
Two days ago, I shared a Vue3.0 mobile popbox component. Today, I shared a newly developed _Vue3 desktop _PC modal box component, V3Layer. Supports maximize, custom drag and drop, zoom, and full screen. Vue3.0 lightweight mobile shell component V3Popup

As shown above: drag-and-drop, zoom, maximize, and restore window location memory.

The V3Layer is the _Vue3.0 version of the previous vlayer, with the same functionality and effects, and the same height.

The introduction of the component

Import {createApp} from 'vue' import App from './ app.vue 'const App = createApp(App) // import {createApp} from 'vue' import App from' Import ElementPlus from 'ElementPlus' import' ElementPlus /lib/theme-chalk/index.css' // introduce the v3Layer component import Vue3Layer from './components/v3layer' app.use(ElementPlus) app.use(Vue3Layer) app.mount('#app')Copy the code

_v3Layer_ Continues to support both tag and functional calls.


<div style='color:#f57b16; padding:30px; '> here is the content information! </div>" z-index="1011" lockScroll="false" xclose resize dragOut: BTNS ="[{text: 'cancel ', click: () => showDialog=false}, {text: 'confirm ', style: 'color:#f90 ', click: HandleSure},]" > <template v-slot:content> </template> </v3-layer>Copy the code


Let $el = v3Layer ({title: 'contents ', content:' contents') ', shadeClose: false, zIndex: 1011, lockScroll: false, xclose: true, resize: true, dragOut: true, btns: [ {text: 'cancel', click: () = > {$el. The close ()}}, {text: 'confirmed', click: () = > handleSure},]});Copy the code

You can choose the appropriate invocation method based on your project requirements.

Note: * * * * is when the pop-up message | notification | popover

v3layer.message({... }) v3layer.notify({... }) v3layer.popover({... })Copy the code

Since the Prototype chain notation is no longer supported in Vue3.0, global functions cannot be mounted this way.

But vue3 provides two global mount method: app. Config. GlobalProperties and app. Dojo.provide

For detailed introduction, you can refer to the V3 documentation on vue.js website.……

The specific use of VUe2 and VUe3 is a little different, check out a previous history article.

Coding to build

V3layer parameters

Support **30+** mixed configuration of the following parameters to achieve cool shell effect.

| | props parameters v - whether model shows unique title headings play box id window play content content support (String, the label content, custom slots) * * * if the content of the content is more complex, It is recommended to use tabbed writing type box types (toast | footer | actionsheet | actionsheetPicker | android | ios | contextmenu | the drawer | iframe) layerStyle custom window style Icon toast icon (loading | success | fail) if shade display mask layer shadeClose if you click on the mask when close the pop-up window lockScroll will pop-up window appears when the body scroll lock opacity mask layer transparency Whether xclose showed close icon xposition close icon position (left) | top | | right bottom xcolor close icon color anim popup animation (scaleIn | fadeIn | footer | FadeInUp | fadeInDown | fadeInLeft | fadeInRight) position pop-up position (auto | [' 100 px ', '50 px] | t | r | b | l | lt | rt | lb | Rb) the drawer drawers popup window (top | | | right bottom left) follow follow elements positioning popup window (support element. Kk # kk or [e.c. with our fabrication: lientX, (1, 2, 3) zIndex popup stack (default 8080) teleport Specifies the mount node (default is the mount component label position, Can teleport custom mount location) teleport = "body. | | # XXX XXX" topmost set-top current window (the default false) area to play high window width (default auto) set the width of the area: Area :['350px', '150px'] maxWidth Maximum popover width (only if area:'auto') MaxWidth whether the setting is valid) maximize shows that maximize button (false) by default fullscreen full screen window pops (default false) fixed pop-up whether fixed drag drag elements (drag can define a selector: 'XXX' | Disable drag drag:false) dragOut Whether drag is allowed outside the window (default :false) lockAxis Limits drag direction Optional: V vertical, h horizontal, default does not limit resize whether stretch size is allowed (default false) BTNS popup button (parameter: Text | style | disabled | click) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | emit events trigger | success callback after the pop-up layer (@ success = "XXX") to the end Layer destruction after the callback (@ end = "XXX") + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | | event event onSuccess layer open callback event onEnd closed callback eventCopy the code

