Learning process record
- Wbs99.github. IO /good-ui-web…
- Source link: github.com/wbs99/Good-…
Use Vite to build official website
Create a project
- Use the following command to install globally
Yarn Global add create-vite-app@1.18.0 cva good9-gulu-ui // Create a project directory CD good9-gulu-ui yarn yarn devCopy the code
This is equivalent to the command given in the Vite documentation
Yarn Create viet-app Project nameCopy the code
Initialize the project
The currently known differences between Vue3 and Vue2
- Vue3 is createApp(), which accepts components
- Vue2 is new Vue(), which accepts objects
- Vue3’s template supports multiple root tags
- Vue2 does not support
Install the vue – the router
- Vue Router 4 is introduced to switch pages
- View all version numbers of vue-router
npm info vue-router versions
Copy the code
Use the latest vue-router version
Yarn add vue-router@4.0.10Copy the code
Initialize the vue – the router
- Creating a History Object
- Creating a Router Object
- Add the router – the view
- Add the router – the link
import {createWebHashHistory,createRouter} from 'vue-router'
import Good from './components/Wbs.vue'
const history = createWebHashHistory()
const router = createRouter({
const app = createApp(App);
Copy the code
Add router-view and router-link to the template of app. vue
/ / App. Vue < template > < div > navigation bar | < the router - link to = "/" > good < / router - the link > | < the router - link to = "/ XXX" > good9 < / router - the link > </div> <hr> <router-view/> </template>Copy the code
- Change main.js to main.ts to do type checking
- The three CREATE routes correspond to the memory route, Hash route, and History route respectively
Provide and Inject the switchover function
Add router-link to aside
Easy to switch between component documents
Click on LOGO to switch aside
Click show once, click hide again
- Using asideVisible is
To show and hide - App. The asideVisible vue
Give Topnav. Vue and doc. Vue - Topnav. Vue and doc. Vue
asideVisible - Doc. Vue aside
//App.vue <script> import {provide, ref} from 'vue' export default { name: 'App', setup(){const asideVisible= ref(false) provide(' XXX ',asideVisible)}Copy the code
<aside v-if="asideVisible">
setup() {
const asideVisible = inject('asideVisible')
return { asideVisible }
Copy the code
//Topnav.vue <script lang="ts"> import { inject, Ref } from "vue" export default { setup() { const asideVisible = inject<Ref<boolean>>('asideVisible') const toggleMenu = () => { asideVisible.value = ! asideVisible.value } return { toggleMenu } } } </script>Copy the code
Transform the Top nav
- Add a toggle icon and click show to hide aside
- PC side always display aside, mobile phone can show or hide aside
- Check in app.vue and let ref default to true when screen width >500px
//App.vue setup() { const width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; Const asideVisible = ref(width <= 500? false : true); provide('asideVisible', asideVisible); }Copy the code
Switching between routes
- Click the component to display the corresponding document.
- Aside (for mobile phones, not PCS)
Can be implemented when the route switch to execute the function
Copy the code
Making Switch components
How to use the Switch component
<Switch value="true"/> Value is the string "true" <Switch value="false"/> Value is the string "false" <Switch :value=" true"/> value Boolean true <Switch :value=" false "/> value Is Boolean falseCopy the code
If value is the string “true” or a Boolean value true, the value is on. Otherwise, it is off
Dynamically bind class, default is false, class=’active’,
<button @click="toggle" :class="{active}"><span></span></button>
<script lang='ts'>
import {ref} from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const active = ref(false);
const toggle = () => {
active.value = !active.value;
return {active, toggle};
Copy the code
Move the white circle to the right via calc
button.active > span {
left: calc(100% - 20px);
Copy the code
Optimize slide animation with Transtion
transition: left 250ms
Copy the code
The same effect is achieved through parent-child component communication
- You can use props to communicate between parent and child components
- The parent component passes in value as true, then
And vice versa - through
Modify the props $event
The value isemit
The second argument toContext.emit (Event name, event parameters)
The event name can be changed instead of input
// Parent switchDemo. vue <template> <div> <Switch :value="y" @input="y=$event"/> </div> </template> <script lang='ts'> import Switch from '.. /lib/Switch.vue'; import {ref} from 'vue'; export default { components: {Switch}, setup() { const y = ref(true); return {y}; }};Copy the code
Vue <template> < button@click ="toggle" :class="{active:value}"> <span></span> </button> <div>{{value }}</div> </template> <script lang='ts'> export default { props: { value: Boolean }, setup(props, context) { const toggle = () => { context.emit('input', ! props.value); // Toggle inverts the current value and passes the input event to the parent component}; return {toggle}; }};Copy the code
The code above can be changed to V-Model
Vue3 的 v-model
- The property name is arbitrary, let’s say x
- The event name must be
context.emit('input', ! props.value); Context. Emit ('update:value',! props.value);Copy the code
<Switch :value="y" @update:value="y = $event"/>Copy the code
Making a Switch summary
- Declare a function, return the function, which is equivalent to methods
- Add transition animations using CSS Transition
- Use ref to create internal data
- use
Let parent and child components communicate (component communication) - use
- use
The difference between Vue2 and Vue3
- new
Substitute forv-model
- new
, andthis.$emit
The same effect - Setup (){} must be used
- It is basically used in Vue3
Making button components
- There can be different levels.
