Send the request to obtain the permission and store it in localStorage
Create hasPermission. Js v – from – the Permission
import Vue from 'vue';
// Check whether you have permission
// Register a global custom directive 'v-has-permission'
const hasPermission = Vue.directive('hasPermission', {
// When the bound element is inserted into the DOM...
inserted: function (el, binding) {
//getItem retrieves permissions stored locally
let PermissionArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hasPermission'))
// No permission by default
let isExist = false;
//some Checks whether the elements in the array meet the specified criteria
PermissionArr.some(function (permissionItem) {
// Local permission field
let permissionStr =;
// The binding value of the current directive
binding.value.forEach(function (item) {
//startsWith determines whether the string startsWith fixed data
if (permissionStr.startsWith(item)) {
isExist = true}}); });// If no permission is available, remove it
if(! isExist && el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el) } } })export default { hasPermission }
Copy the code
Haspermission-js registration is introduced in main.js
Use the V-HAS directive
<div v-has-permission="[' permission field ']"> I am a button </div>Copy the code