Update the next one quickly, although it’s just a subtotal. But I feel like I’m getting too lazy to write.

I’m going to create my artboard

  // Initialize the canvas
  graph = new Graph({
    container: document.getElementById('orgAndPersonnelContainer'),
    grid: true.width: this.onresizeWidth, // This is a self-defined width
    height: this.onresizeHeight, // This is a self-defined height
    background: {
      color: '#fff'.// Set the canvas background color
    mousewheel: {
      enabled: true.zoomAtMousePosition: true.modifiers: 'ctrl'.minScale: 0.5.maxScale: 3,},panning: { 
      enabled: true.// Enable the drag operation separately
      modifiers: 'shift'.// Hold down Shift to drag
    connecting: {
      router: {
        name: 'manhattan'.args: {
          padding: 1,}},connector: {
        name: 'rounded'.args: {
          radius: 8,}},anchor: 'center'.connectionPoint: 'anchor'.allowBlank: false.snap: {
        radius: 20,},createEdge() {
        return new Shape.Edge({
          attrs: {
            line: {
              stroke: '#A2B1C3'.strokeWidth: 2.targetMarker: {
                name: 'block'.width: 12.height: 8,}}},zIndex: 0,}}),validateConnection({ targetMagnet }) {
        return!!!!! targetMagnet }, },highlighting: {
      magnetAdsorbed: {
        name: 'stroke'.args: {
          attrs: {
            fill: '#5F95FF'.stroke: '#5F95FF',},},},},resizing: true.rotating: true.selecting: {
      enabled: true.rubberband: true.showNodeSelectionBox: true,},snapline: true.keyboard: true.clipboard: true,})Copy the code

Next is drag to enlarge and so on some events, the official example has write, I also directly copy

This is really copy nothing to say QAQ delete button is also in this

Shortcuts and events// copy cut paste
  graph.bindKey(['meta+c'.'ctrl+c'].() = > {
    const cells = graph.getSelectedCells()
    if (cells.length) {
    return false
  graph.bindKey(['meta+x'.'ctrl+x'].() = > {
    const cells = graph.getSelectedCells()
    if (cells.length) {
    return false
  graph.bindKey(['meta+v'.'ctrl+v'].() = > {
    if(! graph.isClipboardEmpty()) {const cells = graph.paste({ offset: 32 })
    return false

  //undo redo
  graph.bindKey(['meta+z'.'ctrl+z'].() = > {
    if (graph.history.canUndo()) {
    return false
  graph.bindKey(['meta+shift+z'.'ctrl+shift+z'].() = > {
    if (graph.history.canRedo()) {
    return false

  // select all
  graph.bindKey(['meta+shift+a'.'ctrl+shift+a'].() = > {
    const nodes = graph.getNodes()
    if (nodes) {

  graph.bindKey('backspace'.() = > {
    const cells = graph.getSelectedCells()
    // console.log(cells.isEdge())
    // if (cells.length) {
    // graph.removeCells(cells)
    // }

  // zoom
  graph.bindKey(['ctrl+1'.'meta+1'].() = > {
    const zoom = graph.zoom()
    if (zoom < 1.5) {
  graph.bindKey(['ctrl+2'.'meta+2'].() = > {
    const zoom = graph.zoom()
    if (zoom > 0.5) {
      graph.zoom(-0.1)}})// Resize the node
  graph.on('node:resized'.({ e, x, y, node, view }) = > {
    this.setClickNode(node) // Here is the way to save a node to a variable

  // Move the node event
  graph.on('node:moved'.({ e, x, y, node, view }) = >{})// Click the background panel
  graph.on('blank:click'.({ e, x, y }) = >{})// Click the node
  graph.on('node:click'.({ e, x, y, node, view }) = >{})// Add side event, here is add line delete event
  graph.on('edge:added'.({ edge, index, options }) = > {
        name: 'button-remove'.// Add delete button
        args: {
          distance: '85%'.attrs: {
            y: -50.width: 20.height: 20}}},/ / {
      // name: 'boundary',
      // args: {
      // distance: 10,
      / /},
      // }])})// Drag the newly added event
  graph.on('node:added'.({ node }) = > {
        name: 'button-remove'.args: {
          distance: '85%'.y: -10.// Delete the position of the button
          x: '100%',}}, {name: 'boundary'.args: {
          // distance: 20,
          padding: 15,}},])Copy the code

There seems to be nothing left to write

Let’s write down the style changes

This. clickNode is the object with the value above

This. ClickNodeTemp points to the node clicked (object assigned to the same heap).