- It could be a link, it could be text
- Can click, focus, mouse hover
- You can change the size: large, medium and small
- It can be disabled.
- Can be loaded
Vue3 attribute binding rules
- All attributes passed from the default parent component to the child component are bound to the root element
- If the child component button.vue has a div outside the Button
- Clicking on the div area (the red area above) will also print
- So you just want to click the button to print it out
So how do we do that?
- So div doesn’t inherit attributes,
inheritAttrs: false
- use
inheritAttrs: false
You can unbind the default, and the event is not bound to any element
- Bind the event to the child component’s button,
- use
Contains all properties written in the component
Batch binding properties
- The parent component passes multiple properties to the child component
- The child component can optionally bind some to A
- The rest,
. rest
The remaining operator) is bound to B const {size, level, ... rest} = context.attrs
Separating propertiesv-bind = 'rest'
Bind all remaining properties
//Button.vue <template> <div :size='size'> <button v-bind="rest"> <slot/> </button> </div> </template> <script Lang ="ts"> export default {inheritAttrs: false, // cancel the default setup(props, context) {const {size,onMouseOver... rest } = context.attrs return { size, rest } } } </script>Copy the code
Button Base Style
</Button> <Button theme=" Button "> </Button> <Button theme="text"> </Button> <Button theme="link"> Hello </Button> </template>Copy the code
- The first Button in the code above does not pass theme, undefined
- When declaring the theme type, you can declare default to be button
//Button.vue <template> <button class="gulu-button" :class="`theme-${theme}`"> <slot/> </button> </template> <script Lang ='ts'> export default {props: {theme: {type: String, default: 'button' // Default is button, undefined}}};Copy the code
The modification is as follows
UI library CSS considerations
Scoped cannot be used
- Using scoped there is data-v-xxx, XXX may be different each time it is run
- You must output a stable class selector that is easy to override
Must prefix
- Button is easily overridden by the user
- You can use. Good-button which is not easy to overwrite
- Theme-link can easily be overridden by users
- You can use. Good-theme-link which is not easily overridden
Minimum impact principle of CSS
- CSS must not influence library users
- Index.scss uses a number of global selectors
- Main.js references the index.scss and does not affect the user
- But our style in index. SCSS is our default style
- If someone references a component like a Switch Button
- We can’t know if the person referenced has set it up
呢 - So you need to add these properties to components like the Switch Button
Create a new good.scss in the lib directory
Said the class togood-
At the beginning of*
Indicates that class contains Spacesgood-
For example, this does not satisfy good-
<div calss='xxx good-button'
Copy the code
/ / good. SCSS [class ^ = 'good -'], [class * = 'good -'] {/ / pay attention to the space margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 16px; font-family: -apple-system, "Noto Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", Arial, "Liberation Sans", "PingFang SC", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Noto Sans CJK SC", "Source Han Sans SC", "Source Han Sans CN", "Microsoft YaHei", "Wenquanyi Micro Hei", "WenQuanYi Zen Hei", "ST Heiti", SimHei, "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp", sans-serif; }Copy the code
Let button support size property
- The value of size is big, normal, and small
- The default is normal
Do this by calculating the properties
//Button.vue <template> <button class="good-button" :class="classes"> <slot/> </button> </template> <script lang='ts'> import {computed} from 'vue'; export default { props: { theme: { type: String, default: 'button' }, size: { type: String, default: 'normal' }, }, setup(props) { const {theme, size} = props; const classes = computed(() => { return { [`good-theme-${theme}`]: theme, [`good-size-${size}`]: size, }; }); return {classes}; }};Copy the code
Support level
The value of level is main, Normal, minor, and danger
Disabled Disabled
The value of disabled is true or false
< button disabled >
< button: disabled = "true" >
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the following two is wrong -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - < button disabled = "true" >
< button Disabled = "false" >
Copy the code
Support for loading
