Vue project – Image lazy loading

Image lazy loading principle: when the image enters the viewable area, then the image address is assigned to the IMG SRC attribute requirements: when the image enters the viewable area to load the image, and handle the loading failure

Listen for pictures entering the viewable area

  • nativeWebAPI:IntersectionObserver
  • The basic use
// Create the observed object instance
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback[, options])

const obs = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) = > {
    // entries = [{isIntersecting: true}]
}, {})

// Callback is triggered when the DOM enters and leaves the viewable area
// - Two callback parameters entries, observer
// - entries Array of observed element information objects [{element information},{}], where isIntersecting determines whether to enter or leave
// - observer is an example of an observation
// options Configures parameters
// - Three configuration attributes root rootMargin threshold
// - root Indicates the scrolling container. The default is document
// -rootMargin Indicates whether the container has a margin
// - threshold Indicates the crossover ratio

The instance provides two methods
// Observe (dom) Observe which DOM
// unobserve(dom) stop looking at that DOM
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Function implementation

  • To facilitate the use of all images in your project, encapsulate them as custom instructions (Vue3.0)
// src/components/index.js

import defaultImg from '@/assets/images/001.jpg'

export default {
  install(app) {
    app.directive('lazyload', {
      mounted(el, bindings) {
        // El-dom element, bindings - directive value
        const observer = new IntersectionObserver(([{ isIntersecting }]) = > {
          if(isIntersecting) {
            // indicates that the bound DOM is in the viewable area
            el.src = bindings.value
            // Display the default image when the image load error occurs
            el.onerror = () = > {
              el.src = defaultImg
        }, {
          threshold: 0
        / / to monitor the dom
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// main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import directUI from '@/components/index.js'


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  • Use in components
<img v-lazyload Alt ="" /> </template>Copy the code