# svg icon
## Attributes and events are passed in for secondary encapsulation. ‘V-on =”$listeners” ‘v-bind=”$attrs”‘ can pass in unrecognized attributes
Vuex Centralized management status
Sidebar state, whether mobile, whether floating header, whether display labels, whether display Settings render different classes according to state
Mobile adaptation
Listen for page size changes to determine if the business is stripped separately for mobile using mixins
Distinguish between internal routes and external links
Dynamic components are equipped with a unique way of writing V-bind, which you have never seen before. You can use different V-bind bindings depending on your needs
<component :is="type" v-bind="linkProps(to)">
<slot />
methods: {
linkProps(to) {
if (this.isExternal) {
return {
href: to,
target: '_blank'.rel: 'noopener'}}return {
to: to
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History label
1. Horizontal scroll bar allows you to scroll with the mouse wheel. 2
Handles horizontal scrollbars
The Scroll Pane component listens for mouse wheel events,
<el-scrollbar ref="scrollContainer" :vertical="false" class="scroll-container" @wheel.native.prevent="handleScroll">
<slot />
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Change the horizontal displacement of the scroll bar
handleScroll(e) {
const eventDelta = e.wheelDelta || -e.deltaY * 40
const $scrollWrapper = this.scrollWrapper
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = $scrollWrapper.scrollLeft + eventDelta / 4
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Right-click menu
Scroll to the specified position
Don’t use jquery dom operation const container = this. The container = this. The container = this. Refs. ScrollContainer. El < br / > constel < br / > const el
constcontainerWidth = $container.offsetWidth
moveToTarget(currentTag) {
const $container = this.$refs.scrollContainer.$el
const $containerWidth = $container.offsetWidth
const $scrollWrapper = this.scrollWrapper
const tagList = this.$parent.$refs.tag
let firstTag = null
let lastTag = null
// find first tag and last tag
if (tagList.length > 0) {
firstTag = tagList[0]
lastTag = tagList[tagList.length - 1]}if (firstTag === currentTag) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = 0
} else if (lastTag === currentTag) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = $scrollWrapper.scrollWidth - $containerWidth
} else {
// find preTag and nextTag
const currentIndex = tagList.findIndex(item= > item === currentTag)
const prevTag = tagList[currentIndex - 1]
const nextTag = tagList[currentIndex + 1]
// the tag's offsetLeft after of nextTag
const afterNextTagOffsetLeft = nextTag.$el.offsetLeft + nextTag.$el.offsetWidth + tagAndTagSpacing
// the tag's offsetLeft before of prevTag
const beforePrevTagOffsetLeft = prevTag.$el.offsetLeft - tagAndTagSpacing
if (afterNextTagOffsetLeft > $scrollWrapper.scrollLeft + $containerWidth) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = afterNextTagOffsetLeft - $containerWidth
} else if (beforePrevTagOffsetLeft < $scrollWrapper.scrollLeft) {
$scrollWrapper.scrollLeft = beforePrevTagOffsetLeft
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Mount to body
insertToBody() {
const elx = this.$refs.rightPanel
// const elx = this.$
const body = document.querySelector('body')
body.insertBefore(elx, body.firstChild)
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Encapsulate the Create method
import Vue from 'vue'
function create(Component, props) {
const vm = new Vue({
render(h) {
return h(Component, {props})
const comp = vm.$children[0];
comp.remove = () = > {
return comp;
export default create;
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Click on the mask layer to close the script
Closest judge if the closest area is part of the mask
closeSidebar(evt) {
const parent = evt.target.closest('.rightPanel')
if(! parent) {this.show = false
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Route switchover transition animation
<section class="app-main">
<transition name="fade-transform" mode="out-in">
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<router-view :key="key" />
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/* fade-transform */
.fade-transform-leave-active..fade-transform-enter-active {
transition: all .5s;
.fade-transform-enter {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateX(-30px);
.fade-transform-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateX(30px);
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Page progress bar
import NProgress from 'nprogress'; // progress bar
import 'nprogress/nprogress.css'; // progress bar style
NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }); // NProgress Configuration
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) = > {
// token start
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Button level permissions
Custom instruction V-permission
Logic: Pass in the permission of the button, obtain the permission of the current user, determine whether the user permission is in the button permission, if not, remove the DOM of the button.
Placed at the top
Smooth scrolling
The source code is not easy to understand, and using Interval, I optimized it myself, using the animation frame smooth top way
backToTop() {
if (this.isMoving) return
const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset
if (scrollTop > this.backPosition) {
window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop - scrollTop / 20)}}Copy the code
SVG icon library
- Globally register the SVG diagram component
- Automatically import SVG resources
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Dynamically loading scripts
Markdown editor
Tui-editor plug-in configuration items are managed separately with JS
Listen for scrolling, using the getBoundingClientRect() API to get the size of the element and its position relative to the viewport. When the height is less than the passed stickyTop, set the element’s position to fixed.
handleScroll() {
const width = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().width
this.width = width || 'auto'
const offsetTop = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().top
if (offsetTop < this.stickyTop) {
sticky() {
if (this.active) {
this.position = 'fixed'
this.active = true
this.width = this.width + 'px'
this.isSticky = true
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Button wave effect
When clicking on an element, the V-waves command creates a circular absolute span in the element, depending on the width of the clicked element and the position of the mouse click, plus animations for opacity and scale. Note: listen and unbind for the click event
.if(! el[context]) { el[context] = {removeHandle: handle
} else {
el[context].removeHandle = handle
return handle
export default {
bind(el, binding) {
el.addEventListener('click', handleClick(el, binding), false)},update(el, binding) {
el.removeEventListener('click', el[context].removeHandle, false)
el.addEventListener('click', handleClick(el, binding), false)},unbind(el) {
el.removeEventListener('click', el[context].removeHandle, false)
el[context] = null
delete el[context]
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The chart
resize mixin
Put the listening handling of viewport REsize in the mixin, taking note of the unbinding of resize events
Filter writing
<el-table-column label="Status" class-name="status-col" width="100">
<template slot-scope="{row}">
<el-tag :type="row.status | statusFilter">
{{ row.status }}
filters: {
statusFilter(status) {
const statusMap = {
published: 'success'.draft: 'info'.deleted: 'danger'
return statusMap[status]
typeFilter(type) {
return calendarTypeKeyValue[type]
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