What is this?
For those who are not familiar with this project, Varlet is a Material style mobile component library developed based on Vue3. It fully embraces Vue3 ecology and pursues lightweight component volume, simple usage and minimal thinking burden.
Github documentation site
Why seek out teammates?
Github’s commit record shows that our core development team has only 2-3 code contributors, and we maintain and develop the repository in our spare time. We have the following development plans, and we are very limited, so we hope to enlist the help of friends in the community who are interested in working with us.
The next plan……
- First of all, after we have completed relatively complete unit testing, we need to conduct a comprehensive optimization of UI effects for all component effects.
- Write separate documents that conform to the Script Setup syntax sugar.
- Adapt Vue2.7 after Vue2.7 comes out.
What is Script Setup
Vue’s new syntax sugar allows you to mark a setup property on the Script tag of a Vue file, making script scope code the component’s setup function, simplifying development.
Import {ref} from 'vue' export default {setup() {const count = ref(0) const add = () => count.value++ return { count, add } } }Copy the code
// Script setup syntax import {ref} from 'vue' const count = ref(0) const add = () => count.value++Copy the code
What is a Vue2.7
Uvu says it will develop an enhanced version of Vue2. X that will include some of Vue3’s features. This also makes it possible for our warehouse to be backward compatible with Vue2, so we will consider adapting Vue2.7 after the function is relatively stable.
Write in the last
We hope that if you are interested in github, you can leave a message to us through the issue of Github. We will take the initiative to contact you. If you think this warehouse is not bad, you can give us a star or tell your friends, we need it to be seen by more people. Do things religiously and be grateful. Thank you.