V3layer template and core logic

    <div ref="elRef" v-show="opened" class="vui__layer" :class="{'vui__layer-closed': closeCls}" :id="id">
        <!-- //蒙版 -->
        <div v-if="JSON.parse(shade)" class="vlayer__overlay" @click="shadeClicked" :style="{opacity}"></div>
        <div class="vlayer__wrap" :class="['anim-'+anim, type&&'popui__'+type, tipArrow]" :style="[layerStyle]">
            <div v-if="title" class="vlayer__wrap-tit" v-html="title"></div>
            <div v-if="type=='toast'&&icon" class="vlayer__toast-icon" :class="['vlayer__toast-'+icon]" v-html="toastIcon[icon]"></div>
            <div class="vlayer__wrap-cntbox">
                <!-- 判断插槽是否存在 -->
                <template v-if="$slots.content">
                    <div class="vlayer__wrap-cnt"><slot name="content" /></div>
                <template v-else>
                    <template v-if="content">
                        <iframe v-if="type=='iframe'" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" :src="content"></iframe>
                        <!-- message|notify|popover -->
                        <div v-else-if="type=='message' || type=='notify' || type=='popover'" class="vlayer__wrap-cnt">
                            <i v-if="icon" class="vlayer-msg__icon" :class="icon" v-html="messageIcon[icon]"></i>
                            <div class="vlayer-msg__group"><div v-if="title" class="vlayer-msg__title" v-html="title"></div><div v-html="content"></div></div>
                        <div v-else class="vlayer__wrap-cnt" v-html="content"></div>
                <slot />
            <div v-if="btns" class="vlayer__wrap-btns">
                <span v-for="(btn,index) in btns" :key="index" class="btn" :style="" @click="btnClicked($event,index)" v-html="btn.text"></span>
            <span v-if="xclose" class="vlayer__xclose" :class="!maximize&&xposition" :style="{'color': xcolor}" @click="close"></span>
            <span v-if="maximize" class="vlayer__maximize" @click="maximizeClicked($event)"></span>
            <span v-if="resize" class="vlayer__resize"></span>
        <!-- 优化拖拽卡顿 -->
        <div class="vlayer__dragfix"></div>

 * @Desc     Vue3自定义弹窗组件V3Layer
 * @Time     andy by 2021-1
 * @About    Q:282310962  wx:xy190310
    import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref, reactive, watch, toRefs, nextTick } from 'vue'
    import domUtils from './utils/dom.js'
    // 索引,蒙层控制,定时器
    let $index = 0, $locknum = 0, $timer = {}, $closeTimer = null
    export default {
        props: {
            // ...
        emits: [
        setup(props, context) {
            const elRef = ref(null);

            const data = reactive({
                opened: false,
                closeCls: '',
                toastIcon: {
                    // ...
                messageIcon: {
                    // ...
                vlayerOpts: {},
                tipArrow: null,

            onMounted(() => {
                if(props.modelValue) {
                window.addEventListener('resize', autopos, false);

            onUnmounted(() => {
                window.removeEventListener('resize', autopos, false);

            // 监听弹层v-model
            watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => {
                // console.log('V3Layer is now [%s]', val ? 'show' : 'hide')
                if(val) {
                }else {

            // 打开弹窗
            const open = () => {
                if(data.opened) return;
                data.opened = true;
                typeof props.onSuccess === 'function' && props.onSuccess();

                const dom = elRef.value;
                // 弹层挂载位置
                if(props.teleport) {
                    nextTick(() => {
                        let teleportNode = document.querySelector(props.teleport);



            // 关闭弹窗
            const close = () => {
                if(!data.opened) return;

                let dom = elRef.value;
                let vlayero = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap');
                let ocnt = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap-cntbox');
                let omax = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__maximize');

                data.closeCls = true;
                $closeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                    data.opened = false;
                    data.closeCls = false;
                    if(data.vlayerOpts.lockScroll) {
                        if(!$locknum) {
                   = '';
                    if(props.time) {
                    // 清除弹窗样式
           = = = = '';
           = '';
                    omax && omax.classList.contains('maximized') && omax.classList.remove('maximized');
                    data.vlayerOpts.isBodyOverflow && ( = '');

                    context.emit('update:modelValue', false);
                    typeof props.onEnd === 'function' && props.onEnd();
                }, 200)

            // 弹窗位置
            const auto = () => {
                // ...


