The project address is here:…
Implement objC China cross-platform full stack application with vue. js
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A desktop application that supports Mac, Linux, and Windows
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Web application, supporting desktop browser and mobile browser
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is a mobile App that supports only the Cordova framework and both iOS and Android platforms
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mobile phone native App, planning to use Weex framework, also support iOS and Android platforms
Note: this project is purely personal, please support Meow God (@onevcat) and Objc China.
One. About me
I’m a full-time iOS developer, not a front-end developer. Due to contact with Weex development, thus contact vue.js.
Ii. Why did I write this project?
When I first came up with this idea, a net friend asked me on my blog whether there was a good demo written on the Internet. The Hacker News where I say you capitalized is the best. Later the net friend is, the building Lord can write a? I said no, not yet. Actually, I kept that in mind.
On May 19, GitHub rewrote the macOS and Windows client using Electron. Given the growing popularity of cross-end development in recent years, some companies may need both the Web and the app, as well as iOS and Android. There is even the development of small programs, desktop level applications although few, but with Electron can be developed together. I wanted to have a go myself.
As I got to know vue.js, OF course I didn’t want to stay in the primary level, but wanted to advance, so I suggested that I should practice more and practice more. In order to speed up the pace of progress, their own private projects to find practice.
As for why I chose Objc China, the reason is simple: I am an iOS developer. Objc is pretty much universally known among iOS developers. , meow god is basically known, I personally worship meow god, so I chose Objc China to write.
Because of love… .
Third, why there is no WEEX in cross-end development this time?
This time, after I finished writing the project, I found that the Vue code was directly converted into Weex project, which could not be realized, and many errors were reported. And not all of them can be fixed at once. I believe it’s my posture, not Weex. By the way, Weex released a new version, the next time you have time to Weex version also do an open source.
Okay, let’s get down to business and say the project:
Technology stack and main framework
Vue family bucket: vue2 + vuex + VUE-Router + webpack
Network request: AXIos
database: lowdb
markdown parser: vue-Markdown
Form validation: Vee-validate
Cross-platform framework: Electron
Project construction
Because meow god Objc website is directly return HTML, so want to simulate the network request to return data, you can only build a background, write API to return data.
I use Express to build the background on port 8081, and write a route, the request will be transferred to 8080, when the server will automatically open the background.
Install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run start
# Build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
# Pack Mac apps
npm run build:mac
# Package Linux applications
npm run build:linux
# Pack Windows apps
npm run build:win
# Pack Cordova apps
npm run build:appCopy the code
Cordova is packaged in a slightly more specific way than the desktop. I put a Makefile in my project that I can do from this.
Install the cordova command globally
npm install -g cordova
Enter the following command to generate the APP project directory
cordova create app com.vueobjccn vueobjccn
Go to the app folder
cd app
Add the corresponding platform
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android -
Run the project
cordova run ios
cordova run android
Cordova creates only a shell app. The content of the app is still the web page. There is a WWW folder inside the generated app, which is used to load pages. JavaScript is packaged to create a WWW folder, just replace the WWW folder for Cordova’s platform.
As an added bonus, if you build a large app using Cordova without any native or optimization, the user experience will not be as fast as that of the native app. This time, I tried Cordova app as a package without any optimization. If you are a picky user, you will feel a little less satisfied compared to the near-perfect experience of today’s apps. If you really want to front-end app development, give 2 suggestions, if you use Cordova framework, be sure to optimize as much as possible, performance is not as good as native. For a near-native experience, consider React Native or Weex.
Cross-platform development
JavaScript cross-platform development is packaged as a desktop-level application, primarily using the Electron framework. Install “electron”, “electron builder” and “electron packager” in devDependencies. The rest of the path configuration can be configured in Webpack.
The installation of Cordova can be a bit of a joke about the network. If you’re in a bad place to climb a wall, it’s really painful. For example, when I installed Cordova in a bad environment, I reported various errors. Even if I installed Cordova completely after changing the CNPM, I reported that I could not find the CO file after adding the iOS platform. I felt that CNPM did not install the command completely. When I got home, the wall network was fine and NPM install was installed in a flash. Cordova iOS 4.4.0 template will be installed several times if the error is reported.
You may also encounter the following error:
“Error: Cannot find module ‘config-chain'” when running ‘ionic start’
For this error, try the original command again with sudo.
The final package will be in the folder dist.
Here’s how this three-terminal application works on different platforms:
Let’s show you the Web side
Here’s how it looks on a mobile browser:
The Android platform
The Nexus of 5 x Web
The Nexus Web 6 p
The iOS platform
The iPhone 5 Web
The iPhone 7 Web
The iPhone 7 Plus Web
The Web
Then let’s look at the performance on the Mac:
Finally, take a look at Cordova:
Function Display
Creating a Web page with vue.js is quick.
Look at the convenience of Vuex for managing state. Login status is stored in state and is globally retrieved.
Once the user has not logged in, when clicking to buy an e-book, it will jump to the login page if no user has logged in.
Another point worth mentioning is that, since this is a SPA, all the routes in it are realized by router-link, instead of using the jump of A tag. The effect is that the jump does not require data request, and the jump jumps in seconds. The user experience is really cool.
< p style = “max-width: 100%; clear: both;
It behaves the same whether it’s HTML5 History mode or hash mode, so you don’t have to change anything when you switch routing modes or degrade using Hash mode in IE9.
In HTML5 History mode, router-Link intercepts click events and prevents the browser from reloading the page.
When you use the base option in HTML5 history mode, all to attributes don’t need to be written.
Similarly, once the user logs out, all the user name displays will be logged in, and the shopping cart on the navigationBar will disappear. Vuex is good for managing state.
This is form authentication for email, not too technical.
Here is the shopping cart page, which uses the idea of the MVVM page binding. There are four buttons on the page, and clicking any one of them immediately changes the total price below. The MVVM implementation idea of vue. js is worth learning by iosers.
And then this is Safari on the iPhone, which is pretty fast.
Of all the cross-platform apps, I think the Mac apps have the best experience. It is very satisfying to use.
Last but not least, a mobile app built with the framework of Cordova does not have a good experience. See the picture for details.
Apps for the iPhone
Apps for the iPad

after the completion of the project
Let’s take a look at the element-UI project. It’s really quick to build a project. Pages can be built very quickly. The time saved will allow more attention to be paid to business development.
Everyone is saying that now is the big front-end era, mobile development and front-end integration is inevitable. However, there are still a lot of differences between the development of the two platforms. After experiencing front-end development and iOS development, I still have a lot of feelings. Front-end and iOS have a lot to learn from each other, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. I plan to write a series of articles on these topics. What are the advantages and disadvantages of front-end engineering, componentization, routing, MVVM and iOS, and what can we learn from each other? (Feels like I dug myself a big hole)
Have time to support Weex, put the vue.js into a complete Weex application, become native, performance will not be poor. Cross-platform development should be complete.
️ errata
If you find any puzzle or bug in the project, please submit PR or issue. Please give me more advice
Has ️ thank
If you like this project, welcome Star!
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