<template> <button class="good-button" :class="classes" :disabled="disabled"> <span v-if="loading" Class =" good-loadingindicator "></span> </button> </template>Copy the code
Make the Dialog Dialog box component
- Click and pop up
- A mask layer
- There’s a close button
- Have a title
- There are content
- There are confirm/cancel buttons
How to use the Dialog component
<Dialog visible title=" title "@yes="fn1" @no="fn2" ></Dialog>Copy the code
Click show dialog box to display the dialog box
By default, the dialog box is not displayed. Click the “Show dialog” button to appear the dialog box
- Original and previous click show hide aside same
- The parent component defines a variable x
- Parent component passes one to child component
- The child component receives Visible with props, declaring the type and default values
- Wrap a div around the content (the red div in the image below) with
To hide and show
</Button> <Dialog :visible="x"></Dialog> </template> export </Button> </Dialog> </template> export default { components: { Button, Dialog }, setup() { const x = ref(false); const toggle =() =>{ x.value=! x.value } return {x,toggle}; }};Copy the code
Vue export default {props: {visible: {type: Boolean, default: false}}, components: {Button}}; // Subcomponent dialog. vue export default {props: {visible: {type: Boolean, default: false}}, components: {Button}};Copy the code
Realize the dialog box to close the function
Click on theGrey area (mask layer)
Can be closed
- do
The closing of the
- Props props props props props props props props props props props
- Dialog closing is controlled by Visible, which is passed in by the parent component
- Child components cannot modify this props
- Still through
To implement the
<span @click="close" class="good-dialog-close"></span>
Copy the code
<script lang="ts"> import Button from './Button.vue'; export default { props: { visible: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, components: {Button}, setup(props, context) { const close = () => { context.emit('update:visible', false); / /}; return {close}; }}; </script>Copy the code
- The parent component listens for this event and succeeds
<template> <Dialog :visible="x" @update:visible="x=$event"></Dialog v-model:visible="x"></Dialog> </template>Copy the code
- Click on the mask layer to close it
- Add to the div where the mask layer is located
Can be realized
<div @click="close" class="good-dialog-overlay">Dialog</div>
Copy the code
- Clicking on the mask layer always closes the dialog box
- CloseOnClickOverlay is passed in by the parent component to enable click on whether the mask layer is closed
- The principle is the same as the visible implementation of show hide
<div @click="closeOnClickOverlay" class="good-dialog-overlay"> dialog </div> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- export default { props: { visible: { type: Boolean, default: false }, closeOnClickOverlay: { type: Boolean, default: true } }, components: {Button}, setup(props, context) { const close = () => { context.emit('update:visible', false); }; const closeOnClickOverlay = () => { if (props.closeOnClickOverlay) { close(); }}; return {close, closeOnClickOverlay}; }};Copy the code
The parent component controls whether the default click overlay is closed by closeOnClickOverlay True or false
</ / Parent <template> <Dialog V-model :visible="x" :closeOnClickOverlay="false"></Dialog> </template>Copy the code
- Click on the
A requirement for closing a dialog box is that the user cannot close the dialog box without input
- This will not work because emit does not return a value
const ok =()=>{
const result = context.emit('ok')
Copy the code
- So you have to use the function
The parent component: ok = ‘f1’
<Dialog v-model:visible="x" :closeOnClickOverlay="false"
setup() {
const f1 = () => {
return false;
return {f1};
Copy the code
The props of the child component accepts OK to close the ok dialog
const ok =()=>{ if(props.ok&&props.ok()! ==false){ close() } }Copy the code
Implement dialog box to customize the title and content
- Use named slots
<slot name='xxx'/>
, can be realizedbold
The function such as - The content of the
<template v-slot:xxx>
<slot name='title'/>
<slot name='content'/>
Copy the code
- Be sure to wrap the content in template when passing it
Vue <template> <Button @click="toggle"> </Button> <Dialog V-model :visible="x" :closeOnClickOverlay="false" : OK ="f1" > <template V-slot :title> <strong> title </strong> </template> <template V-slot :content> <strong> bold </strong> <div> Normal </div> </template> </Dialog> </template>Copy the code
The effect is shown below.
