This is the 26th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

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Teleport shift (a)

  • Teleport provides a clean way for a component’s HTML to insert the display under a specific tag (most likely body) outside the parent component’s interface
  • Use selectors inside to attribute quotes
  <teleport to="body">
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The parent component


<script lang="ts">
import ModalButton from './ModalButton.vue'
export default {
  setup() {
    return{}},components: {
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Child components

The node will appear under the body

  <button @click="modalOpen = true">Click me to open the dialog box</button>

  <teleport to="body">
    <div v-if="modalOpen">
      <div>Look where I showed up<button @click="modalOpen = false">

import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
  name: 'modal-button',
  setup () {
    const modalOpen = ref(false)
    return {
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Girl (uncertain)

  • They allow our application to render some back-up content while waiting for asynchronous components, allowing us to create a smooth user experience
  • V-slot :defaul can be abbreviated to #defaul
  • How to introduce asynchronous components in VUE3
const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent(() = > import('./AsyncComp.vue'))
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The parent component

    <template v-slot:default>

    <template v-slot:fallback>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent(() = > import('./AsyncComp.vue'))
export default {
  setup() {
    return{}},components: {
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Child components


<script lang="ts">
export default {
  name: 'AsyncComp',
  setup () {
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
       setTimeout(() = > {
           msg: 'abc'})},2000)}}}</script>
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Judgment of responsive data

  • IsRef: Checks whether a value is a ref object
  • IsReactive: Checks whether an object is created byreactiveCreate a responsive proxy
  • IsReadonly: Checks whether an object is created byreadonlyThe read-only agent created
  • IsProxy: Checks whether an object is created byreactiveorreadonlyMethod to create an agent
setup() {
    const state1 = ref(1);
    console.log('isref:', isRef(state1));//isref: true
    const state2 = reactive({});
    console.log('isReactive:', isReactive(state2));//isReactive: true
    const state3 = readonly({});
    console.log('isReadonly:', isReadonly(state3));//isReadonly: true
    const state4 = reactive({});
    console.log('isProxy:', isProxy(state2));//isProxy: true
    console.log('isProxy:', isProxy(state4));//isProxy: true
    return {};
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ShallowReactive and shallowRef

  • ShallowReactive: Handles only the responsivity of the outermost properties within the object (i.e. shallow responsivity)
  • ShallowRef: Only value responses are processed, and reactive is not implemented
 setup() {
    // Depth response
    const m1 = reactive({ a: 1.b: { c: 2}});// Shallow response
    const m2 = shallowReactive({ a: 1.b: { c: 2}});// Depth response
    const m3 = ref({ a: 1.b: { c: 2}});// Shallow response
    const m4 = shallowRef({ a: 1.b: { c: 2}});const update = () = > {
      // Change m1 data --reactive mode
      // m1.a += 1;
      // m1.b.c += 1;
      // Change m2 data --shallowReactive
      // m2.a += 1;
      // m2.b.c += 1;
      // Change the data of m3 -- the way of ref
      // m3.value.a += 1;
      // m3.value.b.c += 1;
      // Change m4 data --shallowRef mode
      // m4.value.a += 1;
      // m4.value.b.c += 1;
      console.log('m3:', m3);
      console.log('m4:', m4);
    return { m1,m2,m3,m4,update };
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