Create the theme switch color library file

1. Declare the variables default-theme and default-theme and default-theme and deepblue-theme. I only need two themes here.

$deepBlue-theme:(header-top-bgcolor:#006272,table-word:#Awesome!,); The theme declares the header background color, as well as the text color variableCopy the code

2. Initialize the method for invocation

$themes: (default-theme: $default-theme,
  deepBlue-theme: $deepBlue-theme);
// Traverse the theme map to get the HTML data-theme value
@mixin themeify {

  @each $theme-name,
  $theme-map in $themes {
    / /! Global promotes a local variable to a global variable
    $theme-map: $theme-map !global;
    #{} is a sass interpolation
    // the parent container in the &sass nesting identifies @Content as a mixer slot, like vue slot
    [data-theme='#{$theme-name}'] & { @content; }}}// declare a function that gets a color based on key
// Use the HTML data-theme value and the key passed by the caller to get the corresponding color in _themes. SCSS
@function themed($key) {@return map-get($theme-map, $key);

// Get the table font size
@mixin eltable_size($size) {
  @include themeify {
    font-size: themed($size) !important;

// Get the background color
@mixin background_color($color) {
  @include themeify {
    background-color: themed($color) !important;

// Get the font color
@mixin font_color($color) {
  @include themeify {
    color: themed($color) !important;

// Get the border color
@mixin border_color($color) {
  @include themeify {
    border: themed($color) !important;
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3. Click the event initializer to change the theme

    // Switch theme store to cache and store, convenient for different interfaces to listen to switch theme.
changeTheme() {
  let theme = localStorage.getItem("znyd1-theme");
    if(! theme || theme ==="default-theme") {
      } else if(! theme || theme ==="deepBlue-theme") {
        localStorage.setItem("my-theme"."default-theme"); }},Copy the code

4. Initialize The page. If the default theme is not initialized, the page is white or other colors.

if (localStorage.getItem('my-theme') = ="default-theme") {
} else if (localStorage.getItem('my-theme') = ="deepBlue-theme") {
} else {
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5. Interface or initialize style sheet index.scSS call

@import "@/styles/element-my.scss";
@include background_color("header-top-bgcolor");
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Private reasons, partial effect display