With the release of Vue3.2, the < Script Setup > syntax sugar was released, and writing Vue components with typescript is a much more comfortable experience. This article summarizes some common writing methods in

Development environment setup

  • It is recommended to useviteTo quickly initialize a Vue3+Typescript project, which configures some configuration out of the box
  • It is recommended to use vscode and install the volar plug-in to assist development
  • It is recommended to customize a code snippet to aid development
    // vue.json
      "vue setup ts less": {
      	"prefix": "vstl"."body": [
    ."</template>"."<script setup lang=\"ts\">".""."</script>"."<style lang=\"less\" scoped>"."</style>",]."description": "vue3 setup ts less"}}Copy the code

Use reactive variables

Reactive variables defined in

  • useref:refThe initial value passed in is typed, and if it is a complex type, it can be specified by a generic parameter
    <div>{{ numberRef }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
const numberRef = ref(0) // ===> Ref<number>
const stringRef = ref("") // ===> Ref<string>
interface IFoo {
    bar: string
const fooRef = ref<IFoo>() // ===> Ref<IFoo | undefined>
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  • usereactiveThe Vue documentation describes three ways to do thisreactiveDeclare the type
    <div>{{ book1.bar }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue';
interface IFoo {
    bar: string
/ / the first
const book1 = reactive<IFoo>({ bar: 'bar' })
/ / the second
const book2: IFoo = reactive({ bar: 'bar' })
/ / the third kind
const book3 = reactive({ bar: 'bar' }) as IFoo
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A computed method automatically derives the type

  • Basic mode of use
    <div>{{ fooComputed? .bar }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
const numberRef = ref(0) // ===> Ref<number>
const numberComputed = computed(() = > numberRef.value) // ===> ComputedRef<number>
interface IFoo {
    bar: string
const fooRef = ref<IFoo>() // ===> Ref<IFoo | undefined>
const fooComputed = computed(() = > {
    return fooRef.value
}) // ===> ComputedRef<IFoo | undefined>
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  • Can be writtencomputed
    <div>{{ fooComputedWritable? .bar }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
interface IFoo {
    bar: string
const fooRef = ref<IFoo>() // ===> Ref<IFoo | undefined>
const fooComputedWritable = computed({
    get: () = > {
        return fooRef.value
    set: (value) = > {
        fooRef.value = value
}) // ===> WritableComputedRef<IFoo | undefined>
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You can use the Watch and watchEffect methods directly

    <div>{{ numberRef }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watch, watchEffect } from 'vue';
const numberRef = ref(0) // ===> Ref<number>
interface IFoo {
    bar: string
const fooRef = ref<IFoo>() // ===> Ref<IFoo | undefined>

watchEffect(() = > console.log(fooRef.value? .bar)) watch(numberRef,() = > {
    console.log(The 'numberRef' changes)})const stop = watch(fooRef, () = > {
    console.log('fooRef changes')}, {deep: true
}) // Check for deeply nested objects or arrays
stop(); // Stop listening
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Introduce the nextTick method directly

<script setup lang="ts">
import { nextTick } from 'vue';

nextTick(() = > {
    // ...

// Async /await can also be used
async() = > {await nextTick()
    / /...
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Use other components

Simply import other components and use them in the template. Imported components are automatically registered. Note that when using dynamic components, you should use dynamic: IS bindings

    <component :is="Foo" />
    <component :is="someCondition ? Foo : FooItem" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import Foo from "./Foo.vue"
import FooItem from "./FooItem.vue"
const someCondition = false
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The statement props

DefineProps is used to declare props, either without generics or with generics, and both can declare types and default values at the same time

  • Non-generic: it accepts andpropsOptions with the same value.
        <! ToRefs conversion is not required -->
        {{ foo }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { toRefs } from 'vue';
interface ICustomType {
    foo: string,
    bar: string
const props = defineProps({
    foo: String.// Use constructors to declare types
    fooMultiTypes: [String.Number].// Multiple types
    fooCustomType: Object as () => ICustomType, // Custom type
    fooCustomTypeWithRequire: {
        type: Object as () => ICustomType,
        required: true
    }, // User-defined type, mandatory
    fooCustomTypeWithDefault: {
        type: Object as () => ICustomType,
        default: () = > {
            return {
                foo: "foo".bar: "bar"}}},// Custom type with default value

