1. Ts parameter type

export default class TabPane extends Vue {  
@Prop({ default: 'CN' }) private type! : string heretype! : string andtype? Is string relative? Dispensable! Must haveCopy the code

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2. Submit form parameters

Eg1: import {Form as ElForm, Input} from'element-ui'The introduction of ElForm (this.$refs.loginForm as ElForm).validate((valid: boolean) => {Copy the code
Eg2: Define variableslet el:any = this.$refs.loginFormel.validate((valid: boolean) => {Copy the code

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3. Index type definition

statusFilter(status: string) { const statusMap: { [ids: string]: string } = { published: 'success', draft: 'info', deleted: 'danger'} ids (Personally not necessary)Copy the code

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