                // 全屏弹窗
                if(props.fullscreen) {

                // 弹窗拖动|缩放

            const autopos = () => {
                if(!data.opened) return;
                let oL, oT
                let pos = props.position;
                let isFixed = JSON.parse(props.fixed);
                let dom = elRef.value;
                let vlayero = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap');

                if(!isFixed || props.follow) {
           = 'absolute';
                let area = [domUtils.client('width'), domUtils.client('height'), vlayero.offsetWidth, vlayero.offsetHeight]
                oL = (area[0] - area[2]) / 2;
                oT = (area[1] - area[3]) / 2;

                if(props.follow) {
                }else {
                    typeof pos === 'object' ? (
                        oL = parseFloat(pos[0]) || 0, oT = parseFloat(pos[1]) || 0
                    ) : (
                        pos == 't' ? oT = 0 : 
                        pos == 'r' ? oL = area[0] - area[2] : 
                        pos == 'b' ? oT = area[1] - area[3] : 
                        pos == 'l' ? oL = 0 : 
                        pos == 'lt' ? (oL = 0, oT = 0) : 
                        pos == 'rt' ? (oL = area[0] - area[2], oT = 0) : 
                        pos == 'lb' ? (oL = 0, oT = area[1] - area[3]) :
                        pos == 'rb' ? (oL = area[0] - area[2], oT = area[1] - area[3]) : 

           = parseFloat(isFixed ? oL : domUtils.scroll('left') + oL) + 'px';
           = parseFloat(isFixed ? oT : domUtils.scroll('top') + oT) + 'px';

            // 元素跟随定位
            const offset = () => {
                let oW, oH, pS
                let dom = elRef.value
                let vlayero = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap');

                oW = vlayero.offsetWidth;
                oH = vlayero.offsetHeight;
                pS = domUtils.getFollowRect(props.follow, oW, oH);
                data.tipArrow = pS[2];
       = pS[0] + 'px';
       = pS[1] + 'px';

            // 最大化弹窗
            const full = () => {
                // ...

            // 恢复弹窗
            const restore = () => {
                let dom = elRef.value;
                let vlayero = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap');
                let otit = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap-tit');
                let ocnt = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap-cntbox');
                let obtn = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__wrap-btns');
                let omax = dom.querySelector('.vlayer__maximize');

                let t = otit ? otit.offsetHeight : 0
                let b = obtn ? obtn.offsetHeight : 0

                if(!data.vlayerOpts.lockScroll) {
                    data.vlayerOpts.isBodyOverflow = false;
           = '';
                props.maximize && omax.classList.remove('maximized')
       = parseFloat(data.vlayerOpts.rect[0]) + 'px';
       = parseFloat(data.vlayerOpts.rect[1]) + 'px';
       = parseFloat(data.vlayerOpts.rect[2]) + 'px';
       = parseFloat(data.vlayerOpts.rect[3]) + 'px';

            // 拖动|缩放弹窗
            const move = () => {
                // ...

            // 事件处理
            const callback = () => {
                // 倒计时关闭
                if(props.time) {
                    // 防止重复点击
                    if($timer[$index] !== null) clearTimeout($timer[$index])
                    $timer[$index] = setTimeout(() => {
                    }, parseInt(props.time) * 1000)

            // 点击最大化按钮
            const maximizeClicked = (e) => {
                let o =
                if(o.classList.contains('maximized')) {
                    // 恢复
                } else {
                    // 最大化
            // 点击遮罩层
            const shadeClicked = () => {
                if(JSON.parse(props.shadeClose)) {
            // 按钮事件
            const btnClicked = (e, index) => {
                let btn = props.btns[index]
                if(!btn.disabled) {
                    typeof === 'function' &&
            return {
Copy the code

As shown above: Support for custom pop-up positions or coordinates. Contextmenu and iframe popovers are also supported.

The layer.js popup box is similar to the famous layer.js popup box in the industry.

Ok, that’s all for today. Some Vue3 components and field projects will be shared later. Thanks for reading! ✍

Nuxt + vue chat App instance | nuxt imitation WeChat

❤ ️ epilogue

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