwhelming? Is the total number of pages required too high? Don’t know how to do your HTML web homework? Don’t have the right template? And so on. The problem you’re trying to solve, There are personal, food, company, sports, cosmetics, logistics, environmental protection, books, wedding, military, games, festivals, smoking cessation, film, photography school, tourism, e-commerce, pets, electrical appliances, tea, home, hotel, dance, animation, stars, Clothing, culture, hometown, flowers, gifts, cars, other web design topics, A+ level homework, can meet college students web design needs can meet your needs. Original HTML+CSS+JS page design, Web college students web design homework source code, this is a good beauty jigsaw game, picture smart, very suitable for beginners to learn to use. Home Page Java Li Yangyong get the source code

Effect demonstration:

Code directory:

Main code implementation:

html {
        padding: 0px;
        margin: 0px;
        background: #eee;
    #gameDiv {
        width: 460px;
        height: 460px;
        margin: 20px auto;
        background: #F9F9F9;
        padding: 1px 1px;
        position: relative;
    #maskBox {
        opacity: 0.5;
        display: block;
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Complete JavaScript code

        /** * Created by admin on 2021/11/10. */
        (function($g) {
            // Game configuration
            setting = {
                gameConfig: {
                    url: "345.jpg".id: "gameDiv".// Generate specifications 4 horizontal and 4 vertical
                    size: "4 * 4".// The spacing of each element
                    margin: 1.// Block transparency when dragging
                    opacity: 0.8
                setElement: {
                    type: "div".id: "".float: "".display: "".margin: "".background: "".width: "".height: "".left: "".top: "".position: "".//absolute
                    opacity: 0.4.animate: 0.8}};// The element generates arguments
            var _sg = setting.gameConfig;
            var _st = setting.setElement;
            var gameInfo = function() {};
            gameInfo.prototype = {
                init: function() {
                sortObj: {
                    rightlist: [].// Correct sort
                    romdlist: [] // Scramble the sort
                creatObj: function() {
                    _sg.boxObj = document.getElementById( || "";
                    // The size is automatically obtained
                    var _size = _sg.size.split(The '*') | | [0.0];
                    // Calculate the width and height of a single div
                    var w = Math.floor(_sg.boxObj.offsetWidth / _size[0]);
                    var h = Math.floor(_sg.boxObj.offsetHeight / _size[1]);
                    // Image generates div
                    var _size = _sg.size.split(The '*') | | [0.0];
                    var wt = _size[0],
                        hg = _size[1];
                    // Create a primitive group and sort it
                    var sortList = [];
                    for (var a = 0; a < wt * hg; a++) {
                    this.sortObj.rightlist = sortList;
                    var _i = 0,
                        sid = 0;
                    for (; _i < wt; _i++) {
                        var _s = 0;
                        for (; _s < hg; _s++) {
                            // Assign the randomly shashed ID
                   = sortList[sid++];
                            _st.display = "block";
                            _st.float = "left";
                            _st.margin = _sg.margin + "px";
                            _st.background = "url('" + _sg.url + "')" + (-w * _s) + "px " + (-h * _i) + "px";
                            _st.width = w - _sg.margin * (wt / 2) + "px";
                            _st.height = h - _sg.margin * (hg / 2) + "px";
                            // console.log( (_w*_i)+"px "+(_h*_s)+"px ");}}this.boxSort();
                boxSort: function() {
                    var _arrySort = this.sortObj.romdlist;
                    var _tmp = [],
                        _n = 0;
                    eachBox(_arrySort, function(d) {
                    // Sort the new array
                    _tmp.sort(function(a, b) {
                        return a > b ? 1 : -1;
                    // The sort element group with DOM
                    for (; _n < _tmp.length; _n++) {
                        var _s = 0;
                        for (; _s < _arrySort.length; _s++) {
                            if(_arrySort[_s].id == _tmp[_n]) { _sg.boxObj.appendChild(_arrySort[_s]); }}}return _tmp;
                // Add elements
                addElement: function() {
                    var _obj = document.createElement(_st.type);
           = _st.display;
           = _st.float;
           = _st.margin;
           = _st.background;
           = _st.width;
           = _st.position;
           = _st.left;
           = _st.height;
                    return _obj;
                mouseEvent: {
                    mousedown: function(ev) {
                        ev = ev || ev.event;
                        // Element type div
                        _st.type = "span";
               = "maskBox";
                        _st.width = this.offsetWidth + "px";
                        _st.height = this.offsetHeight + "px";
                        _st.position = "absolute";
                        _st.background = "";
                        _st.left = this.offsetLeft + "px";
