Why would YOU want to retranslate a Redux document?

1. Original Redux Chinese document (www.redux.org.cn/) has some problems:

1) The accuracy and fluency of the translation are insufficient

2) Many documents are out of date and the new ones are not updated

2. There is no low-cost solution to migrate existing documents to Breword system

3. Breword supports document update monitoring and translation collaboration. It will also be easier to maintain Redux documents later.

How did we do it?

Here are the Breword Redux translation project statistics:

As can be seen from the figure, there are a total of 72 redux.js documents, and the total number of translated words is: 60,000 +. It can be seen in the picture that there are three translators, actually there are only two, because two accounts belong to the same author. We worked on the translation project for about a week, 2-3 hours a day.

For comparison, a Chinese documentation project currently maintained by the Redux community has the following data:

As you can see, 630 commits and 108 people contributed.

So why did Breword and Breword pull this off?

Because Breword itself provides many useful features to improve the efficiency of translating documents:

  1. Machine pre-translation. Breword pretranslates documents using Google Translate, so what you see in the Breword editor is actually a machine translation, and all you have to do is edit and polish the machine translation. (This can greatly improve translation efficiency, as The results of Google Translate are so referrable that many don’t even need to be modified)

  2. Wysiwyg editor. Most of the document content is written in Markdown format, and if you translate directly from Markdown, you need to take into account the Markdown syntax while translating without breaking the original style. Breword transforms Markdown directly into Html documents ahead of time, and provides an editor that allows us to make changes directly to the content of the page without worrying about document styles. In addition, it also provides such practical functions as full-text search and replacement (for example, “function” can be replaced with “function” by one key), and one-key replacement of original text (some proper nouns do not need translation, such as reducer, it does not need translation and can directly use the original content).

  3. Coordinate translation and proofreading. Similar to Github’s branch, PR mechanism, a translation project on Breword can be translated by multiple people. After a document is modified, it can be submitted for review. All registered users can comment on the translation content, and the project administrator can apply for the translation of the page or directly merge the translation content of the page. Breword now perfectly supports such collaborative processes.

  4. One-click configuration, release document website. From a pile of documents, to a document web site, there is a lot of work to do, for example: the routing configuration document page, add directory, translation to each page directory, deployment, website, etc., and Breword took all this automation, it provides tools to help project administrators translation document, the document directory for sorting, delete, do not need to document and so on. This means that when you click the publish project document button, a documentation site is automatically generated.

  5. Automatic monitoring updates. One of the pain points of document translation is dealing with updates: once the source document is updated, how can the translated document be updated synchronously? At present, the manual method is to Clone the latest original document in the original warehouse, upload it to the translation warehouse, and then update the translation according to the differences in the original document Diff. Those who have maintained the original document will find the whole process very troublesome and inefficient, which directly leads to the long-term maintenance of many document translation projects. Breword automates this process by automatically monitoring the progress of the source project, showing Diff differences directly in the translation, as well as providing the previous version of the translation and the latest text for reference. It is very intuitive and makes the document translation work really easy to stick to.

In addition, Breword offers a document download feature that allows you to download all translated documents in one click. Want to download Redux. Js translation friend, can enter: www.breword.com/projects/5e… Download.

The above is an overview of the core functions of the Breword translation tool. For a full introduction, you can visit our website:


About the story. Js translation project, welcome to watch: www.breword.com/projects/5e…

The Chinese file address of redux. js is: docs.breword.com/reduxjs-red…

Breword is a simple translation tool dedicated to making open source document translation easier, more efficient and maintainable. Our team will continue to produce high-quality Chinese documents, and we will always maintain our translated documents, because with the help of this translation tool, the maintenance work is not very troublesome.

If you are interested in document translation, want to translate, maintain a translation project or want to read high-quality Chinese documents, you can follow Breword.

We are currently translating other projects for Deno && Redux Ecology. You are welcome to join us. If you have any questions, please check out the quick Start on the top bar or email us directly to [email protected].