
Right menu because of this is still a more common function, generally by triggering events to control the display of a menu hidden, especially in the visual editor is more prominent, and vue3 community is not perfect now, so want to use VUe3 + TS to write a right menu component, support VUe3, TS.

Technology stack

  • vue3
  • typescript
  • lodash
  • vue3(hooks)

The official start of the

1. Newtypes.tsFile, which is used asvue3-context-menuType declaration of.

export type Position = {
  x: number
  y: number

export type ContextMenuItem = {
  label: stringicon? :stringdisabled? :booleanhandler? :(. rest:any[]) = > voidchildren? : ContextMenuItem[] }export typeContextMenuProps = { menuClass? :string
  menus: ContextMenuItem[] position? : Position width? :number

export type ItemContentProps = {
  item: ContextMenuItem
  handler: (. rest:any[]) = > void

export type CreateContextOptions = ContextMenuProps & {
  event: MouseEvent

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2. Newindex.tsxFile, which is used asvue3-context-menuView layer.

Global parameters
import { defineComponent, FunctionalComponent, PropType, Transition } from 'vue'
import { Menu } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { ItemContentProps, Position, ContextMenuItem } from './types'
import SvgIcon from '.. /svg-icon/index.vue'
const Item: FunctionalComponent<ItemContentProps> = props= > {
  const { item, handler } = props
  return (
    <div onClick={e= >handler(item, e)}> {!! item.icon &&<SvgIcon class="mr8" name={item.icon} />}
    </div>)}Copy the code
Export a template component for which no mount is created
export default defineComponent({
  name: 'ContextMenu'.inheritAttrs: false.emits: ['update:visible'].props: {
    width: {
      type: Number.default: 160
    menuClass: {
      type: String.default: ' '
    position: {
      type: Object as PropType<Position>,
      default: () = > ({ x: 0.y: 0})},menus: {
      type: Array as PropType<ContextMenuItem[]>,
      default: () = >[]},visible: {
      type: Boolean.default: false}},mounted() {
  unmounted() {
  methods: {
    hide() {
      this.$emit('update:visible'.false)},handleAction(item: ContextMenuItem, e: MouseEvent) {
      const { handler, disabled } = item
      if (disabled) {
      handler && handler(item, e)
  render() {
    const self = this // eslint-disable-line
    const { visible } = this

    function renderMenuItem(menus: ContextMenuItem[]) {
      return > {
        const { disabled, label, children } = item

        if(! children || ! children.length) {return (
            <Menu.Item disabled={disabled} class="context-menu-item" key={label}>
              <Item item={item} handler={self.handleAction} />
            </Menu.Item>)}return (
          <Menu.SubMenu key={label} disabled={disabled} popupClassName="context-menu-popup">
              // slots
              title: () => <Item item={item} handler={self.handleAction} />,
              default: () => renderMenuItem(children)
          </Menu.SubMenu>)})}return (
      <Transition name="com-fade-in" appear>
        {visible && (
              class={`context-menuThe ${this.menuClass} `}mode="vertical"
                width: this.width + 'px',
                top: this.position.y + 'px',
                left: this.position.x + 'px'}} >
      </Transition>)}})Copy the code

2. Newcreate-context-menu.tsFile, which is used asvue3-context-menuLogical layer, using vUEhooksIdeas to write.

Global parameters
import { h, ComponentPublicInstance, ref, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'

export type CreateContextMenuProps = ContextMenuProps & {
  event: MouseEvent

export type ContextMenuInstance = ComponentPublicInstance<
    open: (opts: ContextMenuProps) = > void
    close: () = > void

const defaultProps: ContextMenuProps = {
  width: 160.menuClass: ' '.position: { x: 0.y: 0 },
  menus: []}let ins: ContextMenuInstance | null = null
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Generate right-click information and templates
function createInstance() {
  const comp = {
    setup() {
      const visible = ref(false)

      let attrs: Record<string, unknown> = {}
      const open = (opts: ContextMenuProps) = > {
        visible.value = true
        attrs = opts
      const close = () = > {
        visible.value = false

      const toggle = (val: boolean) = > {
        visible.value = val

      const render = () = >{ attrs = { ... attrs,visible: visible.value,
          'onUpdate:visible': toggle

        return h(ContextMenu, attrs)

      // re-render the function; (getCurrentInstance()as any).render = render

      return {
  // the mountComponent method is omitted, which is the 'createApp' method in 'vue' used to mount the component
  const { instance } = mountComponent(comp, 'context-menu-wrapper-root')

  return instance
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Gets information about the createInstance creation
function getInstance() {
  if (ins) {
    return ins
  ins = createInstance() as ContextMenuInstance
  return ins
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Will create right-click component information, export in an object, dynamically create components and delete components, similar tovue2In thevue.extend()This makes it easier to create components in the operation layer and eliminates the disadvantage of displaying components directly in the view layer
function createContextMenu(options: CreateContextMenuProps) {
  const { event } = options
  const props = Object.assign({}, defaultProps, omit(options, ['event']) {position: {
      x: event.clientX,
      y: event.clientY
  const mInstance = getInstance()
  setTimeout(() = > {
  }, 20)
  return mInstance

export { createContextMenu }
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// This code leaves a lot out
  <div class="com-page p20">
    <a-row type="flex" class="menu-container" align="middle" @contextmenu="onContainerRightClick">
      <ComImage className="image" :src="logo" alt="logo" />
      <h2 class="title">{{ data.title }}</h2>
      <section class="font-size-16">{{ data.description }}</section>
 <script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, reactive, ref } from 'vue'
import { createContextMenu } from '@/components/context-menu/create-context-menu'
export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    function onContainerRightClick(e: MouseEvent) {
        event: e,
        menus: [{label: 'edit'.handler() {
              visible.value = true}}, {label: 'Copy title'.handler(item, event: MouseEvent) {
              copy(form.title, event)
              message.success('Copy succeeded, CTRL + V paste')}}]})}}</script>
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Vue3-context-menu Uses documents

The vue3 context-menu plugin comes from ant-simple-Pro, which has many plugins developed with vue3+ TS.

Ant-simple-pro is simple, beautiful and quick to use, supporting 3 big frames.