// 1. You can use the declared props in the template 
// 2. If a value needs to be used in setup, it needs to be converted with toRefs and then deconstructed
const {
    foo,  // ===> Ref<string | undefined> | undefined
    fooMultiTypes, // ===> Ref<string | number | undefined> | undefined
    fooCustomType, // ===> Ref<ICustomType | undefined> | undefined
    fooCustomTypeWithRequire, // ===> Ref<ICustomType>
} = toRefs(props)
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  • Generic mode: declare the default value at this time, requiredwithDefaultsThe compiler macros
        <! ToRefs conversion is not required -->
        {{ foo }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { toRefs } from 'vue';
interface ICustomType {
    foo: string,
    bar: string
constprops = defineProps<{ foo? : string,fooWithRequire: string,
    fooMultiTypes: string | number, fooCustomType? : ICustomType,fooCustomTypeWithRequire: ICustomType

// Declare default values in a generic manner, using the withDefaults compiler macro
const propsWithDefault = withDefaults(
        fooCustomTypeWithDefault: ICustomType
        fooCustomTypeWithDefault: () = > {
            return {
                foo: "foo".bar: "bar"}}})// 1. You can use the declared props in the template 
// 2. If a value needs to be used in setup, it needs to be converted with toRefs and then deconstructed
const {
    foo,  // ===> Ref<string | undefined> | undefined
    fooWithRequire,  // ===> Ref<string>
    fooMultiTypes, // ===> Ref<string | number>
    fooCustomType, // ===> Ref<ICustomType | undefined> | undefined
    fooCustomTypeWithRequire, // ===> Ref<ICustomType>
} = toRefs(props)

const {
    fooCustomTypeWithDefault,  // ===> Ref<ICustomType>
} = toRefs(propsWithDefault)
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The statement emits

Declare it using defineEmits, which accepts the same value as the emits option.

    <div @click="emitsWithObject('bar', $event)"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
interface IUserInput {
    email: string,
    password: string
// Array mode
const emitsWithArray = defineEmits(["foo"."bar"])
// Object mode
const emitsWithObject = defineEmits({
    // Take a validation function and specify the load type
    foo: (payload: IUserInput) = > {
        if (payload.email && payload.password) {
            return true
        } else {
            console.warn(`Invalid submit event payload! `)
            return false}},// Specify only the load type
    bar: (evevnt: MouseEvent) = > true
// Generic
const emitsWithGeneric = defineEmits<{
    (e: 'foo'.id: number): void
    (e: 'bar'.value: string): void} > ()// Trigger the event
emitsWithObject("foo", { email: "[email protected]".password: 'bp' })
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Recursive components

A single-file component can be referenced by itself by its filename, but in the case of named flushing, use the import alias import to avoid collisions

// FooBar.vue
        <! A single-file component can be referenced by itself by its filename -->

<script setup lang="ts">
// Use import alias imports to avoid collisions
import { default as FooBarOther } from './others/FooBar.vue'
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Lifecycle hooks are used

Use the corresponding lifecycle hook function directly

<script setup lang="ts">
import {
} from "vue"

// Just use it
onMounted(() = > {
    // ...
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Exposing component properties

Variables in

  • inBar.vueTo expose attributes due to usedefineExposeThe exposed property type is not yet availableInstanceType<typeof Bar>This way to extract, specific can refer to this# 4397, so it needs to be usedexportManually export exposed types.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
const a = 1
const b = ref(2)

const exposeValue = {
export type IExposeType = typeof exposeValue
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  • inFoo.vueThrough theThe template referenceUse exposed properties
    <bar ref="barRef"></bar>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import Bar, { IExposeType } from './Bar.vue';
const barRef = ref<IExposeType>();
consta = barRef.value? .a// number | undefined
constb = barRef.value? .b// Ref<number> | undefined
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Use provide and inject

Provide and Inject support for generics to control the types of injected variables

  • inFoo.vueThe use ofprovideProvide dependencies that need to be injected
<script setup lang="ts">
import { provide } from 'vue';
export interface IUser {
    name: string,
    age: number
provide<IUser>("user", {
    name: "foo".age: 23
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  • inBar.vueThe use ofinjectIntroduce injected dependencies
<script setup lang="ts">
import { inject } from 'vue';
import { IUser } from './Foo.vue';

const name = inject<string>("name") // ===> string | undefined
const user = inject<IUser>("user") // ===> IUser | undefined
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😁 : VueCook, an open source front-end low code tool written by the author, has been released, this is its introduction article, its official documentation is here: VueCook, Github repository is here: VueCook- Github, welcome to comment 😁