How is the Dubbo interface tested?

How does this Dubbo test, what does the Dubbo interface test?

RPC has a type called a Dubbo interface.

So how does this interface test? What are the key points of testing?

This interview question, I think everyone may be a little strange, after all, many of my friends do not know the Dubbo interface type test, or have not done the actual combat of Dubbo type interface.

Since you probably don’t use it much in your current company, this is a high-concurrency interface from Ali Open Source, and this is an RPC-based protocol.

So one of the key points of the test is to build a consumer, before you test, you have to build a consumer, otherwise you can’t test, unlike our HTTP request, you just use a Postman to send the request.

If you get the address parameter, you can’t test the Dubbo interface without the consumer.

If we temporarily not very understand this customer, it does not matter, because the interface test, it’s a long story, and then one of its basic principle, can speak at least one hour, because it is a new type, because it is belong to the category of interface testing, the interviewer may ask, interview build aircraft carriers, screw. Generally you directly answer the key point is to build a customer, OK.

Of course, there is no end to learning, so if you are interested, you can learn more about Dubbo yourself.

We know that when we do interface testing, we first make a request, so that’s the end of the request? No, and then we’re going to make assertions, so assertions are the soul of interface testing. Next interview question: What are the aspects of interface testing assertions designed?