TimeEnd One-time timer

This time the timer

  clickNode: {
    clickNodeContent: ' './ / content
    clickNodeContentSize: ' '.// Font size
    clickNodeBoxSizeWidth: ' '.// Box width
    clickNodeBoxSizeHeight: ' '.// Box height
    clickNodeBgColor: ' '.// Background color
    clickNodeTextColor: ' '.// Text color
    clickNodeBorderColor: ' '.// Border color
    positionx: 0./ / x position
    positiony: 0 / / y position
Copy the code


    @click="addOrSubOrColorClickNodeData('add', 'clickNodeBoxSizeWidth')" 
    @mousedown.native="holdDown('add', 'clickNodeBoxSizeWidth')" 
Copy the code


    // Set the property value
    setClickNode(node) {
      this.clickNodeTemp = node // point to the node
      this.clickNode.clickNodeContent = node.attrs.text.text
      this.clickNode.clickNodeContentSize = node.attrs.text.fontSize
      this.clickNode.clickNodeTextColor = node.attrs.text.fill
      const propTemp = this.clickNodeTemp.getProp() // Get the style information
      this.clickNode.clickNodeBoxSizeWidth = propTemp.size.width
      this.clickNode.clickNodeBoxSizeHeight = propTemp.size.height
      this.clickNode.clickNodeBorderColor = node.attrs.body.stroke
      this.clickNode.clickNodeBgColor = node.attrs.body.fill

      const relativePos = node.position({relative: true}) // Get location information
      this.clickNode.positionx = relativePos.x
      this.clickNode.positiony = relativePos.y
    // Triggered when the mouse is pressed
    holdDown(addOrSubOrColorTemp, data) {
    var i = 0; / / variable I
    this.timeEnd = setTimeout(() = > {
      this.time = setInterval(() = > {  //setInterval can always execute internal functions
        this.addOrSubOrColorClickNodeData(addOrSubOrColorTemp, data);
        i++;  If one second passes, execute i++ once
      }, 200);
    }, 800)

    if (i == 0) {  // If I =0, the event that there is no long press is a click event
      // this.addOrSubOrColorClickNodeData(addOrSubOrColorTemp, data);}},holdUp() {
    clearInterval(this.time); // If the press takes less than 1000 milliseconds to bounce,
    AddOrSubOrColorTemp determines whether to click add or subtract or select a color
    addOrSubOrColorClickNodeData(addOrSubOrColorTemp, data) {
      if (addOrSubOrColorTemp == 'add') {
      } else if (addOrSubOrColorTemp == 'sub') {this.clickNode[data]--
      this.clickNode.positionx = this.clickNode.positionx*1.this.clickNode.positiony = this.clickNode.positiony*1
        if (this.clickNodeTemp.setAttrs) {
        // Use this method to set the color style
            body: { fill: this.clickNode.clickNodeBgColor, stroke: this.clickNode.clickNodeBorderColor },
            label: { 
              fill: this.clickNode.clickNodeTextColor 
            text: {
              text: this.clickNode.clickNodeContent,
              fontSize: this.clickNode.clickNodeContentSize

        if(addOrSubOrColorTemp && addOrSubOrColorTemp ! = ='color') {
          // Use this method to modify the length, width, and position
            size: {
              width: this.clickNode.clickNodeBoxSizeWidth, 
              height: this.clickNode.clickNodeBoxSizeHeight, 
            position: {
              x: this.clickNode.positionx*1.y: this.clickNode.positiony*1}})}}},Copy the code

I almost forgot the most important thing is to transform data

    // Convert the page graphics to JSON
    let preservationDataTemp = graph.toJSON() 
    // To draw the graph json to the page, you need to pay attention to the basic width and height,
    // The grid configuration should not be changed.
Copy the code

Okay, that’s it. It’s boring. But basically direct copy works. One unit