               = this.offsetTop + "px";
                    mouseup: function(ev) {
                        ev = ev || ev.event;
                        //var _e=t.setElement;
                        var obj = document.getElementById(;
                        if(obj) { _sg.boxObj.removeChild(obj); }},mousemove: function(ev) {
                        ev = ev || ev.event;
               ="x", ev) + "px";
               ="y", ev) + "px"; }},// Check to compare two arrays correctly
                gameCheck: function() {
                    var s = 0,
                        bols = true;
                    var _arry = this.sortObj.rightlist;
                    var _arryRom = this.sortObj.romdlist;
                    for (; s < _arry.length; s++) {
                        if(_arry[s] ! = _arryRom[s].id) { bols =false;
                            break; }}return bols;
                eventHand: function() {
                    var _obj = _sg.boxObj.getElementsByTagName("div");
                    var i = 0,
                        olen = _obj.length;
                    var that = this;
                    var m = that.mouseEvent;
                    var box_index = 0;
                    for(; i < olen;) {(function(n) {
                            // Press the mouse button
                            _obj[n].addEventListener("mousedown".function(e) {
                                var _this = this;
                      , e);
                                _st.background =;
                       = "#FFF";
                                // Generate a removable div
                                var _newObj = that.addElement();
                       = _sg.opacity;
                                // Move the position
                                _newObj.onmousemove = function(e) {
                          , e);
                                    // console.log("____"+this.offsetLeft);
                                    var _i = 0;
                                    for (; _i < olen; _i++) {
                                        var _w = parseInt(_obj[_i].style.width) / 1.5;
                                        var _h = parseInt(_obj[_i].style.height) / 1.5;
                                        var _left = _obj[_i].offsetLeft;
                                        var _top = _obj[_i].offsetTop;
                                        var _boxX = parseInt(;
                                        var _boxY = parseInt(;
                                        // Restore the style
                                        eachBox(_obj, function(d) {
                                            _obj[d].style.opacity = 1.0;
                                        // Calculate the drag position
                                        if (_left + _w > _boxX || _left > _boxX + _w) {
                                            if (_top + _h > _boxY || _top > _boxY + _h) {
                                                box_index = _i;
                                                _obj[_i].style.opacity = _st.opacity;
                                                break; }}}};// Release the mouse
                                _newObj.addEventListener("mouseup".function(e) {
                                    // Delete the movement event
                                    _newObj.onmousemove = function(e) {};
                                    // Get the coordinates of the currently residing element
                                    var tagObj = {
                                        id1: _obj[box_index].id,
                                        bg1: _obj[box_index].style.background,
                                    // Switch places
                           = tagObj.id1;
                           = tagObj.bg1;
                                    _obj[box_index].id = tagObj.id2;
                                    _obj[box_index].style.background = tagObj.bg2;
                                    // Get the drag sort
                                    that.sortObj.romdlist = _obj;
                                    // Restore the style
                                    eachBox(_obj, function(d) {
                                        _obj[d].style.opacity = 1.0;
                                    // Delete the floating div
                          , e);
                                    // Calculate whether the puzzle is complete
                                    if (that.gameCheck()) {
                                        alert("O (studying studying) O ha ha ~"); }},false);
                            }, false); })(i++); }}}/ / random number
            function randomsort(a, b) {
                return Math.random() > . 5 ? -1 : 1; // Use math.random () to generate a random number between 0 and 1 and compare with 0.5, returning -1 or 1
            function eachBox(obj, fn) {
                var _s = 0;
                for(; _s < obj.length; _s++) { fn(_s); }}function getX_Y(s, ev) {
                var _b = (ev.clientX - this.parentNode.offsetLeft) - (this.offsetWidth / 2);
                if (s === "y") {
                    _b = (ev.clientY - this.parentNode.offsetTop) - (this.offsetHeight / 2);
                return _b;
            $g.gameInfo = newgameInfo(); }) (window)
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Note: some works are collected from the network and deleted from infringement

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