Introduction to the

This article is a summary of the author’s qunar course through studying MOOC Vue 2.5. As the next talent, may have a lot of deficiencies, welcome to correct.

A click event 300ms delay occurs on ios on mobile terminal.

1.1 FastClick plugin introduced

​ npm install fastclick –save

1.2 Import and use the main.js file

import fastClick from 'fastclick'

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Use of stylus (expressive, dynamic, robust CSS)

2.1 the use of

<style lang="stylus" scoped>
	@import '~styles/varibles.styl'
	  position relative
        position absolute
        background $bgColor
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2.2 analytical

  • Control the relationship between upper and lower levels by indentation
  • Global variables are introduced with @import, called with $bgColor
  • Lang =”stylus” indicates stylus, scoped specifies to be used only in the current file
  • Stylus learning url

Three, iconfont icon use

3.1 Create icon project and add files to the development project

  • Add your favorite icon to your shopping cart, then add it to your project, and download it locally

  • Decompress the compressed file and import the following four files in the SRC /assets/styles/ folder

    Eot, iconfont. SVG, iconfont. TTF, iconfont

  • Import iconfont. CSS in SRC /assets/ and change the URL to a local path

  • Import ‘styles/iconfont. CSS ‘in main.js

3.2 Use in code

<span class="iconfont">&#xe632;</span>
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4. The meaning of @

4.1 pay attention to

@ indicates the path where SRC is located by default. You need to add ~@ in

4.2 example

import Home from '@/pages/home/Home'

<style lang="stylus" scoped>
  @import '~styles/varibles.styl'
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4.3 develop

@resolve: {extensions: ['.js', '.vue', '.json'], alias: {'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js', '@': resolve('src'), 'styles': resolve('src/assets/styles'), 'common': resolve('src/common'), } }Copy the code

Vue -awesome-swiper

5.1 introduced

NPM install --save [email protected] import VueAwesomeSwiper from 'vue-awe-swiper'  import "swiper/dist/css/swiper.css" Vue.use(VueAwesomeSwiper)Copy the code

5.2 the use of

  <div class="wrapper">
    <swiper ref="mySwiper" :options="swiperOption" v-if="showSwiper">
      <swiper-slide v-for="item of list" :key="">
        <img class="swiper-image" :src="item.imgUrl" />
      <div class="swiper-pagination" slot="pagination"></div>

export default {
  name: 'HomeSwiper'.props: {
    list: Array
  data () {
    return {
      swiperOption: {
        pagination: '.swiper-pagination'.loop: true.// The following two elements are the parent element and swiper is refreshed automatically when DOM changes
        observeParents: true}}},computed: {
    showSwiper () {
      return this.list.length
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5.3 Page load jitter Occurs

  • 5.3.1 Analysis of causes

    Due to network latency, and the image loading is slow, resulting in the image compression height

  • 5.3.2 Set fixed aspect ratio

    // If the height is set to 0, the padding-bottom will be set to the width
    <style lang="stylus" scoped>
          overflow hidden
          width 100%
          height 0
          padding-bottom 31.25%
    Copy the code
  • 5.3.3 expand

    Parent display:flex layout, child flex:1; Min-width :0, indicates the remaining width of the adaptive parent element and does not exceed the width of the parent element

Implementation of AxiOS cross-platform request (Ajax)

6.1 Downloading plug-ins

npm install axios --save
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6.2 the use of

import axios from 'axios'
axios.get('/api/index.json', {
  params: {
    id: 1
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
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6.3 User-defined Path forwarding

// config/index.js changes the configuration to route/API to /static/mock
proxyTable: {
 '/api': {
  	target: ''.pathRewrite: {
    	'^/api': '/static/mock'}}}Copy the code

6.4 develop

// modify package.json to add --host so that access is IP, default is not IP access "scripts": {"dev": "Webpack - dev - server - the host - the inline - progress - config build/webpack dev. Conf., js", "start" : "npm run dev", "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue src", "build": "node build/build.js" }Copy the code

7, Better Scroll plug-in use

7.1 the use of

  • NPM install better scroll –save
  • Introduce better-scroll: import Bscroll from “better-scroll”
  • Dom: < div ref=”myRef”>
  • Bscroll: this.scroll=new bscroll (this.$refs.div);
  • Bscroll scroll to specify the position of the DOM API, enclosing scroll. ScrollToElement (this. $refs. MyRef)

