Start by defining the modular Module
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The introduction ofmodule
The next two files
Through thenamespaced:true
Open the namespace
The code is as follows:
Export default {state: {name: "This is the vuEX status of the live broadcast management page ", data: [],}, mutations: { addData(state, val) { if (val) {{ ... val }); } }, deitData(state, val) { if (val) { = val; } }, delData(state, val) { if (val) { = val; } }, }, actions: {}, namespaced: true, };Copy the code
View View page, Vue3 versionsetup
Syntactic use
The following code
<script setup> import { onMounted,computed } from "vue"; import { useStore } from "vuex"; const store = useStore(); / / by calculating properties for store under state status value const Data = computed (() = > store. State. Streamhome. Data); OnMounted (() => {let Data=[] // Let newData = {id: data.value. Length >0? Data.value[Data.value.length - 1].id + 1 : 0, ... Val, start_time: "2020-06-12 00:00:00", cover_img: "if there is image path 1 ", share_img:" if there is image path 2 ",}; // streamHome /deitData (); // streamhome/deitData (); // streamhome/deitData
this is the argument to pass, currently the newData object}); </script>Copy the code