Use Teleport
- Because there is a cascading context
- So the dialog box might be covered,
- use
<Teleport to='body'>
The contents wrapped by Teleport will go to the body
One sentence opens the dialog box
Function opens the dialog box
< Button @ click = "showDialog" > word open dialog < / Button > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- const ShowDialog () = = > {openDialog ({title: 'title, content:' hello wow '})}Copy the code
Implementation method:
- Create opendialog.ts in lib
- If this dialog is inserted into the body, the previous content in the body disappears
- So you need to create a temporary div
- Mount the Dialog into a temporary div
- Since visible is set to false by default, changing it to true is just a band-aid
- You need to use an H function to render the Dialog with H
- The closing in this case simply causes the Dialog to destroy
//openDialog.ts import Dialog from './Dialog.vue'; import {createApp, h} from 'vue'; export const openDialog = (options) => { const {title, content, ok, close} = options; const div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); const app = createApp({ render() { return h( Dialog, { visible: true, 'onUpdate:visible': (newVisible) => { if (newVisible === false) { //@ts-ignore app.unmount(div); div.remove(); } }, ok, close }, {title, content}); }}); app.mount(div); };Copy the code
This method opens and closes the dialog box with an extra div, so you need to remove that div as well
Make Tabs
There are two ways to write the Tabs component
Navigation < Tabs > < Tab title = "1" > 1 < Tab > content < Tab title = "navigation 2" > < Component1 / > < Tab > < Tab title = "navigation 3" > < Component1 x = "hi" / > < Tab > </Tabs>Copy the code
<Tabs :data="[{title:' Tabs ',content: 'Tabs '}, {title:' Tabs ',content:' Component1 '}, {title:' Tabs ',content: Component1}, {title:' Tabs ',content: h(Component1,{x:'hi'})}, ]"/>Copy the code
How do I confirm the types of child components at run time
You must make sure that Tabs are Tabs, not divs
<template> <Tabs> <div title=" Navigation 1"> Content 1</div> <Tab title=" navigation 2"> Content 2</Tab> </Tabs> </template>Copy the code
- I wrote navigation 1, content 1, navigation 2, content 2
- Only the Tabs component is displayed, not the Tab component
In the Tabs componentconsole.log({... context})
You get the following
console.log({... context.slots})
console.log({... context.slots.default()})
- You get something that looks like an array, default is actually an array here
0 and 1 are really just two tabs
console.log({ … Context.slot.default ()[0]}), resulting in a virtual node, also known as a VNode
Console. log(defaults[0]. Type === Tab) returns true, indicating that type is Tab
setup(props, context) { const defaults = context.slots.default(); console.log(defaults[0].type === Tab); }};Copy the code
- Each tab.vue is eventually exported as an object
- With that in mind, you’re ready to type check
- If the label inside Tabs is not a Tab, the console will report an error
Tabs.vue export default { setup(props, context) { const defaults = context.slots.default(); defaults.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.type ! == Tab) {throw new Error('Tabs must be Tab'); }}); return { defaults }; }};Copy the code
Render nested slots
- The tabs. vue component needs to be checked for type
- Implement slots with Component
<component v-for="c in defaults" :is="c"/>
Copy the code
- Use slot slots for tab. vue components
- Because you don’t need to do type checking
Copy the code
- The title needs to be rendered above the content
- Each title is obtained by map and V-for
<template> <div> <div v-for="title in titles" :key="title">{{title}}</div> <component v-for="(c,index) in defaults" :is="c" :key="index"/> </div> </template> <script lang='ts'> import Tab from './Tab.vue'; export default { setup(props, context) { const defaults = context.slots.default(); defaults.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.type ! == Tab) {throw new Error('Tabs must be Tab'); }}); const titles = defaults.map((tag) => { return tag.props.title; }); return { defaults, titles }; }};Copy the code
Displays the selected navigation
<div class="good-tabs-nav-item"
{{ title }}
Copy the code
