With all the new libraries and frameworks, it’s hard to keep up with all of them, which means you need to decide which ones are worth your time.

Let’s see what people are saying:

Listen to what others say: VueJS versus ReactJS

“It has been a pleasure working with Vue.js and I have found the learning curve quite shallow, however, this is purely based on my experience, having worked with several people in the past as mentioned earlier.

The default template structure works much like Angular, so developers with this background will probably get used to React faster. If React was as easy to learn as vue.js, I really wouldn’t have failed to learn React. It has a huge impact.

Reme Le Hane

“I prefer vue.js to React. Vue.js is the new kid in town when it comes to JavaScript. So I would say the simplicity of learning is probably number one. Simplicity is the foundation of design.

Vue is simple and has a lot of concepts from Angular1 and React. You can use it to build any system – just include it in an HTML file.

React is bigger and a bit more complex (e.g. in terms of setup).

So if you just want to learn a framework and don’t have an established system choose Vue. Vue.js is approachable and provides more structure on how to get all kinds of things done. If you’re not sure, try both. You can also read about ReactJS vs Vue.js vs AngularJS here:


Kathreen Riya

“To answer your question, I think vue.js is a good way to learn about the React system. However, you may fall in love with vue.js before you finish the guide. Let me tell you, the whole thing is worth reading. Try it on a Saturday!

Before you read my answer, I highly encourage you to take a look at the Vue framework comparison. It is very thoughtful and involves many important considerations.

Which platform do you want to develop on? Choose your own poison.

React is ideal for almost any platform. React is already covered and mature in both directions, both Web and native. A flexible developer in any context when it comes to UI development. It even made its way into virtual reality.

Vue 2 goes too native. Evan and his team are working with Alibaba to create Weex, which will allow local rendering just like React Natvie. Vue 2 now focuses primarily on Web development, but also promises support for other platforms. According to Evan’s latest Vue blog, 2017 was a big year for Weex.

How soon do you want to start development? Why not start today instead of waiting a few weeks?

React has a steep learning curve. Its files and terminology are unusual and messy in some concepts, and the guidelines, property names, installation procedures, and so on feel familiar in Vue, consistent with the broader HTML, CSS, and ES6 standards. Thanks to both frameworks, their communities are thriving. You can find plenty of resources to get started.

The biggest hurdle I faced was understanding the build chain: Webpack, JSX, my text editor plug-in, etc.

However, Vue doesn’t need Webpack, or anything else. You can quickly write applications through ES5 including using your favorite package manager or CDN framework. This means you can use CodePen to share the environment with other code.

React recently launched create-React app. You can contrast this with Vue’s command-line tools.

In the professional field…

Vue has been adopted by big-name companies like GitLab, Laravel, PageKit and so on.

Vue still feels like the new kid on my development cycle. However, many developers at IHS Markit have started to adopt Vue, considering Angular and React too heavily.

React is popular and has been for a long time. Probably more businesses are using React. Keep that in mind if you’re looking for a new job right now.

Over the past few months (down 2016), I’ve read a lot of articles saying “Why we chose ue. Js over React and Angular…” . Vue.js gains traction, fast, and more and more people realize how easy it is to use.

Take a look at Vue fans…

Includes state management and routing! You already know about Flux/Redux, this is what Vue provides:

Vuex is a Flux/Redux/ Elm-Inspired implementation of Vue and is specifically targeted at responding systems using Vue. Mutations, getters,actions of its system are very coordinated and easy to integrate with your components. However, if you prefer Redux, it’s cool for Vue to use Revue. Either way, knowing how to use a state management system is a valuable model.

Vue-router is damn simple and powerful if you need URL paths and parameters. Just check the documentation.

Other notable things…

Vue documentation is a dream. I can’t tell enough people how big the guides and API references are. Evan You (author and project leader) has a way of bringing modern development to the layman. This is refreshing, even for experienced developers.

Writing single file vue components felt natural – I never looked back because. Without the need for Webpack, but without fear, Vue provides a very handy command line tool to help you produce very small installation backbone projects. If you like Browserify, don’t worry. Purgatory, you can write your own CLI template if you want! The templates provided are very flexible.

Vue 2 supports server-side rendering to help you do SEO and render your site to people with javascript disabled.

Finally, what continues to impress me, again coming back to vue.js is its outstanding community, Evan and his professional contributions, its ease of use, and its obvious alignment with the Web parts standard. I was blown away by the success of the project and how enjoyable it was to create almost any front-end I could dream of.

Andy Merskin

I’m here, too.

It took me about a year to deal with this problem. I recently switched to Vue in the past few months and I haven’t looked back. There are a few things about Vue that I’m obsessed with, namely:

JSX. – I hate JSX. It always takes me a few seconds, if not a few minutes is lucky. Accept the fact that every time I open a project, I’ve been looking for a modular beast of JavaScript components that include style, traditional JavaScript methods, and UI elements all supported. It gets old fast.

