Project introduction
Vue3.0-webchat based on Vue3.x family bucket technology + elemet-plus + V3Layer + V3Scroll construction of imitation wechat /QQ interface actual combat chat room project. Support edit box paste send picture, drag upload picture.
Some time ago there was a vue3.0 mobile phone end imitation wechat APP chat actual case.
As shown in the picture above: The effect of QQ and wechat skin respectively.
Implementation technology
- Technical framework: Vue3.0.5 +vue-router@4+vuex4
- UI Component library: elementPlus (Ele. me PC VuE3 component library)
- Popover components: V3Layer (vuE3 based custom popover components)
- Scroll bar component: V3Scroll (vuE3 based custom virtual scroll bar component)
- Font icon: Ali iconfont icon
The project structure
Vue3. X beautify the scrollbar component
Before using VUE2 to develop a version of the custom scroll bar component, in order to project effect more unified, on the development of a VUE3 version of the custom beautify scroll bar V3Scroll component.
Vue3.0 simulation scrollbar component | vue3 v3scroll custom along with the scroll bar
Vue3. X Custom global dialog box
V3layer Custom pop-up components based on vuE3 multi-functional PC desktop. Also evolved from the previous vue2 version. Support up to 30+ parameters, support drag, zoom, maximize, full screen and custom styles and top functions.
Vue3 custom dialog box | global vue3.0 imitation layer. The js v3layer pop-up components
Main.js entry configuration
/** * Vue3.0 entry configuration */ import {createApp} from 'vue' import App from './ app. vue' // Import vuex and address route import store from './store' import router from './router' // import public components import Plugins from './ Plugins' /* Import public styles */ import '@assets/fonts/iconfont.css' import '@assets/css/reset.css' import '@assets/css/layout.css' const app = createApp(App) app.use(store) app.use(router) app.use(Plugins) app.mount('#app')Copy the code
App.vue template layout
<div :class="['vui__wrapper', store.state.isWinMaximize&&'maximize']"> <div class="vui__board flexbox"> <div class="flex1 flexbox"> <! --> <WinBar v-if="! route.meta.hideWinBar" /> <! <SideBar v-if="! route.meta.hideSideBar" class="nt__sidebar flexbox flex-col" /> <! --> <Middle v-show="! route.meta.hideMiddle" /> <! <router-view ></ div> </div> </div> </div> </div>Copy the code
Vue3 form validation + 60S countdown
Vue3.0 implements registration verification form and 60s countdown control.
<script> import { reactive, toRefs, inject, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue' export default { components: {}, setup() { const { ctx } = getCurrentInstance() const v3layer = inject('v3layer') const utils = inject('utils') const FormObj = reactive({}) const data = reactive({vcodeText: reactive, disabled: false, time: 0, }) const VTips = (content) => { v3layer({ content: content, layerStyle: 'background:#ff5151; color:#fff; ', time: 2 }) } const handleSubmit = () => { if(!{VTips(' Mobile phone number cannot be empty! ') }else if(! CheckTel ({VTips(' Phone number format is not correct! ') }else if(! Formobj.pwd){VTips(' Password cannot be empty! ') }else if(! Formobj.vcode){VTips(' CaptCha cannot be empty! ') }else{ ctx.$store.commit('SET_TOKEN', utils.setToken()); ctx.$store.commit('SET_USER',; / /... } // 60s countdown const handleVcode = () => {if(! {VTips(' Mobile phone number cannot be empty! ') }else if(! CheckTel ( {VTips(' Phone number format is not correct! ') }else { data.time = 60 data.disabled = true countDown() } } const countDown = () => { if(data.time > 0) { Data. vcodeText = 'Get verification code ('+ data.time +')' data.time-- setTimeout(countDown, 100)}else{data.vcodeText = 'data.time = 0 data.disabled = false}} return {formObj,... toRefs(data), handleSubmit, handleVcode } } } </script>Copy the code
Background blurred ground glass effect
<! <div class="vui__bgblur"> < SVG width="100%" height="100%" class=" "blur- SVG "viewBox="0 0 1920 875" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <filter id="blur_mkvvpnf"><feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="50"></feGaussianBlur></filter> <image :xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" externalResourcesRequired="true" xmlns:xlink="" style="filter:url(#blur_mkvvpnf)" preserveAspectRatio="none"></image> </svg> <div class="blur-cover"></div> </div>Copy the code
Preview picture
Here we use the image component from the Element-Plus component library.
Element – plus. Gitee. IO / # / useful – CN/com…
<el-image class="img__pic"
Copy the code
Video preview
The V3Layer component is used to implement popover preview videos.
<! <v3-layer v-model="isShowVideoPlayer" title="< I class='iconfont iconfont bofang'></ I > layerStyle="background:#f9f9f9" opacity=".2" :area="['550px', '450px']" xclose resize :maximize="true" > <video class="vplayer" ref="playerRef" autoplay preload="auto" controls :src="videoList.videosrc" :poster="videoList.imgsrc" x5-video-player-fullscreen="true" webkit-playsinline="true" x-webkit-airplay="true" playsinline="true" x5-playsinline /> </v3-layer>Copy the code
Url preview
/ / match the links in the message box const transferHTML = (HTML) = > {let reg = / (HTTP: / / \ | HTTPS: \ \ /) (\ w | = | \? |\.|\/|&|-)+)/g return html.replace(reg, "<a href='$1$2'>$1$2</a>") } let msg = transferHTML(data.editorText)Copy the code
Click on the chat content to determine whether the link was clicked.
Const handleMsgClicked = (e) => {let target = // link if(target.tagName === 'A') {e.preventdefault () // Console. log(' trigger link click event! ') v3Layer ({type: 'iframe', title: '< I class="iconfont icon-link"></ I > url preview ', content: target.href, opacity:.2, area: ['860px', '600px'], xclose: true, resize: true, maximize: True})} / / picture if (target. The tagName = = = 'IMG' && target. The classList. The contains (' IMG - view ')) {/ /... }}Copy the code
Send a red envelope
This is the V3Layer used to introduce external component implementations.
import SendRedPacket from './redPacket.vue' <! -... <v3-layer v-model="isShowSendRedPacketLayer" layerStyle="background:# fff8F4 "opacity=".2" :area="['400px', '480px']" xclose xcolor="#ffdccb" drag='.ntDrag__head' > <SendRedPacket /> </v3-layer>Copy the code
Ok, based on _vue3+elementPlus_ to develop a web side chat example to share here.
Finally, post a NuxtJs instance project
Nuxt. | js chat instance nuxt + Vue mobile end imitation WeChat/circle of friends
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