Vue3+ElementPlus+Koa2 Full stack development background system

Nowadays, the frontier of the front end is continuing to expand, and the enterprise has higher and higher requirements for tool, platform and full stack capability. This course will apply Vite2.0 + Vue3 + ElementPlus+Koa2+Mongo to develop a general background management system, leading you to master the full stack development ability, and the real comprehensive technical ability.

The technical requirements

  1. Familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming 2. Have certain Vue foundation and practical development experience 3. Have experience with node. js and NPM. Family bucket: vue@3.0.5; vue-router@4.0.4; vuex@4.0.0 UI framework: element-plus@1.0.2-beta.32; Build tools: Vite 2.0.1; List 1-1: Why do you take this course? What we have to say about Automated Testing In Chapter 2 Automation is almost here to stay, but how is automated testing going to work in the future? Can you just write simple scripts? What is the relationship with test development? What practical consumption problem should be dealt with after all? Developing your own automated testing framework is the answer. Table 2-1 Relationship between Automated Testing and Test development (02:17) 2-2 Practical Issues and Requirements in Testing (02:46) 2-3 Automation Plan in Testing (03:25) Chapter 3: The foundation of test Framework development — Object layer Encapsulation Testing real test automation ≠ simply let code instead of executing use cases. How to encapsulate the script of streaking state? How to extract PO? What is the relationship between a page object and a reader object after all? Two ways to develop reader objects and how to choose? Table 3-1 Automatic development of the object layer at this time (03:26) 3-2 most common automation “naked state” (11:58) 3-3 Reader object Browser base class development (14:12) 3-4 Inherited base class to complete the reader individuation development object (came) 3-5 pages of the first complete style (17:05) 3-6 page object development way of the second kind of complete testing framework development foundation (immediately) and proved chapter 4 – the integration of the native framework In the work introduces the automation framework of an open source, It does not mean that the framework is finished. In practice, we also need to customize and optimize the framework from time to time according to the status of the project, so that our automation work can be carried out more smoothly. Table 4-1 Introduction to native Testing Frameworks (09:30) 4-2 First way to parameterize native testing frameworks (19:48) 4-3 Second way to parameterize native testing frameworks (06:12) 4-4 Application of native Test Framework assertions (12:42) 4-5 Application of native test framework postdisposition (06:29) 4-6 Application of native test framework postdisposition (18:21) 4-7 Relationship between native test framework test classes and PO (07:09) 4-8 Chapter 5 Test framework development progress — Configuration files and IO modules Native frameworks are weak in data processing, You can only embed test data in your code and cannot stop file IO operations. In this chapter, the development of automated tests is really promoted to the architecture level, and the separation of test data and code is dealt with with the idea of design configuration files. Table 5-1 How to improve the reuse and maintainability of the application layer (02:59) 5-2 General Configuration file development (23:37) 5-3 YAML file configuration and IO development (18:54) 5-4 Modification of the PAGE inheritance object PO (12:50) Separation of Selenium and YAML filter expressions (12:19) 5-7 Page Instantiation of PO objects (07:21) 5-8 IO development of Excel configuration files for automated test development (27:44) 5-9 Chapter 6 Advanced Test Framework Development — The application of decorators used to have a certain degree of automation, However, the common use case dependence, operation log recording, exception capture and disposal problems are not enough, this chapter starts with the function to introduce the concept of decorator, through the development of decorator to improve the problem solving ability of the test framework. Table 6-1 Basic Completion of functional decorators for Automated Test Development (19:27) 6-2 Use Case Dependent Completion of Decorators for Automated Test Development (33:03) 6-3 Test Case dependent Completion of decorators for Automated Test development application (08:18) 6-4 Fundamental Completion of automated test Development Logging (22:25) 6-5 Development of automated test development Logging Decorator (12:46) 6-6 Catching and logging exceptions in automated test development (19:01) 6-7 Chapter summary (04:27) Chapter 7 Testing framework development step – the completion of the extension function to the framework better use, more fit the business, it is inevitable to add extension promotion. This chapter introduces how to complete the expansion of common framework functions: smoke test, interface test integration, identification of picture verification code, automatic structure random test data, email disposal, etc. Table 7-1 Introduction to test Data Structures extended by the Automated Test Development Framework (ATF) 7-4 Automated Test Development Framework Extension Email module Development (I) (13:21) 7-5 Automated test development framework Extension Email module development (II) (13:59) 7-6 Automated test development framework extension Interface Test Integration (21:44) 7-7 Chapter 8 Advanced Test framework development — Operating database The current framework function has been very perfect, but when really using, also need to think about the data of the formal environment. This chapter teaches you how to deal with garbage data in use cases that present DB validation requirements, dynamic query databases, and clearing databases. Table 8-1 Database Operation for Automated test Development (04:51) 8-2 Database Connection configuration for Automated test Development using INI Files (04:55) 8-3 Completing INI configuration file parsing for Automated test development (09:49) 8-4 Automatic test development using mysql asynchronous connection pool to perform mysql database operations (I) (13:07) 8-6 Chapter 9: Advanced Test Framework development — Asynchronous Completion The serial execution efficiency of Web test is low, and the interface test only meets the function verification. That’s not enough. This chapter added: 1, the interface test module to support asynchronous concurrent performance test 2, simulate multi-user and multi-reader simultaneous execution of web automation test this course is constantly updated