Rename traditional HTML Attributes – Element attributes of traditional HTML classes and styles. Well, React does that, too. All you have to do is make sure that all of your class properties called class names and style properties don’t have string values anymore. Imagine trying to create a website based on an existing theme purchased. Changing it to React is like stabbing a ball with a knife. For Vue, the existing HTML is just plain work. Do you want to “reactify”? Move on, but that’s not what React requires.

Packaging required – so React is just the UI layer? They are right; You don’t even need a WebPack or any other baling machine. But if you can try to build anything substantial without them, you’ll be sad. You start pulling around, making features and all those assumed WebPack packages. If you just write “hello world”, then just use React. Otherwise, you have to start reading all the packages.


“I used Angular1 for a little over a year and then switched to React. I’ve seen Vue a few times and never built anything, that’s to say I haven’t heard anything, but the great thing, from the looks of it, is that it’s easy.

I am ready to take action for three reasons:

This is by far the most popular: it’s important, the most popular is that it has the most online resources, better job opportunities, and is more likely to be successful in the long run (unless they use Google’s Angular1).

It’s universal: There are libraries that allow you to use React to write mobile and even desktop applications (though I haven’t tried to build desktop applications myself). Vue will also launch its own hybrid mobile framework, but even when it does, I seriously doubt it will catch up with React and how many people are considering starting over given the size of RN and its community.

It’s complicated and hard to learn: I disagree with most people that this isn’t a good reason to learn React, and it’s actually one of the reasons I like React. Learning React will make you a better JavaScript developer. React is hard because:

It uses a lot of intermediate advanced JS concepts. Like an in-depth understanding of objects, the “this” keyword and a few functional programming concepts are necessary to work efficiently with React (the last one is more relevant if you use Redux). It will also be more likely to force you to learn ES6 if you don’t already know.

You only need one set of tools, so you’ll have to rely on other libraries in the ultimate edition. This can be painful at first, but it teaches you how to mix, match, and connect different libraries. It also gives you the ability to customize your tools as you see fit or even put React into Angular/Vue applications if you only want to use it to your advantage in certain parts of your application.

It usually uses build tools like WebPack (although it doesn’t really need them). Vue is much easier to build without compilation tools, but quite a few of any real-world applications will end up using compilation tools anyway, which is the only advantage if you’re still learning and just want to skip the hassle to build faster. Even if this is the case, you can still skip all configuration and build directly by using the project generator, such as creating the React application.

The problem with front-end development is that the JS ecosystem can be very unstable and the framework is constantly changing. So instead of looking for the simplest, most powerful, most popular framework, I think it might be more useful as a developer to learn what works over the long term (although React also has the most popular stuff). Even if React eventually becomes obsolete, I won’t regret learning it because WHEN I started learning JavaScript, I knew more than I ever wanted to know.

Ahmed Wagdi

“I don’t do much web these days. I do a lot of back-end data processing, network I/O, and distributed communications.

A little over a year ago, WHAT I wanted was a real-time Web UI to imagine some of my server-side data, and I wanted to use SignalR. I went back to some popular frameworks and had a very simple way of thinking: “Can I read ‘Getting started’ and start some basic work in 15 minutes?” .

I ended up choosing Vue, mainly because it uses a simple object model and I’m really just something of the past that I could enter and display directly from SignalR. Almost everything else I’ve tried has some kind of wrapper/agent around the data, which means you have to run some mapping to make the model work. I almost decided to use Mithril, but when I found that it was just my need to overlap more with Vue. Actually I really wanted to use React, but Vue was just more approachable and I didn’t need to spend extra time learning React.

However, the real test came a few months later when I went to modify and add more functionality to my simple debugging UI. I could pick it up almost immediately and even made quite a few changes to it.

Compare my experience with Ember. We had a big app written based on Ember, and every time I tried to make what I thought should be a simple change (after a few months of non-contact), it took me 5 times longer than I thought, and I spent most of my time fighting it before implementing the 5 places I forgot, You have to fix references to extra dependencies or some other equally mundane but annoying detail.

You can learn the basics of Vue in minutes and be adept in a few hours. This is not a lot of framing, and it can be said that this is a seriously underestimated benefit.


This article was originally published in bootstrapbay blog – https://bootstrapbay.com/blog/vuejs-vs-reactjs/

Guys, what do you think? In this debate, feel free to share your experiences so others can hear your thoughts.

Hui Zhi net xiao Zhi translation.

Share vue.js beginner family bucket series tutorials:

1. Vue. Introduction to js and improve: xc.hubwiz.com/course/vue….

2. Vuex 2 entry and improve: xc.hubwiz.com/course/vuex

3. Vue – introduction to the router and improving: xc.hubwiz.com/course/vuer…

4. Vue. Js engineering practice: xc.hubwiz.com/course/vueg…