Implement navigation switch
Make sure you put a key here
<div class="good-tabs-content"> <component class="good-tabs-content-item" :is="current" :key='current.props.title'/> </div> ---------------------------------------------- setup(){ const current = defaults.filter((tag) => { return tag.props.title === props.selected; }) [0]; return{ current } }Copy the code
After the navigation switch is implemented, it is found that the content 1 is still displayed when you switch to navigation 2
- When I click on the navigation, the selected changes,
- But setup is executed only once when the page is mounted
- So current will not be updated
- So current should not be a normal property
- It should be a calculation
Calculate attribute
- So the current part changes as follows
const current = computed(() => { return defaults.filter((tag) => { return tag.props.title === props.selected; }) [0]; });Copy the code
Make lines that move
Dynamically set the width of the div
- To obtain
Navigation 1
The width of the - Navigation 1 is v-for, so it needs to be referenced in an array
- OnMounted and log show that navKitems. value is all title divs
onMounted({console.log({... navItems.value})})
- Find the div whose class is selected among all divs
- Get the width of the div and assign that width to indicator
Const navItems = ref<HTMLDivElement[]>([]); const navItems = ref<HTMLDivElement[]>([]); const navItems = ref<HTMLDivElement[]>([]); const indicator = ref<HTMLDivElement>(null); onMounted(() => { const divs = navItems.value; const result = divs.filter(div => div.classList.contains('selected'))[0]; const {width} = result.getBoundingClientRect(); indicator.value.style.width = width + 'px'; });Copy the code
Dynamically set indicator position
- Click on heading 1 and a line appears below heading 1
- Click on heading 2 and a line appears below heading 2
- Get the left of the container
- Gets the left of the current heading div
- divLeft-containerLeft
- Add the left above to the Indicator
- Updated (){} onMounted(){
const containerLeft = container.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;
const divLeft = result.getBoundingClientRect().left;
const left = divLeft - containerLeft;
indicator.value.style.left = left + 'px';
Copy the code
- Add the animation of the line below when clicking title 1 and 2 to switch
- Just add indicator in CSS
transition:left 1s
Can be
Code optimization
Optimization 1: Kill navItems and use selectedItem to indicate the selected navigation. 1 navigation 2 If title is selected, selectedItem is the current element
:ref="el => { if (title===selected) selectedItem= el }"
Copy the code
Official website decoration – home page
Add an icon or logo
Search for your favorite icon, add it to your shopping cart, and add it to the project
Copy the JS code and add it to the head of index.html
<script src="//at.alicdn.com/t/font_2745469_w3dsew5ek4k.js"></script>
Copy the code
Click use Help to find the Symbol reference
The following attributes can be removed without affecting the use of SVG. You can directly adjust the width and height of SVG in CSS
Use clip-path to draw an arc
For example,
clip-path: ellipse(80% 60% at 50% 40%);
Copy the code
Decoration document page
Router-lick-active or router-lick-exact-active can be used to highlight the current route in the CSS
- Router-link In li, router-link is filled with Li
- Router-link is also the equivalent of an A tag
- Adjust the position as required
> ol { > li { > a { display: block; } .router-link-active { background: white; }}}Copy the code
Introducing Github’s Markdown style
- The installation
yarn add github-markdown-css
- For details, see Commit
import 'github-markdown-css'
Copy the code
- Add class=’markdown-body’ to the container to be used
Import markdown files directly
You need your own Vite plugin
- Create the plugins directory and create mD. ts in the directory. For details, see Commit
Yarn add --dev marked or NPM i-d markedCopy the code
- Create vite.config.ts in the root directory. For details, see Commit
- Be sure to re
yarn dev
- Create a new markdown directory, create a.md file under it, and you can start using it
Optimizing duplicate code
