“This is the 21st day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

Vue3 Warrior Training Manual 3- Initialization Process Analysis (1)


In the last article we set up our debugging environment, which allows us to debug the source code as we wish. In this article we will take the first step in source code analysis: an analysis of the initialization process

The warm-up

Let’s take a look at the general initialization process:

const { createApp } = Vue
const app = createApp({})
Copy the code

As we can see from the simplified code above, we generally go through two major steps during initialization

  1. createAppTo create a Vue instance
  2. app.mountTo mount components.

So today we just need to analyze the two-step process thoroughly, and we are done with the analysis of the initialization process.

Vue packaging simple analysis

Before looking at the initialization process, let’s take a quick look at the Vue code base packaging process.

In the last article, we used code packaging

pnpm dev

To start the server we used PNPM serve

Analysis of the dev. Js

So when we run PNPM dev, we’re going to run the command node scripts /dev/js and we’re going to look at what we’re doing in scripts /dev/js.

In this file we will focus on these lines of code, the analysis is in the comments after the statement, but I will not go into details.

const { build } = require('esbuild') // Use esbuild for packaging, which is faster

const target = args._[0] | |'vue' // Packages to access, in this case 'vue'

const format = args.f || 'global' // The exported file refers to the system format, in this case 'global'

const pkg = require(resolve(__dirname, `.. /packages/${target}/package.json`)) // Get package.json information

// resolve output

const outputFormat = format.startsWith('global')?'iife' // We pack the result in 'iife' format

: format === 'cjs'

? 'cjs'

: 'esm'


const postfix = format.endsWith('-runtime')?`runtime.${format.replace(/-runtime$/.' ')}`

: format


const outfile = resolve(


`.. /packages/${target}/dist/${target}.${postfix}.js` / / our output files in the packages/vue/dist/vue. Global. Js


// The following is the configuration of esbuild build


entryPoints: [resolve(__dirname, `.. /packages/${target}/src/index.ts`)]./ / the entry documents for packages/vue/SRC/index. The ts


bundle: true,


sourcemap: true./ / open sourcemap. .watch: {

onRebuild(error) { 

if(! error)console.log(`rebuilt: ${relativeOutfile}`) // Rebuild prints the relative path of the build file on the console}}})Copy the code

We’ll simply look at the entrance to the file (packages/vue/SRC/index. The ts) do

As we can see from the figure above, the entry file mainly declares onecompileToFunctionFunction, and put it inRuntimeCompilerRegister at the same timecompileThe name is referenced out and the@vue/runtime-domAll the exposed material in the library is referenced.

We won’t go into detail on compileToFunction, which takes the template string and returns the corresponding Render function.

Well above is our brief analysis of the content of the Vue packaging for us, then we book connected, through the packages/Vue/examples/composition/todomvc. The analysis of the HTML for Vue3 initialization process.

Analyze the initialization process

Analysis of the createApp section

Let’s first put the breakpoint in createApp in todomvc.html and see what happens.

After tracing the breakpoint, we see that createApp was actually calledensureRenderer().createApp(... args). Its return value is oursappInstance.

One that is “ensureRenderer” or “createRenderer” is found in packages/runtime-dom/ SRC /index.ts and is one that is compatible with createRenderer or the same file. Then we look at createRenderer and discover that it is defined in run-time core/ SRC /renderer.ts, and that this method encapsulates the baseCreateRenderer function in the same file. The baseCreateRenderer function is the one that is really implemented when one calls ensureRenderer(). As we can see, this function has 2000+ lines of code and returns an object with three properties.

A quick look at the render property shows that the first property is the method that converts a VNode into a real DOM. The third property createApp is our ensureRenderer().createApp(… Args), which is the function defined by createAppAPI in apicreateApp. ts of the same directory. This function returns an internal function named createApp. Inside this function is an instance object named app.

Why encapsulate a createAppAPI method to do createApp?

Because you want to extend the Render method, createAppAPI allows you to call Render directly as an argument without worrying about the render details, while making the code inside createAppAPI generic.

We can see that in the instance object

  • There are_uid, _component, _props, _container, _contextThese are obviously internal attributes declared by the author and not expected to be accessed by the user.
  • And we also observed thatuse, mixin, component,directive,mount, unmount, provideAnd so on, these are the apis that we’re more familiar with.

At this point, we have completed the process of creating a Vue instance through code debugging. To summarize, Vue3 createApp creates an instance by calling the internal baseCreateRenderer().createApp(). The returned instance is an object with internal methods like use, mixin, mount, etc

App.mount () section analysis.

Todomvc.html (todomvc.html); todomvc.html (todomvc.html); todomvc.html (todomvc.html); This time let’s put the breakpoint at mount and see what happens.

The mount method used in createApp has been overridden in packages/ Runtime-dom/SRC /index.ts. The mount method used in createApp has been overridden in packages/ Runtime-dom/SRC /index.ts This method is an enhancement to the createApp method, and eventually calls the mount method in createApp.

Now let’s look at what happened to the mount implementation.

We found that the mount method here, with the exception of some add-ons (which we don’t care about for now), is still at its core executing the mount method inside createApp.

And inside createAppmountThe method does two main things

  • callcreateVNodeMethod to createvnode
  • callrender(vnode, rootContainer, isSVG)Method to convert a vNode to a real DOM and bind torootContainerOn.

Since the internal process of mount is relatively complex, involving the branch process and recursive call of patch method called internally, we will discuss it in detail in the next section. Here, we first mount content, do a preliminary understanding. Mount basically converts incoming component data and state into the real DOM and appends it to the host element.

At the end

Today we analyzed the Vue3 initialization instance creation and mount process mainly through todomvc.html. Inside Vue, you drag baseCreateRenderer().createApp() to create an instance, which is an object with mixin, mount, etc. The virtual DOM of the root node is created during the mount of the instance and converted to the real DOM and appended to the host element through the render function.