First, modify some configurations

module.exports = {
    rules: {...'import/no-unresolved': [...]. .// Add the following to the original base
        'no-param-reassign': [
                props: true.ignorePropertyModificationsFor: [
                    'state'.// for vuex state],},],},};Copy the code

2. Vuex joins the loading module

  1. Index. ts in the store directory
// The file address is @/store/index.ts
// There is a typo here,
// The correct content is:
import { createStore } from 'vuex';

export default createStore({
    state: {},
    mutations: {},
    actions: {},
    modules: {},});Copy the code
  1. Create a modules directory in the store directory
  2. Create load.ts in the modules directory
// @/store/modules/loading.ts
const loading = {
    namespaced: true.state: {
        loadingState: false,},getters: {},
    mutations: {
        showLoading(state) {
            state.loadingState = true;
        hideLoading(state) {
            state.loadingState = false; }},actions: {}};export default loading;
Copy the code
  1. Example Modify index.ts in the store directory
import { createStore } from 'vuex';
import loading from '@/store/modules/loading';

export default createStore({
    state: {},
    mutations: {},
    actions: {},

    modules: {
Copy the code

3. Add Layout to loading

<! --@/layout/index.vue-->
    <a-layout class="layout">
        <a-layout-sider v-model:collapsed="collapsed" :trigger="null" collapsible>.</a-layout-sider>
            <a-layout-header style="background: #fff; padding: 0 20px">.</a-layout-header>
            <! -- Modified the following part -->
            <a-layout-content :style="{ margin: '24px 16px', padding: '24px', background: '#fff', minHeight: '280px' }">
                <a-spin :spinning="$store.state.loading.loadingState" :delay="300" size="large">
                    <router-view />
            <! ---->
<script lang="ts">.</script>
<style lang="less" scoped>.</style>

Copy the code

Iv. App.vue is added to the loading process

<! --@/App.vue-->
    <layout v-if="$route.meta.layout" />
    <a-spin :spinning="$store.state.loading.loadingState" :delay="300" size="large" v-else>
        <router-view />

<script lang="ts">.</script>

<style lang="less">
#app {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
.ant-spin-nested-loading..ant-spin-container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
.ant-spin {
    max-height: unset ! important;

Copy the code


import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'; import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios'; import store from '@/store'; import base from '@/request/base'; // Set timeout time const instance = axios.create({timeout: 1000 * 10,}); / / set the path and the content-type instance. The defaults. BaseURL = base. BaseURL; interface AxiosConfig extends AxiosRequestConfig { loading? : boolean; } const Fetch = ({ url = '', method = 'GET', data = {}, params = {}, headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, loading = true, }: AxiosConfig) => { if (loading) { // loading store.commit('loading/showLoading'); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { instance({ url, method, data, params, headers, }) .then((res) => { store.commit('loading/hideLoading'); resolve(; }) .catch((err) => { store.commit('loading/hideLoading'); Message. error(' request failed '); reject(err); }); }); }; export default Fetch;Copy the code

Modify mokc/login.ts

  1. Add response delay time
  2. Add the SUCCESS parameter
// mokc/login.ts
import Mock from 'mockjs';

export default [
        url: '/mock/api/login',
        method: 'post',
        timeout: 500,
        // statusCode: 500,
        response: ({ body }) => {
            return {
                code: 200,
                success: true,
                message: 'ok',
                data: {
                    // query: body,
                    token: Mock.Random.string('lower', 200),

Copy the code

Test request loading

  1. Run the project
  2. Go to http://localhost:3000/#/login
  3. The normal loading is displayed during login
  4. Complete VUEX and loading development

Eight, source code address
Copy the code

Nine, video demonstration and source code

Demo video of this article: Click browse

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