This article is about my plan to write an App for practice on Zhihu. Is there any interesting API interface recommended? The answer under this topic was fortunately pushed to the hot Tab by Zhihu. I would like to share my answer here, hoping it will be helpful to you.

Speaking of interesting interfaces, let me answer that. First of all, I recommend two sites, one is Diycode ( and the other is gank( The maintainers of these two sites are @App Princess and @coders respectively (of course, I also participate in the maintenance of DiyCode). These two sites can be said to be the most open source client sites, do not believe you can directly enter the station onlookers or to Github search. Here is the API documentation for the site:



Interface and parameter aspect is still more detailed, the development experience is still quite good. If you’re not interested in either of these sites, there are more.

If you’re interested in foreign apis, check out this open source project

The author sorted out a lot of API interfaces in it, and made a classification, you can choose according to their own interests.

If you are more interested in domestic interfaces, you can check out the following open source project. The author has compiled the interfaces in many well-known domestic apps for personal learning (please do not use them for commercial use).

If all of the above doesn’t satisfy you, there is another way. Find a favorite site, build a server to crawl its pages to your own server, and write a client to parse these HTML pages, so that even without an API, you can also find a favorite target practice.