Modular development of the first part of the mouse tracker
// Const x = ref(0), const y = ref(0), const updateMouse = (e: MouseEvent) => { x.value = e.pageX y.value = e.pageY } onMounted(() => { document.addEventListener('click', updateMouse) }) onUnmounted(() => { document.removeEventListener('click', Function useMouseTracker() {// positions = reactive<MousePostion>({// x: 0, // y: 0 // }) const x = ref(0) const y = ref(0) const updatePosition = (event: MouseEvent) => { x.value = event.clientX y.value = event.clientY } onMounted(() => { document.addEventListener('click', updatePosition) }) onUnmounted(() => { document.removeEventListener('click', updatePosition) }) return { x, y } } export default useMouseTrackerCopy the code
Advantages of vuE3 implementation
- First, it knows exactly where the xy values come from and what the two parameters are for. They come from the return of useMouseTracker, so they are the values used to track the mouse position.
- Second: we can xy can set any alias, thus avoiding the risk of naming conflicts.
- Third: this logic can exist without the component, because it has nothing to do with the implementation of the component. We do not need to add any components to implement the corresponding function. Only logical code is in there, no templates required.
Modular difficulty increased – useURLLoader
Note that axios comes with a type file, so we don’t need to install a typescript definition file for it
npm install axios –save
Import {ref} from 'vue' import axios from 'axios' // Add a parameter as the address to use const useURLLoader = (url: String) => {// declare several ref, Const result = ref(null) const loading = ref(true) const loaded = ref(false) const error = ref(null) // // Since axios is defined, So rawData can easily know its type axios.get(URL).then((rawData) => {load.value = false load. value = true result.value =}). Catch ((e) => {error.value = e}) return {result, loading, error, loaded } } export default useURLLoaderCopy the code
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/ / use the urlLoader dog pictures const {result, loading, the loaded} = useURLLoader (' ')... <h1 v-if="loading">Loading! . </h1> <img v-if="loaded" :src="result.message" >Copy the code
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Vue series
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- Vue3’s setup and Ref syntax
- Provide and inject vue3
- Vue3 + vite + vant + typescript – Day 1
- Vue3 + TS Encapsulates request request, storage cache, and Config request information. – The next day
- Vue3 + TS Package bottom Tabbar – Day 3
- Vue3 + TS Canvas for Bezier curve wave effects – Day 4
- Vue3 + TS Today understand custom hooks – Day 5
- Vue3 + TS Mobile terminal and PC terminal realize waterfall flow – Day 6
The typescript series
- On day one, data types and vscode work with Typescript
- The next day, interface and Readonly properties
- Typescript Day 3 – Functions
- Typescript Day 4 – Type inference, joint types, and type assertions
- Day 5 – Classes and interfaces
- Day 6 – Generics/generic constraints/Generics with classes and interfaces
- Typescript Day 7 – Type aliases and cross types
- Day 8 – Declaring files, built-in types
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