Hi, I’m your cat brother, a super cat who doesn’t like to eat fish and doesn’t like cats

GitHub is dedicated to mining outstanding front-end open source projects on GitHub and recommending them in the form of special topics. Each topic has about 10 good projects, and there will be one to three essence articles pushed every week.

Nearly 100 excellent projects have been recommended for the interview project, CSS Weird Weird project, code specification project, data Structures and Algorithms project, JavaScript weird weird project, front-end essential online tools, etc.

How to find good open Source projects? Check out GitHub’s Tips for Finding Good Open Source Projects

Here are the highlights of the 16th issue of GitHub.

1. Vue3 Chinese document

First of all, I will provide you with 3 Vue3 Chinese learning websites.

Vue3 Chinese document, domestic CDN accelerated version


Vue3 design concept

Vue3 design concept, motivation and purpose, must read.

Vue3js. Cn/vue – composi…

Vue3 related project aggregation website


2. Vue3 source code

Why learn source code?

1. The purpose of reading good code is to write good code.

2. Don’t set limits on yourself and don’t let the skill limits of those around you become your limits.

In fact, just like we write compositions, the more high score compositions you read, the greater the probability of writing high score compositions.

Based on current programmers working mode (modular development, only need to get some) needs to do their own, don’t look at the source code, even to see the code in the project are lazy, I know a lot of programmers is such, a project to touch two or three years, you have to ask what he did in project webpack, his answer is don’t know. Instead of swaggering tell you, those he has never used, look at it does not matter, also do not understand, here to omit the heart thousands of dirty words.

Reading the main purpose is to help us accumulate material, not to use the book square hate less, see the beauty we should be able to have ten thousand words to describe, such as gas if you orchid, beauty can not square things, a smile, and then smile, the world beautiful thing, rather than a few words, I fuck, beauty!


3. UI component library


Ant-design-vue is a VUE implementation of Ant Design. The components are styled in sync with Ant Design, and vue 3.0 support is currently available in beta 2.0.0.


Vant 3.0

Lightweight, reliable mobile Vue component library.

Vant is the open source mobile component library of Uzan front-end team. It was opened in 2016 and has been maintained for 4 years.

At present, Vant has completed the adaptation of Vue 3.0 and released Vant 3.0



Element Plus, a Vue 3.0-based desktop component library for developers, designers and product managers.


element 3

Element 3, a Vue 3.0-based desktop component library for developers, designers, and product managers.


4. [‘ t? : n


Vue3 style background management system based on Ant-Design-Vue, typescript, Vue3.0, Vite implementation.



Open source Admin project based on Vue3.0, while supporting computers, mobile phones, tablets, 🔥🔥🔥 default branch using vue3.x+ ANTDV development, master branch using vue2.x+ Element development.



Quickly build practical projects based on Vue3.0 Composition Api



Vue3 + TypeScript movie trailer webAPP allows you to view current and upcoming movie trailers and clips.



Newbee-mall project is a set of e-commerce system, including Newbee-Mall system and Newbee-mall-Admin backstage management system, based on Spring Boot 2.X, Vue and related technology stack development.

The front desk mall system includes home page portal, product classification, new product launch, home page rotation, product recommendation, product search, product display, shopping cart, order settlement, order process, personal order management, member center, help center and other modules. Background management system includes data panel, broadcast map management, commodity management, order management, member management, classification management, setting and other modules.



🔥 Based on vue3.0.0, Vant3.0.0, Vue-Router4.0.0-0, vuex^4.0.0-0, VUE-cli3, Mockjs, JINGdong Taobao, mobile H5 e-commerce platform!


The last

For the cat brother, you can see the end of 2020 front-end engineer summary – 3 year itch, see cat brother’s face has been beaten crooked 😂.

Before you know it, it has been written to the 16th issue and has shared more than 200 good front-end projects. Please look at the treasure warehouse below for further details. It is very dangerous to click on it.


How to find good open source projects on GitHub and how to use GitHub for accurate search tips.

If you search “front-end GitHub” on wechat and reply “ebook”, you will get 160 front-end elite books.

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