Intro. Vue | Start. Vue | the vue component only import path is different, other are the same, to find a way to dynamic reference path, see the specific code optimization markdown commit
Show the source code
Use Custom Blocks of vue-loader
Highlight source code
Use PrismJS and V-HTML
- yarn add prismjs
- Introduced in components where the source code needs to be displayed
import 'prismjs';
import 'prismjs/themes/prism.css';
Copy the code
- Change the corresponding part of the template to the following form
<div class="demo-code">
<pre class="language-html" v-html="Prism.highlight(Switch2Demo.__sourceCode, Prism.languages.html, 'html')" />
Copy the code
Post website
Yarn Build Set the build path
- If you have dist, delete it, not just ignore it
- Add dist to.ignore if you already have the ignore step
- yarn build
- npm i -g http-server
- Hs Dist – C-1 preview the web page and confirm that the web page can be opened normally
Now is the normal deployment
- CD dist Go to the dist directory
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m ‘first commit’
- Execute the code provided by the Github repository in turn
- Github Pages in the repository
Page 404 found, error reported as follows
If you add the repository address, you can open it. You can’t open it because of _assets
Solution Set the build path
- Add the following code to viet.config. ts
Copy the code
- cd .. (Because you cannot do YARN Build in the dist directory) you must go back to the project directory YARN Build
- yarn build
- cd dist
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m ‘first commit’
- git branch -M master
- Git remote add origin Git remote add origin
- git push -f -u origin master
Show or hide code
Rollup -c compiles the library file
- Create lib/index.ts and export everything you need to export
The root
Create rollup.config.js in rollup directory (tell rollup how to package)- yarn global add rollup
- run
rollup -c
Rollup is installed globally yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-esbuild rollup-plugin-vue rollup-plugin-scss sass rollup-plugin-terser
Publish the dist/lib directory
In fact, it is uploaded to the NPM server
- Add files and main to package.json
- First determine the current is the official source or Taobao source, must ensure that the official source, rather than Taobao source
- NPM config get registry gets the official source as shown below
- If it is taobao source, run this line first
npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
npm publish
An error,- npmjs.com
- In the end
npm login
Some caveats
- name
- The name of the package must be lowercase and can be concatenated with – or _. The name of the package must not be the same as an existing name on NPM
- version
- The version of each publish cannot be the same as that of the last one, so from the second time, you must change version before publishing
Simulate others using their own components
A key deployment
- Write the deployment command in deploy.sh
- And then the terminal runs
sh deploy.sh
You can execute all the commands written by the file &&
Ensure that the previous sentence is successfully executed before the next sentence can be executed- Add the url of the first deployment to the end, so that the url link will appear on the terminal every time you update it, and you don’t need to open it in Github
- There will be a delay in page changes, so be patient and see the changes
rm -rf dist &&
yarn build &&
cd dist &&
git init &&
git add . &&
git commit -m 'update' &&
git branch -M master
git remote add origin git@github.com:wbs99/good-ui-website.git
git push -f -u origin master &&
cd ..
echo https://wbs99.github.io/good-ui-website/index.html#/
Copy the code
Some error
Module not foundXXX.vue
- A reason for
- TypeScript only understands.ts files, not.vue files
- Solution 1
- Vue 3 can not find module
- Create xxx.d. TS and tell TS what to make of the.vue file
- Solution 2
- project
The root directory
Under the new tsconfig. Ts
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"module": "esnext",
"strict": false,
"jsx": "preserve",
"moduleResolution": "node"
Copy the code
cannot find module ‘sass’ from …
Install SASS on the terminal
Yarn add sass // Or yarn add -d sassCopy the code
The following error occurs after sASS installation
Add “Sass” to “devDependencies”
yarn stall