7.2 pay attention to

  • By default, it blocks touch events. Add click: true to the configuration, otherwise @click will fail on the mobile end
	this.scroll=new Bscroll(this.$refs.wrapper, { mouseWheel: true.tap: true})}Copy the code
  • V – for can lead to this. $refs. MyRef results for arrays, access to a single Dom need to specify the subscript, such as: [0]

Eight, vuex

8.1 Application Scenarios

  • Using Vuex can be tedious and redundant if you don’t plan to develop large, single-page applications. That’s true — if your application is simple, you’d better not use Vuex. A simple Global Event Bus is all you need. But if you need to build a medium to large single-page application, and you’re probably thinking about how best to manage state outside of components, Vuex would be the natural choice

8.2 Downloading plug-ins

  • npm install vuex –save
  • For large applications, we would want to split Vuex related code into modules. Here is an example project structure:
├─ index.html ├─ download.js ├─ API │ ├─ ├─ ├─Extract THE API request├ ─ ─ components │ ├ ─ ─ App. Vue │ └ ─ ─... └ ─ ─ store ├ ─ ─ index. Js# where we assemble modules and export store├ ─ ─ actions. JsRoot level action├ ─ ─ mutations. JsMutation at the root level└ ─ ─ modules ├ ─ ─ cart. Js# Shopping cart module└ ─ ─ products. Js# Product module
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  • Introduced in main.js
import store from "./store"
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: { App },
  template: '<App/>'
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  • use
import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
export default {
  name: 'CityList'.props: {
    hot: Array.cities: Object.letter: String
  computed: {
      currentCity: 'city'  // Get the city assignment in modules to the property currentCity})},methods: {
    handleCityClick (city) {
      This. MIT ('changeCity', city) simplify
      this.$router.push('/')},... mapMutations(['changeCity'])},watch: {
    // Listen for letter changes due to the V-for modifier that causes the array to get all the increment [0] to get the DOM element object
    letter () {
      if (this.letter) {
        const element = this.$refs[this.letter][0]
  mounted () {
    this.scroll = new Bscroll(this.$refs.wrapper, {mouseWheel: true.tap: true}}})Copy the code

9, localStorage localStorage

let defaultCity='chongqing';  
	// Prevent an error when the user turns off the cache
export default new Vuex.Store({
    state:defaultCity,     // The city displayed in the header of the home page is localstorage. city or Chongqing by default
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10. The keep-alive code is optimized to store loaded pages in the cache

10.1 the use of

<! Vue file --> <template> <div id=" App "> <! Keep-alive --> <keep-alive exclude="Detail"> <router-view/> </keep-alive>  </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'App' } </script> <style> </style>Copy the code

10.2 Code determination whether to trigger AXIos to reload data

The value of activated is called when the page is displayed again
activated () {
    // Re-render the page when the city changes
    if (this.lastCity ! = {
    	this.lastCity =
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11. Page hopping

11.1 the router – the link

<! <li></li> </li> </li>
        class="item border-bottom"
        v-for="item of list"
        :to="'/detail/' +"
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11.2 this. $router. Push (‘/’)

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11.3 develop

$ = this.$route.params.idCopy the code

Rolling events

12.1 create

{window.addeventListener ('scroll', this.handlescroll)}Copy the code

12.2 destruction

// The page is hidden or replaced by a new page. Otherwise each page will trigger the scroll event deactivated () {window. The removeEventListener (' scroll ', enclosing handleScroll)}Copy the code

12.3 Go to Another Page with the scroll bar at the top

/ / router/indx. Js file
export default new Router({
  routes: [{path: '/'.name: 'Home'.component: Home
      path: '/city'.name: 'City'.component: City
      path: '/detail/:id'.name: 'Detail'.component: Detail
  // Switch the page to relocate to the top
  scrollBehavior (to, from, savedPosition) {
    return {x: 0.y: 0}}})Copy the code

Xiii. Expansion

13.1 Value Transfer between Parent and Child Components

// Parent > child passes values via properties: parent component: :city="city"Child component: props: {city: String} // Child > parent triggered by an event: child component: this.$emit('change', params) parent component: @change="handleLetterChange"
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13.2 Sibling Component Value Transfer

Sibling 1-> Parent component -> sibling 2Copy the code

13.3 Other Components

Using vuex |localStorage
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13.4 Installing taobao Image

npm install -g cnpm --registry=
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13.5 Vue life cycle diagram